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Taking Back the Station -- Again

Posted on Tue Jan 6th, 2015 @ 8:30am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Buck Ducati & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati]

1,045 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trader Games


Morticia and her friends launched their ships and joined Khiy as they went after the traders. It wasn't hard to track who had taken what, and fortunately they didn't get much before the station was locked down, but anything was too much and Morticia wasn't going to let them get away with it.

"Morticia to Khiy. They're all yours."

"Understood." Khiy said while taking the captains chair of his latest acquisition. "Don't suppose 'Raven' could send a message to the station not to shoot the Romulan Warbird decloaking off her port? I have a feeling that would damage our working relationship in the future."

"It could damage more than your working relationship," Morticia quipped. "I'll send her an encrypted message. I've had this shop too long to risk losing it to friendly fire now."

[Security Office]

Leon nodded at Krang and headed into the barracks area of the security office, he quickly geared up. =/\= Montana to all security teams, fan out and secure key areas! Apprehend the traders and put them in the brig, quickly. =/\= He returned to the office and looked at Krang. "You want to join in the fun sir?"

"I never turn down a chance to bash some skulls. Especially when the deserve it as much as this bunch." Krang said with enthusiasm.

"Adams to Darkmoon," Raven said, using an encrypted Intel channel so no one would listen in. "Tal'ehrihn and Morticia are tracking down the traders. You should have both their ships in your database marked as friendlies. Khiy uses Romulan ships and would appreciate not being shot down while he's trying to help us."

"Understood." he replied and checked to make sure that Khiy's ships were indeed marked as friendly. "I made sure to make a note of them."

"Good. I'll be working with Khiy and Morticia to stop the traders on their ships. I'll leave the ones in the brig and on the station to you. Adams out."

Leon turned to Krang and frowned. "I don't think anyone in Ops wouldn't be preoccupied to worry about civilians lending a hand as we have way to much to do inside the station." He commented at hearing the Intelligence chief's concern at the corporation ships being fired upon. "When your ready chief."

Krang gathered a team and started sending them out a few at a time to try to restore peace and calm and to gather the tech the Operations minions were removing from the station.

[Medical Station, couple of corridors away from the Party]

Ensign Jez Mellow tapped at the console, she activated the sensors for the bay that the party was in. It detailed that the gas inside had become inert, so they could tend to those knocked out inside. Though the other part of the issue was as Jez could see the doors were sealed and encoded.

Nothing Security can't solve and as if on queue a team showed up, Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana leading it. "Oh thank you, sir you must get the doors open." Jez said eager to get inside and help the senior officers.

"I'm on it, thanks Ensign." Leon said and the team inspected the door.

"Why not just phaser the seals?" A team member suggested.

"Let's try and not damage things first, okay." Leon glanced back unimpressed. He went up to the control panel and used his codes to unlock the door. It beeped in protest and remained sealed, Leon sighed as he looked back at the trigger eager security officer with a 'I-hate-when-you're-right' expression.

The officer, with the others, lined up as Leon walked off to the side and they all fired at the doors center where the locks would be.


Morticia stretched and ran a quick diagnostic of her small ship. It had been a while since she'd been out on her, although she'd taken care to keep it up to date. "Morticia to Khiy. I still have that little program that disables engines. I could get half of them. Do you want the other half?"

[Morning's Wake]

Khiy laughed, though the sound had nothing that resembled mirth.

"Morticia, it would be my genuine pleasure."

Khiy stood from his command chair and stared ahead at the viewscreen showing the ships running from the station.

"Broadcast an open channel." He said to the comm specialist.

A moment later Khiy was given the nod that he was linked. "Good afternoon. This is the vessel Morning's Wake of Grey-Star Securities. We have been given authority by Starfleet to apprehend or otherwise stop all ships from leaving the system. Please power down your engines, drop your shields and prepare to be tractor beamed back to the station." Khiy paused for a moment allowing a dangerous smile to play on his features. "If you chose not to comply, I will have no choice but to use your vessels as a weapons test for the Morning Wake. Your call. Take your chances with Federation justice or be a part of my shakedown..." Khiy motioned with his hand to cut the channel.

"All clear Mister Tal'ehrihn." The comm specialist said once the comm shut off.

Khiy turned heel and sat himself down. "Make best speed to the nearest vessel and decloak the Warbird once we are within weapons range."

[One of the Station's Shuttles]

When the twins got out of the Brig, they headed straight for the shuttles. With the fleeties now aware of the incursion, it was an every man, or girl, for themselves situation. The shuttle was easy enough to get into, with their computer skills, but neither Paula nor Abbey had significant experience flying the Starfleet shuttles. So they had Abbey's computer accessing each system and transferring control to Paula's so that they would be able to fly on the same systems they knew. It would also allow them to override any potential remote control of the shuttle, if they could get it done before they were found, which would help greatly in the plan of escaping.

(To be continued...)

Ravyn's alter-ego

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, Trans-Galactic Trading

Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ensign Jez Mellow
Medical Officer

Paula & Abbey


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