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Don't be under the apple tree

Posted on Tue Jan 13th, 2015 @ 4:59pm by Lady Ebele [Mabrade]

1,646 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Arboreum
Timeline: *BACKPOST*

Abror. Deck Tree near small watering hole.


Today was like most other days on the deck; nice sunshine artificially filtered through the upper structure. The construction on her place had progressed and her seeking employees had been ahead of schedule. Wanting an all female staff with the very 'Politically incorrect' posting for jobs saying ' males need not apply' had a two edged sword. There were angry men and the women flocked to a degree. It is a well known fact that the type of women to answer this add did not want to have complications with men; they had been hurt and burned by men and the working without that made 'Kindness' Place' more appealing. To put it bluntly she was in business and thriving for a new business enough to take some time to herself.

Ebele knew that all work and no play did wear into one's nerves, she wore a white, thin strapped, sun dress with bright floral patterns through it leaving her shoulders exposed, matching colored low heels and a wide brim straw sun hat while she sat under the shade of a tree on a small blanket, the book with pages in hand while she relaxed. A basket with finger sandwiches beside her and a Thermos of liquid to ease the reading with her legs curled under her as she let the shade and warmth engulf her along with a steamy novel.

The Station was a mixture of cultures and despite her seeming 'old fashioned' no one really took note of her, the brim of the hat filtered light and obscured her Ferengi Heritage. She liked how she favored her Human father yet she also liked her mother was attractive among Females, it allowed her 'mingling' of cultures to give a softer impression of both side that created Ebele. Reading was her passion to be sure; sitting in the sun enhanced that. She felt and looked content as she relaxed in a quiet section of the station.

Being an Attaché usually meant a life filled with paperwork, social niceties and playing 'dress up' on occasion. At least he was able to indulge in one of his hobbies a lot easier. Andrew was tall for a Trill but not too much so. His hair always had a habit of doing what it wanted when it wanted. The deep Brown locks were kept neat and respectable but always looked a little messy, even he called it 'moody hair'. The slightly tanned look highlighted the typical Trill spots very nicely. Today he had decided to go for a walk on the deck, read for a while and possibly have a 'lazy lunch'. At least it would allow him to mingle and get to know some of the others that called the station home a bit better. Fagan squirmed a little in the pouch. He always did like the sunlight, but the 'real' stuff was always better than the artificial light that was filtering down. he walked past a tree and practically stopped dead. There was a lovely young lady who shared in one of his passions.

He pulled out a soft rug and placed it down, within the shade of the tree but not too close as to invade her privacy. Andrew flopped onto the soft rug, propping himself up on one elbow and pulled out his book. This was comfortable, sunshine a good book, nice scenery and Fagan was happy, getting some sun and able to stretch out a little. *Always bide your time. Good diplomatic strategy. A gentleman never goes blundering in, making a fool of himself. She obviously likes books; is not in Starfleet or diplomatic circles. Could be fun to find out more about her.* He had taken the time to set up a small basket, something to drink, some fruit to snack on and those boiled sweets he had become hooked on since being joined. The one thing about being joined not all of your little cravings were your own.

Ebele noticed the man from under the brim of her hat until he put himself in the cool of the shade close enough to have her notice. The manner of his dress begged the term 'Business owner or Business man' yet the unkempt hair was a give away he was not in his own business but a representative of other parties from the subtle way he approached. She guessed he was either in some entertainment of Diplomatic arena..

A 'Lady' never starts the conversation with a strange man as it could give the impression of more loose morals; she did not lower herself to that no matter how intriguing a male Trill might be with his exotic spots. She 'glanced' over to him in a casual way to an observer yet she took in most of his expressions, his clothing and how his eyes reflected the light. She turned her eyes back to her book; to have a man lay so close while she ready a steamy novel did push her to think some force had a sense of humor?

Andrew rummaged in the basket without really looking. Out came a small tub that contained the boiled sweets, half a sandwich on top of that and a small mango. he looked up and away from his book for a moment, catching a glance from underneath the hat. Her features were soft, but exotic; human but not. This caught his eye. Fagan had always been curious, had a taste for the exotic. Why be with just another Trill when you could be with another and find out so much more about the world. It was one reason why Andrew liked his line of work. Fagan did have quite the romantic streak one echoed in Andrew but he was also quite shy. Hiding his nose in an 'old fashioned' book was at times easier than approaching a girl and asking for a date. He slowly ate the sandwich, devouring the words more than the food. Camelot seemed so exotic, romantic and so far away right now.

*The book or the girl, Andrew...the book or the girl, I'd honestly suggest the girl! You can't be shy forever!* The thought passed through his mind in a familiar kind of tone, one that gave him some great hints. It sounded like the tone and personality of Fagan's third host. *Trust me, I was alone for a LONG TIME! Just say 'Hello' if it goes somewhere, it goes somewhere!*

"Okay Fagan, I can take a hint." He muttered to himself. "You probably wouldn't let up anyway". He opened up the sweets, taking a couple to slowly suck on. He looked up once more. "Looks like she's busy..."

*Don't give up THAT easy, Mr Romantic! Would Lancelot have given up that easy? Would the great Dax have given up that easy?*

"No, they go for what they want." Andrew muttered under his breath.

He tried to plot out his words over and over in his mind, not really getting anywhere. *This isn't diplomacy, Andrew! It doesn't have to be perfect! Sweet, maybe funny and simple!* the 'voice' of Meyla crooned in his head. She was always the 'motherly type' and the best for advice. *Ask her about the book? Maybe a joke, something like...* it kept going until Andrew finally had what he wanted to say and hopefully had tucked the shyness away.

"If a picture is worth a thousand words, and a book conjures pictures what you are reading must be worth the weight of every word. I haven't seen you put it down yet. They make for a great escape, don't they?" he said with a gentle smile. *I hope that didn't sound awful! it's either going to get a conversation or a slap!*

The book was closed and her eyes slowly diverted to meet his from under the brim, head cocking to one side while she took in the man; his book and the fact he is so close had to be some sort of a hint; a soft smirk came to her face; a hint that she was at least intrigued by what he said to a degree. He had started conversation; he was a Trill and his spots seemed slightly darker than those Trill she had met. "It does keep the attention until diverted." She ended with the book in her lap, left hand holding it with the thumb keeping her place in the book. "IS your book as intriguing?" She gave a soft grin. "I would hate to take your attention from so worthy the weight of Words that are like Latinum to the mind's vault?"

"Legends; ones of romance, betrayal, loyalty and honour. Stories of days long past, but not forgotten. It's not my first time reading them, probably won't be my last either." he replied, taking in as much as he could from under the brim of the hat. His strong blue eyes not wanting to let go of the sight of her.

"It is good to see someone who like the weight of a book as well as the words the author inspires." She gave a grin showing more humanoid rather than Ferengi teeth that shone a bit mixed with an almost 'Coy' like expression. She seemed surprised he was talking to her; she normally dropped the Ferengi Heritage and people shy away; he obviously did not know anything about her nor did he presume she was like her male counterparts. She was curious to see how much of a lady he would treat her as?

Andrew rolled over a little as if to kneel before a proper lady; just as Lancelot or Arthur would have done. He got a better look at the soft face under that hat. *Half Human and.....Ferengi. Interesting mix and she looks rather stunning.* he thought to himself.



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