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A Dawning Realization (part 3)

Posted on Thu May 23rd, 2013 @ 3:40pm by Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Buck Ducati & Chief Petty Officer Richard Meagher [Folami] & Lieutenant JG Ademi Peterson [Lane] & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]
Edited on on Fri May 24th, 2013 @ 2:24pm

1,266 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: In and Around Starabase Typhon



Leo extracted the tricorder and looked at its readings and an identical expression appeared on his face. "How?" He whispered, "We should get back to ops," he ordered but before they could make a move for the tube opening several of the people were now surrounding them and cut off their escape. "Oh no." Leo simply said and pulled out his phaser, he fired at the closest and that individual went down.

Leo's companions shot one each as well but when Leo tried another one a Borg shield appeared just in time to protect the person. "Not good," he said, ~ So much for encouraging my officers, ~ he thought as it seemed hopelessness consumed the chief of security.


[Prison Ship]

"I agree, let's get away from here. Even if we can't get out, not here would be good." Cressidia said, pulling herself off the ground and moving to the working console. "Let's go toward where the explosion went, see if we damaged anything, or if there's a way out." She entered her course, and the ship began to move in that direction. Slowly.

Otto moved over to the tactical console. "Way out would be good." he said with a smile. "Though now they know we're the dangerous sort to let loose on their interior."

"Who knows what's happening on Typhon," Cressidia started, wishing the ship would move a bit faster. "They could be dead by now for all we know. A way out would definetly be good."


"Internal sensors are back online." One of the engineers said as he came onto the bridge.

"Brilliant, just what we needed. Comms too?" Ademi said, walking over to view the lifesigns that were now registering on her console.

"Not yet sorry." He turned. "We're severely low on staff... I've got to go work on that."

From her console on the bridge, Ademi watched as the strange life signs moved about. And she watched the officers that had went down there be surrounded by them. This is not good. We're losing all our top officers. She went over to the operations officer that had been put in charge. "It looks like they've been surrounded, I'm willing to be the different life signs are not friendly." She pressed her comm badge to call the transport to pull them out, but nothing happened. Right, comms are still down. "I'm heading to Transporter Room 1. We should pull them out of there, before we lose them too." And with that, she left.

[Transporter Room 1]

Rick sat tense on the edge of his seat in Transporter Room 1, every sense alert and every nerve on fire. He hadn't necessarily been ordered to remain at his post, but he hadn't been told otherwise, either. Normally he would have taken the initiative and gotten his pointy nethers out of there, but this wasn't normal. Also the loss of shipwide communications deeply unsettled him and he found himself out of his depth. The best alternative therefore was to remain in place. This room was his castle, after all.
He scanned the room again, his eyes moving over every detail. As his gaze left the door, it suddenly burst open. Rick yelped and leaped off his chair.

"Pull up lifesigns. We need to get a team out of the engineering section asap, we think they've been surrounded by hostiles." Ademi said as she came running in, moving over to his panel so she could see behind him. "Hurry, this is important."

Rick did as she asked. He couldn't really refuse. "Uhh, what's happening out there? We lost comm and, uh..." The screen flashed to life and life signs erupted on it like a rash. "Bloody hell," said Rick. "What are all those other signs?"

"We don't know for sure, but those ones," she pointed out the normal, human lifesigns, "are our people. And they've just been surrounded. We need you to beam them out quick, and you'd better get them right."

Rick ignored the jab at his competence and engaged the beaming process. An unsettling thud came distantly from down the corridor, and he jumped, but didn't falter. He locked on to six human life signs and linked their coordinates to those of the transport platforms. He completed the sequence, frowning.

"What are you waiting for, we need to get them out of there." Ademi said, knowing that time was of the essence. Sometimes she hated those hesitant officers, and now was one of those times.

"Keep your pants on," muttered Rick. "There's only room for six at a time and you know what happens if you rush energizing." He had never yet lost a passenger or spliced one, and was not planning on it in this or any galaxy.

"Alright, just get them here in one piece, as soon as you can." Ademi was admittedly frustrated. This was not a time for jokes, though she supposed it wasn't good to rush either.

"Shhh," said Rick. Six crewmembers materialized fully, breathless on the platforms, and cleared the deck as Rick, barely looking up, began a new sequence and locked on to six more human life signs.

Ademi did a quick scan of the faces, but she didn't see the one she was really looking for. Rayon. She ushered the group of officers onto one side of the room, thinking it would be best to get them checked out before they mixed with the rest of the crew, just to be on the safe side.

Rick completed another sequence and six more crewmembers began taking form on the platform. He scanned the screen for further human life signs.

Ademi looked at the screen that Rick had up, and watched as the last two lifesigns began to change, looking more like the others by the moment. She shook her head and looked up at the last group that had made it.

In the confusion Leo didn't realise that one of them had touched him when they outflanked the security team. They got away and set up a new defensive location with a wall behind them.

The security officers were somewhat in shock at who they were fighting. Their own people but, and this was the only explanation, had somehow assimilated yet differently.

It was unnerving to say the least. When Leo felt the transporter beam catch him and let out a sigh of relief, he continued to watch his former crewmates return to what they were doing before his team interrupted them.

Materalising on the transporter platform with a defeated aura about him Leo looked around at his team to see any signs that they hadn't been infected. He saw none though since many of those they were fighting didn't have any noticeable Borg features it continued to worry him.

The secondary thought that he was infected crossed his mind and quickly began replaying the encounter in his memory for any time one of them touched him. He was in this state for a few moments before Lieutenant Peterson rushed over to him.

"It looked like you needed some saving, tell me, was I right about that?" Ademi asked, first off. They could get details of what was down there later, but she had to know if her risk of appearing jumpy had paid off, or if she had just made an idiot of herself.


Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieudenant JG Ademi Peterson
Tactical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Chief Petty Officer Rick Meagher
Transport Specialist
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Leonardo Rayon
Chief Security Officer
Starbase Typhon

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
Starbase Typhon


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