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A low Key Meeting...

Posted on Wed Dec 16th, 2009 @ 5:40am by Commodore Edward Fannin

320 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Yeoman James had brought word of Admiral Stones message. It detailed the arrival of the Admiral and his staff. Stone had really wanted a low key event and wanted to meet Fannin in the ready room with as little fanfare as possible. After a few notifications the arrival was set up to be a very "Non-Event".

Edward was waiting as the civilian clad Trio entered his office. He knew who the Admiral was directly and stepped forward.

"Ed Fannin Sir, Glad to meet you."

Stone grinned, Thank you Captain." Stone grasped Fannins hand firmly. "This is lieutenant Blackmoore and Ensign Dixon of my immediate staff." Edward shook both there hands as well and gestured them to sit and relax.

The Admiral spoke first. "A wonderful station here Fannin. You should be very excited, and overworked. I'll be brief. We have brought the Fleet operational code with us and will be uploading it to your data base. It's know secret we will be working here on Typhon. I hope that won't be a problem for you."

Ed smiled. "Not at all Sir, Your quarters and offices are ready for you as directed. It will be great having you on board."

The staff and I shall be keeping a very low profile here for a while as we get re-connected to the fleet and move in some rather sensitive equipment. We'll be in casual clothing and won't be interfering with your Intel staff here at all."

It was without saying that the Captain was the commanding Officer on the vessel regardless of who was aboard except the fleet commanders. It was the way had been done for Ions.

The Admiral rose. Thanks for having us, I'm sure your a very busy man and we have a ton of work to do. He shook Fannins hand again and led the Trio out of the room.


Captain Edward Fannin
CO, USB Typhon


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