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Assessing Astrometrics

Posted on Tue Dec 15th, 2009 @ 10:04pm by Commander Lucas Jackson

512 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Main Astrometrics
Timeline: Current

After Lieutenant Commander Jackson left the Captain, he began exploring the ship. During the design process of interior areas of the base, Jackson was on-hand to give explicit modifications to all science-based labs on the Typhon. One of the most modified areas was Main Astrometrics. Originally, the lab was conceived as a small, one deck room—similar to that aboard the USS Voyager. Seeing as Astronomical Sciences are very important to study when life unfolds in the midst of space, Lucas added a second deck to the design.

The design of Main Astrometrics takes inspiration mainly from Main Engineering on Intrepid and Galaxy-class ships. The two-decked room were conjoined in a sense, but they were still split in two levels. Access elevators were located on either side of the main door leading into the lab, to move between levels. (More descriptions can be found in the Ship's Tour.)

When Luke walked through the main door to Astrometrics, he was distraught. All there was to look at was an empty shell. Lucas was able to see, through the mass of engineers in the room, that the mainscreen wasn't even operational yet. Besides the Main Science Labs, Astrometrics was one of the most important laboratories on the ship. 'How can they be so far behind schedule?!' Luke thought to himself.

Fortunately, the contractor in charge of the Science Department was in the room. Pushing and shoving through various people, Luke reached him. Tapping him on the shoulder, Lucas began, "Excuse me, Lieutenant Morris, may I have a word with you."

Turning around from his work, the man looked at Jackson with a crossed face. "Very well. Lets step out into the corridor. It is rather loud in here."

As the doors to Astrometrics closed, Luke raised his voice slightly. His temper was starting to come out. "Why are all of my science labs so far behind? I was told that most laboratories would be in a state where they could be used before I arrived here."

"Well," Morris began, "it took longer than scheduled to wire the bulk of the ship. Nearly double the time was needed to complete that task. We couldn't begin work on anything else until that was completed. Thus, the main interior of much of the ship didn't start getting worked on till a couple weeks ago."

"How much longer is all this expected to take?"

"Each section will be signed off at various points, depending on how crucial the area is. With the holidays around the corner, I'd say that we probably won't be completely out of your hair until a little bit into the new year."

Luke was surprised. He had never met a contractor so...nice. It was shocking to see how well Lieutenant Morris was answering Luke's questions. Morris didn't make him feel inferior or anything. "Thank you very much, Lieutenant—that's all I wanted to know. I'll now let you get back to work."


Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant James Morris (NPC)
Contractor—Science Department
Stationed—USB Thyphon


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