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Off and Running

Posted on Sat Jun 21st, 2014 @ 12:48pm by Crewman Paula Grey [Lane] & Crewman Abbey Grey [Folami]

618 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Trader Games


Paula pressed the open button on the airlock door, and stepped onto the station next to her twin. "Engineering?" She asked, knowing their grandparents would be busy meeting the adults. Pah. Adults thought they ran the place, but there was no chance in that.

"Mos def," said Abbey. She grinned at her twin. It was a special tradition of theirs to visit the engineering deck of any new place, station or starship, first off to see how everything worked. Their grandparents had initially forbidden them from going, but soon gave up entirely and let the twins go as they pleased.

Paula smiled. "I'll get us the full map then." She smiled and pulled her microcomputer out of her pocket. For her, it was a simple matter to find the right place to attach it to the wall terminal outisde their ship. That was the thing with Starfleet, they always took courtesy with their guests, and they weren't as secure as they thought they were. Within minutes, she had the full map, and access codes to go along with it. "Let's go."
She passed the computer with its map to her sister.

Abbey took the computer from Paula. She always let her twin do the accessing, as her talent for breaking things did not halt at software. She could read maps a little better, though.
Abbey glanced down at the computer, her eyes flickering over the blueprint.
"Hmmm..." she murmured. "Where should we go first?"

"Let's take the tube," she said, meaning the Jeffries tubes that ran throughout the station. "Granda will be glad to know which ones they use and which they don't."

Abbey scanned the map to locate the nearest tube, then handed the map to Paula.
"That way," she said, pointing at the map with one thin finger. "Let's go." She grinned impishly.

Paula walked down the hall, and stopped by the nearest sealed entrance to the maintenance tubes. "Your turn."

Abbey wiggled her fingers, took a smallish kit from her pocket, bent beside the door, and set to work. Shortly the door hissed open.
"Hey, I didn't break it this time!" she exclaimed.

Paula smiled. "Done destroying things for a while then." Paula crawled into the tube a ways, then stopped so Abbey could close the door behind them.

"Only a little while," said Abbey. She handed up a light to her sister. "Here."

Paula flicked the light on, and pointed it at the door, so that abbey could see more than just the edges from the light that leaked in through the corridor. Though the tubes were usually lit when there were people in them, the program keeping them from detection also meant that they weren't going to have the lights.

"Let's go," said Abbey. She gave her sister a light push on the shoulder down the tube.

The light flicked back in front, and Paula led the way through the tubes. At each intersection she stopped to check the map, and gradually they made their way from the docking ring, where their ships were, to the main part of the station. That was where things started to get tricky. Out on the docking ring, the Jeffries tubes were easy to access, but now that they were on the main part of the station, the entries were much further between.

"I think we should head up. We need to get to the bridge, or see if we can." Paula passed the map back to her sister. "I'm crap at reading 3D. Just tell me which way to go."

Abbey pointed the way to her sister. This would be fun, she thought with a grin.


Paula Grey

Abbey Grey


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