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A Blast from the Past

Posted on Sun May 25th, 2014 @ 8:14am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Krang Darkmoon

637 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Darkmoon's Office


Raven read the report on Krang Darkmoon returning to Typhon. She'd been on the station when he first arrived, and when he left. But, from the report she read, the Darkmoon who served as XO and then Commander was NOT the Darkmoon who initially served as Chief of Security, nor the one who wasn't now "back."

As she was not one to rely on reports alone, Raven made her way to his office and rang the door chime.

"Come in." Krang said in response to the door chime. The monitor on his desk showed it to be Commander Adams.

As the door slid open Krang stood. "What can I do for you Commander?"

"Hello," Raven said as she walked into his office. "I read about your return. What happened to the other Darkmoon?" she asked.

"I have no idea. The only way I was even aware there was another 'me' was when the computer registered the temporal distortion in my cabin this morning. I have no memory of him, his actions, or where and when I might have been during that time." Krang answered, hating to admit not knowing something important.

"Interesting." She handed him a PADD. "Here's a report of everything that happened on Typhon since your...departure. Most of it involves the other Darkmoon. I have no idea where he went, or where you were, either," she admitted.

Krang took the offered PADD with a nod of thanks. "I'm sure it will be interesting reading. If you're interested, I have a record of the rea

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I would," Raven said. "Any information will be helpful. I don't know if we'll ever find out what really happened, but I'd still like as much data as I can."

Krang nodded and handed over a PaDD. "This is the readings that were recorded. I've tried to read it, but I can't make heads or tails of it. I would appreciate any insight you might be able to offer."

Raven looked through the data, then put the PADD in her pocket for later analysis. "I have equipment in my office that might help with this. Unfortunately, much of the temporal analysis devices are still banned by the Federation."

"Yeah, time travel is problematic even under normal circumstances. This sort of dimensional hop would lead to a type of study that might 'ruffle quite a few feathers' to use an old human expression.

"I won't comment," Raven replied, giving Krang an impish grin. "So, how are you adjusting to losing so much time?"

"It's been a struggle. It would seem that the Krang that occupied this space during my absence made quite an impression and not all of it favorable. I am going to have to find a suitable cover story to use when asked these never ending questions."

"Yes. There was quite a kerfluffle a while back," Raven agreed. "Most of it is long forgotten, but you will always have people on this station who confuse the two of you. Many won't believe there was another Darkmoon."

"I agree that it might be a hard sell for some. Hopefully it will blow over quickly. Is there anything else you need from me currently?"

"No," she said, shaking her head. "Thank you for answering my questions."

"Not a problem. I look forward to working with you in the future." Krang said, standing up and giving a curt nod.

Raven gave Krang a half bow. She slipped the PADD from Krang into her pocket. "I wish you well in your adjustment to the current Typhon. It is never easy to lose a chunk of time." With that she headed back to her office to look over the information on the PADD.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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