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...But me, anyone else but me.

Posted on Tue Jan 13th, 2015 @ 4:59pm by Lady Ebele [Mabrade]

1,248 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Arboreum
Timeline: *BACKPOST*


"Especially when one is looking at an image ... or a pretty face it is in the eyes of the beholder that beauty is found and written about."


Andrew fluffed around with his hair for a moment. "You seem like the picture of Beauty and Kindness. Half the time I look like a mess; the spots may look exotic but my hair doesn't lend to the image well. This.." he pointed to his ' moody mess' of a hairdo " does not lend itself to an image of an exotic guy, a knight or a 'Prince Charming'. At least I don't really think I could count like that, I don't know of many stories where the little Attaché is the hero of the day. " *Although she would make for a wonderful princess* He thought to himself.

"Might I suggest that if a boy in the kitchen can find the eye of a princess is there not enough variety of plots for an Attaché to have some story where he can be a hero?" Ebele tilted her head in a way only a Lady does when speaking to a friend. "You have to enjoy the story more than the way it is written and when in a story the Hero makes the situation to his advantage, or at least progressing toward what he wishes." She leaned forward slightly. "That is what makes the reading of the story fun."

"When it comes to stories; I know someone that has enough to fill volumes. Still, If Queen Odette of Swan Lake can find her prince even for a moment and Lancelot found a lot of action with the knights of the round table; there may be a moment for me yet. I always love the way a good story kind of pulls you in and doesn't let go. Love can be that way too, not that I, personally have been down that path yet." He could feel the heat off his spots, Andrew just hoped it wasn't noticeable. "One day I'll find the one woman who loves playing 'hop spots'."

"Is it all men that make professions of a desire for Love?" She placed a hand gently along the spots on the side of his face, not as a curiosity but more like an emphasis to her words, she never looked away from his eyes to the spots but more like reading his face and eyes. "So few men understand it; given a few lifetimes and some opportunity would a man still really know what 'Love' is over his desires at first. Even in stories it is the woman who curbs the carnal desire of 'Hot Spots' to allow the man into her heart. Any 'Love' is worth the reading and even if the ...'protagonist' is smitten with Love at first sight..." She crossed the short distance to touch his lips with hers for just a second, moment, or however long the feather like kiss lasted. "Some say love is a flower that needs to slowly bloom." She moved away from the closeness with a little color of her own.

"I'm not sure about all men, but after a few lifetimes you do get to recognise a few things and treasure what you have. I know that it can all be taken away far too soon. I thought it was something we all desired at one point or another." Andrew could feel the heat coming from his spots under her hand. Her touch had a slight tingle to it, it actually felt quite pleasant. Looking deep into her eyes was starting to feel like looking into her soul. "After a few lifetimes I have found 'Love at first sight' is a rare thing, and worth every moment if you find it."

At first it was just the tingle from her touch, that deepened as soon as their lips met in the feather light kiss. He enjoyed it hoping it could last forever, maybe even deepen a little. He let her move away feeling his spots practically 'glowing' with the heat he felt coming off them. "Some flowers bloom slowly, other have been known to bloom but for only one day. Still the beauty and at times, perfume would be enjoyed and savoured either way." He leant in a little closer, taking her hand in his own. Gently he placed a kiss to her cheek, still endeavouring to be a gentleman.

"If given the chance, I would love to get to know someone so beautiful both inside and out. I would savour every moment, just like the tastes of a meal or the perfume of a Rose." he whispered in her ear, leaving another kiss behind on her cheek as he ran his right hand down her cheek. "Please do forgive me for being so bold, but the way you were talking about Heroes and stories....." He slid his hand down to the back of Ebele's neck and gently kissed her, more than the feather light one they had already exchanged but nothing too eager. "It's not every day you get to be with a fine lady or a .....Princess, such as yourself."

"I was not born into Royalty." She seemed a little breathless. "Some would call me a Lady, but I am no Princess." She had more color in her cheeks. "It has a good start so far, though I-I must be thinking of t-the time." She was a bit off balance. "Unlike a princess or a Lady I have a place of business that I must return to; not everyone can afford to have more than small breaks." She gave him a soft smile, and touched his warm cheek again. "I wish I were a Princess for you ..." She sighed. "I am a Working Girl and must..." She wanted to stay but it was not possible and she knew the ramifications should she. "Unlike the books we so endear reality does have a place and 'Time' is reality's toy with our emotions."

"Eventually we must let the flowers go to the wind that would take them away. I can understand what it is like to have a duty call you away. All I would hope is that we would meet again." He replied with a kiss to her hand.

"I do hope you find that which you seek, that Lady of legend?" Ebele felt bad for misleading him; she knew her place in the universe and a handsome and exotic man would not be interested in a half breed. "I-I have to go to work after all." It was an excuse to get away at a high point, most men wanted to use that 'Ferengi naked females' angle and Andrew had not. "As humans say' parting is sweet sorrow." This did sting a little as she would have enjoyed too much staying here and she could not afford that right now. "Take good care of yourself Lord Andrew," She had to pick up the now realized, dropped book to put in her basket and turned to him once more as she started to get up to have one more sweet taste of a kiss. "Enjoying the fragrance in Bloom." She rose to her feet and curtsey before a dignified retreat towards the doors.

"Always better to enjoy things while they linger, m'Lady." he replied. "Safe travels, pretty Ebele." he replied, eventually going back to his book albeit quite distracted.


Lady Ebele
Owner of Kindness Place

Andrew Fagan
Trill Diplomat


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