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Getting Around

Posted on Wed Dec 16th, 2009 @ 6:50pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

260 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Typhon Primary School
Timeline: Current


The auditorium was filled as the school Director introduced him to several hundred youngsters waiting to see the Captain. He was filled with their enthusiasm as he stepped before them.

"HELLO STUDENTS!, I just wanted to stop by and welcome you to your new School, Many have spent years to give you the best possible learning environment in the universe. As your Captain I'm very proud to be here and see you all. This will be a place were you can create and develop all your dreams and ideas. Never stop learning, it is your inner knowledge that will be the hope of generations to come. I'll be visiting you often."

Edward waved at the cheering student body and walked to the hallway accompanied by the school director, A heavy set older gentleman named Simpson.

"Thanks for the visit, but a few things you need to get straightened out here. I want this creche guarded by plain clothes security officers. You have been advised of this and have disregarded it. I suggest you take care of it now, today. The officers have been specially trained and assigned. They are waiting to meet with you in your office."

Simpson took one look at the Captain and felt fear.. "Yes Sir. I'll go there immediately."

"Very well." Fannin put his hand on the Directors shoulder. "Run this school Director or I'll find someone who will. I don't believe we'll need to make an issue about this." Fannin smiled and left the school smiling...


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon


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