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With anyone else.

Posted on Tue Jan 13th, 2015 @ 4:59pm by Lady Ebele [Mabrade]

1,451 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Arboreum
Timeline: *BACKPOST*


Andrew rolled over a little as if to kneel before a proper lady; just as Lancelot or Arthur would have done. He got a better look at the soft face under that hat. *Half Human and.....Ferengi. Interesting mix and she looks rather stunning.* he thought to himself.


"The words can inspire journeys of the mind and lessons as well. Just as the look in a person's eyes can inspire, bring forth curiosity or show what is truly on one's mind." He gently took her hand and placed an almost feather light kiss upon it. "Fair lady, it is only fitting and gentlemanly that before we go any further that I introduce myself. I am Andrew, my roots are in the Altsin family, but now I have the honour and distinction of being called Andrew Fagan. The honour of meeting is all mine."

He resumed his previous position, the shirt under his open vest slipping open a little. Lying on his side it showed a little tanned flesh, a few of the spots that so many people asked about and a good hint of the only other thing that any 'off world-er' asked about; Fagan's sanctuary, the pouch that kept him safe and allowed him to experience life beyond the warm underground pools of home.

*Very nice introduction, Andrew! Let's just hope the lady thinks so as well!* Meyla's 'voice' crooned. "If only I'm so lucky" he whispered to himself.

The man read a book, he had taken some of the words at least to heart, where and what he wanted was a mystery? Most men wanted; as humans put it, 'one thing' and while it was not repulsive in any way she was hardly the type to advance quickly. Perhaps it came from 'too many' passes made by drunkards or those that wanted to 'deal' with a female Ferengi as though she were an Orion. To be honest she almost shuddered a bit at the touch; so gentle and she wanted to think sincere? The exaggerated gesture was ... funny, it was almost touching on many levels. Here was a man who did not know her; she could only hope her reputation did not precede her at this point?

"Such a gentleman who is of the classic manners." She gave him a smile this time and thanked her Stars that Ferengi do not blush they have a natural tendency to 'hide' being flustered even with her Human side, she was able to hide the fact he had gotten farther in one simple moment than quite a few had with extreme effort. "I am Ebele...” she gave a 'Regal style' bow of the head like she had seen from a 'lady' to a kind man while seated and unable to courtesy."Such a gallant gentleman is more rare; a pleasant oasis", she turned to her sandwich and the small bite of her own in it gave her an Idea, it was more something she had heard from her 'Papa' Swift about Earth beliefs. "Have you tried the station's markets of late?" She offered the sandwich in her hand; the one she had for herself without really realizing that to some of her Human heritage it was quite forward to offer such things while she held it close to his mouth if he wanted to meet her half way, it made her heart flutter just a bit as she waited to see his reaction.

The sandwich was a 'Tuna like' fish that was imported and when mixed with seasonings and dressings was quite good, her "papa' was always talking of 'Tuna Sandwiches and casseroles so Ebele acquired an appreciation of them, and of course for a Japanese to to feed another is quite intimate. Why she had the desire was partly because she wanted to think someone would be attracted to her aside from her business and Ferengi reputation and also 'Andrew' had a look in his eye not unlike the Holos she had seen; the beginning interests that like a seed could grow into something beautiful? She wanted to take a chance. At least it was not an apple...

Andrew sat up a little; brushing the hair out of his face a little. it was a habit as his hair often didn't stay where he wanted it to. This time, like a lot of others was a failed attempt. *She's offering her food. It's not a case of Diplomacy but still, it would be rude to refuse. Besides, it smells interesting.* At a stretch Andrew took a bite of the offered sandwich, his blue eyes closing for a moment as he savoured the flavours. It was enough for him to quickly run his tongue around his lips to take in every last drop. He went back for a second bite, flashing her a smile as he did so. Andrew picked up the tub and offered up the sweets with a slight shake of the tub as his mouth was still kind of full.

"Traditional 'boiled' sweets, a newer and guilty indulgence of mine, although of those little indulgences not all of them are truly my own. Still, thank you for sharing your lunch. That was quite tasty. I'd almost want to go back for seconds, but that wouldn't be polite." Andrew pulled out the plate that had his own Beef, pickled onion and lettuce or cheese sandwiches and placed it down between them. "Always nicer to share a packed lunch with fine company. It is nice to know I make for pleasant company. In my line of work it doesn't always feel that way."

With the shy grin she accepted the offered fruit, taking a small piece that would not seem to make her gorge it. She did have a special place for more natural sweets.

"You are either a Conman, Business man or a diplomat by my guessing." She raised an eyebrow. "And too much caring for the con man." she gave a soft toned laugh. "I am guessing diplomat as a business man is usually much more... stuffy?"

Andrew felt a slight flush to his spots. "Diplomatic Attaché. Too passionate for ordinary business and too honest to be crooked; my lady." he gently replied. "I like what I do, never the same thing each and every day."

"Diplomacy is hardly boring, it is not unlike the Service Industry." Shed offered a finger sandwich to feed him again out of what seemed polite habits. "You are serving someone else's needs; be it by allowing their projections or by putting things in a different tone for all to gain from?"

"Not everybody thinks of what I do in that light" Andrew said with a light chuckle.Being fed like he was did feel a little awkward; he was not used to such things, although some people did worship joined Trill like living 'gods' He accepted the food as before, savouring the attentions of a beautiful woman. "I feel like i'm the one balancing the scales for others, and it's worth it."

"To complete a task of any sort is a sense of achievement, but the fact you do well by others is the gauge by which one is judged." She smiled a little. "Be it profit to a ferengi or debts of Honor ... to a Klingon also it comes down to having a worth for a job done well." She told him. "In the Service Industry that I happen to have business and work connections, the customer is what we live for?"

"That is quite an industry to work in; has days and people as rough as mine does, but it can't be all that bad if it has gentle flowers like yourself." He replied with a smile. "I'm sure you are great at what you do. So, just what are you reading? I'd hate to divert you away from some really enveloping storyline or big sweeping romance scene. Though I'm finding the company far better than my own pages."

"Life is always more interesting than pages in a book; it is the imagination of the person that brings the book alive. Without people all they are is a series of strung together words that do little." She kept her finger in her page. "A person took the time to make images out of words for other to enjoy; that is the true beauty of a book, the exchange of one person's images and others interpretation How much like life it is that one person's interpretations make such a difference?" She mused. "Especially when one is looking at an image ... or a pretty face it is in the eyes of the beholder that beauty is found and written about."



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