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Two Birds of a Feather

Posted on Sat Jun 21st, 2014 @ 12:23pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Kyle Peterson [Lane] & Lady Ebele [Mabrade] & Chief Petty Officer Richard Meagher [Folami]

1,091 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Kindness' Place
Timeline: tbd

[Kindness Place]

The crowd was a constant now; gaining momentium after what had happened to the station and the repairs beginning. "The fact Ebele had a sizable cooktop and as a 'service' she remained open 24 hours a day for the first weeks of repair until things started to return to normal and with her merchant connections she managed to keep her supply lines open.

Latinum was not as valuable as resources and labor to help with her place that she exchanged; barter style' and gave lines of credit; not being a Ferengi she did not have to follow the old Rule ' a friend in need means 3x the cost.

She had a Human side in her heritage and that shone through, now that things were calming she was working more 'Standard' hours of business.

Today she wore a floor length black skirt with white blouse so to be elegant and similar to the Just above the knee and tuxedo shorts of her waitresses. She was being hostess, barkeep when Stacy got busy and just general Owner and all over the place.

The servers all wore teh uniform of a white tuxedo style shirt, black near knee length skirt with soft soled ankle boots and black tights. Ebele thought it gave a feel of elegance to her place and black is always in fashion.

[Transporter room]
Rick slouched out the door, dragging his hand over his face. Another mind-numbing day had taken its toll. He decided to remedy this by poking his head into Kindness Place-- a joint he'd never visited before. He'd heard good things about it, though, and thought that maybe he could give it a bit of an investigation in order to corroborate and recharge.

Kyle was not having a good week. Or rather, he was having a very busy week. Which translates to stressful. With half the station not functioning, he was exhausted. Looking at the business listing for the station, he noticed a new place. Kindness' place. He wanted a drink, and that seemed like as good a place as any.

[Kindness' Place]
Kyle walked into the restaurant and was immediately surprised by the smells. Cooking food, he was certain. He could actually smell it. Perhaps this place would be good for him. He quietly found the bar and sat down.

"Welcome to Kindness Place." The tall human red head said dressed in her tuxedo shirt and black skirt mid knee length with her hair loose but pinned out of the way in a professional manner. "What can I get for you, we have a good stock of the most popular drinks..." She smiled. "and we are known for the quality of 'the real stuff' you might say?"

What to get... it was a good question. Kyle thought for a moment, hoping the waitress wouldn't mind, but could not make a decision. "What are your favorites?" He asked, immediately thinking it sounded dumb.

Ebele came along checking the patron of the bar with a small wine glass half full in her hand to hear the question.

"From Earth we have a fine dark Beer, there is some fresh Blood wine or even some Rigillian Scotch." Stacy smiled. "Better than the earth stuff with a stronger warmth going down, a good choice for those that like to savor?" She smiled. "Lady Ebele, welcome to my establishment." SHe offered as a greeting.

"I'll have some of that fancy Scotch then, it sounds like it comes with recommendations." Kyle said, smiling to the waitress and Lady Ebele.

"Very nice choice." Ebele raised her own wine glass. "We strive to get only the best and that is real for our customers." She winked slightly. "And great chefs because we all know how a good drink can enhance a meal?"

"That's not the only thing that can enhance a meal," said Rick, coming up behind them. "If you know what I mean."
He winked rakishly and ordered a Romulan ale from the waitress.

Kyle looked at his new bar mate, and smiled. "I'm Kyle." He held out his hand, and took a sip of his scotch.

"Rick." He took Kyle's hand and shook it heartily. "And who's our lovely companion?" He asked.

"Good question," he turned to Ebele. "What is your name.?" He took another gulp of his drink, it was almost gone, the single round ice ball sitting lazily on the bottom of the glass.

"I am Lady Ebele." Se offered a hand. "The operator of Kindness Place and thorn to many a Ferengi's sides as a woman running a business." A slight giggle at the thought as she brush the hair around her left ear aside, the human side of her heritage showing in the mane of hair she took pride in her stylish maintenance. "Thank you for the complement; I do try to look the part of graceful hostess." She had the softer Ferngi features that favored her human half more so than the other.

"That must be fun." Kyle smirked, "I've heard that Ferengi men are very strict about their business rules, well, certain ones at least."

"Rule Ninety Four... Females and finance do not mix." Ebele replied quickly. "There are 285 written and about a dozen more implied. As on Earth the General Sun T'Su once said ' Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." She raised a glass. "I am well aware of what Males of my heritage think of me."

"Don't worry about them, I think you're doing a wonderful job running this place." Kyle downed the last of his drink. "Cleanest bar I've been to in a while. Also very good product, I'm sure you must have a wonderful source. Though I don't care where it comes from, really, as long as I can drink it."

"Always the best real drinks on the station." She gave an almost shy grin. "We pride ourselves on the authentic nature of our drinks, Synthale is only upon request." She winked. "ANd we can call for escort to any who might need help getting home...." She giggled a bit. "On Earth the saying was 'can we call you a cab..."

"Might need it when we're done here." Kyle laughed, "Could I get another please?" He resumed laughing after this.

"You can get anything you want at Kindness place, cept'ing Ebele." She winked and waited to get their orders.


Senior Chief Petty Officer Kyle Peterson
Damage Control Specialist
Starbase Typhon

Lady Ebele
Kindness Place Proprietor
Starbase Typhon

Chief Petty Officer Richard Meagher
Transporter Specialist
Starbase Typhon


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