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A "Routine" Inspection

Posted on Mon Aug 11th, 2014 @ 10:57am by Commander Raven Adams & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]

630 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: The Mayfly
Timeline: Current


Otto made his way towards the airlock of the Mayfly with the Engineering crew assigned to do repairs to Warren's ship the Mayfly. In regular worker coveralls he made his way through looking at his PADD at the extensive list of repairs this ship needed.

Peter Parhtz came up to Otto. "Hi. I'm Parhtz. Need a hand?"

"Nah I think I'm good just my tool box and a PADD." He said holding them both up, "But if you can get the airlock door that would be great."

"Sure. Piece of cake," Parhtz said. It wasn't quite that easy as he had to bypass a security override. "Okay, I had to cut the cake first, but we're good now." The door opened and he signaled for Otto to go first.

Otto walked through the airlock glancing around noticing none of the crew about he started making his way aft towards the computer core area. Taking out a Marine tricorder kitted out as an engineering model he starts scanning his path ahead.

Peter began to go over the computer logs, running them through a program that checked for discrepancies. It didn't take long. He looked up at Otto. "A lot of these logs were edited afterwards. Either someone is a real sloppy logger or someone didn't want anyone looking into what they were up to." Personally, he opted for the cover-up. No one could really be that bad at filing reports. At least, no one he'd ever met before was. And, being a suspicious sort, he leaned towards an active attempt to conceal. He carefully sent the files through an encrypted channel, using the PADD so it would look like a routine inspection if anyone bothered to check on what he was doing. Intel might be able to recover the original files, but he didn't have anything sophisticated enough with him.

Walking past a bulkhead section Otto's tricorder goes off.. "Hmm, this wall has traces of Kelbonite in it. Good for shielding from sensor scans." Putting the tricorder away he takes his hand and knocks on a panel and receives a hollow sound. "There could just be a highly misplaced EPS junction here or I'll bet you next month's pay its a smuggler's compartment." Otto said looking for an access point. No evidence of one firming up his guess.

Taking out the tricorder again Otto scans again, and then taps one corner twice then the opposite once. With a click the panel releases. "Can't keep yerr treasure from ME!!" Otto mumbled in his best pirate accent, being German, didn't sound very good. Poking his head into the now open and very empty compartment. "Empty...nuts... smells funky in here though." Moving up his tricorder and feeling a headache coming on. "Some kind of gas was stored in here. One of the containment bottles must've had a bleeder. Tricorder doesn't recognize the residue." he said taking a reading, forwarding the encrypted results to Science, Medical, and Intelligence for analysis.

"Looks like you hit the jackpot," Peter said when he came over to see what Otto found. He took a physical sample of the residue just in case and carefully put it in a bag. "I think we should move on before whatever was in there gets to us." He glanced over at Otto. "Any idea what they did with the booty?"

"Well there was alot of something in here, gone now. Your right we better make tracks." Otto said and put the panel back in place. Then hearing some foot falls heading their way. Taking out a little flashbang and placing it on the deck Otto nodded towards the exit in the opposite direction. "Time to go!"


Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
21st Marines
SB Typhon

Ensign Peter Parhtz
SB Typhon


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