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Party Disasters (part 1)

Posted on Fri Aug 15th, 2014 @ 3:01am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Commander Kimberly Dallas~Truman~Kahn MD & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Captain Warren Grey [Lane] & Captain Marrin Grey [Lane]

1,088 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Main Summit Chamber, Deck 59


Marrin buzzed around the scene of the soon to be party, taking a last minute to straighten the tablecloths, and check with the bartenders and cooks they had hired from Ebele for the occasion. Seeing Warren come in, looking uncomfortable in a suit, she went over to him, and took both his hands. "You look fine. Don't worry, I'm sure it will all go as planned. The girls are ready?"

"They've got all the codes to shut down the area, don't worry my dear." Warren said softly, so that the hired staff wouldn't be able to hear. "You look nervous. Smile a little." He kissed her forehead gently, and went to do his own check around the room.

Buck entered the chamber and saw that it was set up for a slightly overdecorated, in his opinion, but he didn't want to be a downer on the trader captains' gratitude.

He spotted the two captains talking then Warren walked away from Marrin. The Betazoid first officer could sense an undercurrent of tension from both captains, he refrained from probing for its meaning as that was complete disregard for privacy.

A moment later, after he shook the wandering thoughts theorizing about what the tension he felt a moment ago, Buck made his way over to Marrin. "Hello, I like what you've done with the place." He commented.

"Thank you." Marrin said. Her nerves frazzled as they were, she failed to detect that the comment was anything but sincere. "Please, take a seat." She motioned to the room, which was empty, except for Buck and the few crewmembers that the traders had invited from their ships.

"And here I wanted to be fashionable late," Buck joked as he took a few steps but stopped to face the trader again. "With your ships now repaired what are your plans? Where are you two headed?"

"We'll be headed to some of our contacts near the Chimera nebula, Warren has some cousins that way who can help us find our next customers." Marrin smiled pleasantly.

Buck smiled back. "That is a nice nebula, well I hope it goes smoothly." He replied and excused himself. Something was just not right anymore, why at all would some traders throw a thank you party for a simple repair job.

Lt. Commander Kahn walked in to the main Chamber floor length dress, The dress was the color of the medical department a beautiful teal color. As she walked in heads turned to look at her, she noticed a face in the far corner looking at her as she got closer to the person in the corner she noticed it was her husband from Starbase Pandora.

Major Kevin Truman was in the Dress Blues looking at his wife has she walked in to the room has she made her way over to him in the corner he take a drink of his wine, Kim walked up to him and take his wine and to a drink of it before she kissed him... Kim looked in to his eyes and asked "When did you get and how did you keep this from me?" Kevin started to smile the way he did when he was trying not to get in trouble with his wife. Kevin take her hand in his and take her on to the dance floor for a slow dance...

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg entered wearing his dress uniform, glancing around looking for Jane and who else made it to the party. Drifting over to the bar area he ordered a drink and looked out over the growing crowd.

Jane walked in a few minutes later and smiled when she saw Wilhelm. She walked over to him quietly. "Quite a gathering," she said.

"Sure looks like it." Wilhelm muttered.

"Hello Colonel, Lieutenant," Buck greeted the two officers and smiled. "Yes but I shake the feeling something more is going on here."

He hoped the Colonel and Lieutenant could either tell him he was paranoid or they shared his gut feeling. Not every day you get a party as a thank you for a repair job.

"Not usually Commander." Wilhelm said suspiciously.

"A little too much, if you ask me," Jane added. Even though she generally wasn't one for large gatherings, this one made her more uneasy than usual and she stepped closer to Wilhelm.


Raven had no interest in attending the party. She still didn't trust the Greys, although she could find nothing concrete. It was the lack of information that bothered her as much as her intuition. She ran another scan, looking for something out of the ordinary. She didn't get very far before her access was denied. "What the..." She ran a secondary search with her secondary access. That, too, was denied.

"Adams to Tal'ehrihn, someone's tampered with the computer access codes."

Khiy was looking over the engineering reports to his latest fleet acquisition when Raven chimed over his personal communication link. "To the station?" He asked after immediately pushing aside the scattered PADD's on his desk. He turned to his computer and quickly queued up a buried worm program he had snuck into the stations security a few years ago. He was hoping to see if any other stations were experiencing a similar blackout. Instead of the usual ongoing security operations that flooded through the main computer, Khiy was met with what would be best described as white noise, an incomprehensible garble of information.

"Security has been subverted as well." He said, mildly impressed by the program running to do this. "I would guess that security is going to be scrambling to figure out what's happening to their system." Khiy leaned back into his chair. "Raven, if you can't access computer protocols and security is in a wash...something big is going down."

"I agree. Security has yet to discover the problem. I'm going to activate the emergency override," Raven told him. "I don't know who is messing with the computer, but I'll have confirmation of who they are within the hour."

Khiy shook his head; they both knew better. The only reason for this kind of attack was to confuse and disorient. "Whatever is happening, I think it's already too late..."

(To be continued...)

Captain Warren Grey & Captain Marrin Grey
Bad Guys

Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Kimberly Dallas-Truman-Khan
Chief Medical Officer

Major Kevin Truman

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Khiy Tal'Ehrihn
Owner, Trans Galactic Trading


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