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Taking Back the Station -- Again (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Feb 7th, 2015 @ 5:11pm by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Buck Ducati & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Lady Ebele [Mabrade] & Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati]

1,102 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Trader Games



[One of the Station's Shuttles]

When the twins got out of the Brig, they headed straight for the shuttles. With the fleeties now aware of the incursion, it was an every man, or girl, for themselves situation. The shuttle was easy enough to get into, with their computer skills, but neither Paula nor Abbey had significant experience flying the Starfleet shuttles. So they had Abbey's computer accessing each system and transferring control to Paula's so that they would be able to fly on the same systems they knew. It would also allow them to override any potential remote control of the shuttle, if they could get it done before they were found, which would help greatly in the plan of escaping.



Morticia registered the shuttles and smiled. She turned to the encrypted comm with Khiy. "Fishing season just opened. Tracking is on. I want to see where they're headed before I pull in the net."

"Sounds good to me." He responded. Khiy stood from the command chair and walked closer to the view screen with his hands held behind his back. He scrutinized the small ship on the screen as it raced away from the station. A slight smile tugged at the corners of his face as he thought of the situation. The occupants of the vessel could have no idea how close they were to death. His warbird was seconds away from being in weapons range and as it was cloaked the traders had no idea of the imminent threat.

"Much like the shadow of death following us all..." No way to see it or know when it will strike.

"I'm sorry, Sir?" Asked his weapons specialist who overheard Khiy's comment.

Khiy snapped back to attention, smile dissipating from his face in an instant. "Prepare to de-cloak on Morticia's mark." He ordered.

[Party Hall]

The door opened and the smell of chemical gas assaulted the Security team's and the medical officer's noses, though less potent as it appeared the gas had already dissipated. Leon was thankful for that as Jez entered the hall already tending to the closest of people.

Leon ordered the team to assist checking and rendering what medical experience they had to those knocked out on the floor.

As he walked around he could see some regaining consciousness, one of them was the station's Executive Officer. Leon went to his side and helped the Lieutenant Commander up to his feet. "Glad to have you back with us sir," he said with a smile.

"That remains to be seen Lieutenant," Buck said still somewhat woosy. "What of the Traders?"

"They attempted to take over but were forced back into their ships, one attempted escape. Last I heard the various civilian corporations were in pursuit, while majority of them are in the brig." Leon replied.

Buck nodded. "I will thank the corporations properly once everything has settled down, in the meantime help the others." He tapped his combadge. "Ducati to Infirmary, medical team to Hall 7!" He announced.

=^= Aye Commander, on their way. =^=

Already checking others, Leon helped a Ferengi stand up. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Lady Ebele was just coming to her senses; the gas left a bad taste in her mouth; 'Bargain basement deal' she thought to herself.

"Couldn't hey have paid a little more for the one that do not give a hang over?" Ebele had to remember to get with Quintos; this kind of sooty but somewhat effective chemicals was his style. "Not that much more and..." She shook her head . "Thank you, I-I think I will be fine, not much worst than a binge night hang-over." She gave a small grin with surprisingly close to human teeth. "Something tells me that I might even end up in the red on this one, not that I wanted profit but breaking even is always the goal."

"Aye," Leon replied and then headed over to check on others still coming out of the sleep.

Buck made his way and found Commander Lane waking up. "Commander," he said softly as he helped her back to her feet. "Are you alright?"

"Could be better..." Cressidia tried in vain to rub knots out of her neck, she had fallen asleep in a very awkward position. "What happened? Last I remember the older woman was talking or something..."

"The traders used gas on us and tried to take over the station, thankfully our crew had prevented them and according to Security, Khiy and Commander Adams is after the traders who escaped." Buck explained as he kept her from losing her balance.

"Ok, good. Well not good... You know what I mean." Cressidia said, "We should get back to Ops, make sure that everything is secure from there." Though she was a bit wobbly on her feet, Cressidia started toward the turbolift, sticking near the wall in case she needed it to balance.

"Commander," Buck called as he followed her. "Here," he offered her his hand and smiled. "Now we can get there faster if you let me help you." He said.

"Thanks." Cressidia said, knowing she needed it. The after effects of the gas were making her head spin, and it was not at all a pleasant thing.

Ensign Jez Mellow had done a quick scan then smiled as everything checked out. She clicked her fingers. "Colonel, can you hear me?" She asked Hackleberg.

Wilhelm groggily hit his Comm "Hackleberg here. go ahead."

Jez chuckled slightly as she touched the Colonel's arm. "I'm right beside you sir," the medical officer replied and slid her other hand around to his back to help him sit up. "Colonel." Jez repeated attempting to get the marine back to full alertness.

Wilhelm looked at Jez as if seeing her for the first time. "Well pardon me." Sounding a little woozy, "We did get those backstabbers I trust?" He asked scanning around him and spotting Jane and slowly moving towards her drunkenly.

As Jez attempted to get the Colonel to his feet she nodded. "Yes most of them sir, the rest escaped but are being hunted down. How are you feeling? Can you stand?"

"Yes ma'am." He said raising himself up unsteadily. "I feel like I got a week long bender hangover though." he said with a smile.

(To be continued...)

Paula and Abby Grey

Mercenary on Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, Trans-Galactic Trading

Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana
Assistant Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Lady Ebele
Owner, Kindness Place

Ensign Jez Mellow
Medical Officer

Commander Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO


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