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WHere oh where is Lady Ebele (1) *Backpost*

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2015 @ 3:41pm by Lady Ebele [Mabrade]

1,581 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Kindness Place
Timeline: 3 days past


Ebele had spent the past couple of days with the fine tuning of 'Kindness' Place' getting the correct chefs, the rotation of her employees set and the doors ready to open everyday. It is a mad capped pace for many but Ebele was just short of what human called a 'wage slave' for a good part of her life. Her life's dream was to have a place of her own; she is a member of the Federation with no ties to her own racial laws yet out of respect she did try to follow them as closely as she could.
The Sister Klingon 'bouncers' had been one step out of the Brig; it seemed no one had really wanted to hire them as they had a desire like a male warrior and always took it as a personal affront to their person if not respected as warriors. Again a matter of personal preference; Ebele liked that they worked hard and honest once given the respect they deserve. And the fact Ebele 'stands up' to them when needed helps keep things running smooth.
Still, while she had a lot of things to do it was not quite enough to keep her total attention, a part of her wondered what had happened? She had thoughts of 'Lord Andrew' dancing in her head; the feel of his touch lingering in her mind and the hard fact that three days had passed and she gave up. She felt her heart a little down; why she had been so forward as to feed him like it was sharing a kiss, then she kissed him on top of it all. She had let her emotions and the sweet words of a man get the better of her. She had not slept with him so she had some dignity, not that she is that type of woman; she had fallen to the heat of the moment and actually had the hopes he would have reciprocated her advances but then since she had not given him any signal of getting any farther he would look elsewhere as she did sort of run off and not really let him know she wanted the romance of being chased.
Her past with humanoids was not so great; being called a Troll, Ferengi dress up girl and some other less than complementary names. She did not have a hard heart; she just did not trust males for the most part, she liked them as they made her heart beat in different ways but then it often lead to this sinking feeling. Ferengi women having a reputation of walking about naked all the time put Ebele in a category near Orion women; both should be easy if asked or given enough 'Latinum?
"Lady Ebele..." Stacy the red head Human bartender came close. "You do not seem yourself..." She started. "I do not know you long but I recall you were more bubbly when I applied for the position?"
"Things are just hard when getting started..." Ebele forced a smile. 'Unlike my Male counterparts I am not one to enjoy the setting up of things; I like the maintaining and building. I would rather take an established place and rebuild it than start from nothing and use favors to get going." She did not want Stacy to know what had happened; that she had kissed a man she just met and her heart was out of control as though she had never had a man show interest in her.
"You are more human than Ferengi..." Stacy knew Ebele took pride in her 'Hu-mon' side and also she acted more human than Ferengi. "You seem to have what is the Man Blues..." Stacy knew she was pushing things but Ebele had taken her in and never asked a question as to how or why Stacy was in her situation? "I-I know when I like a man and it seems one sided I am not at my best either?"
"Now you know why I do not hire males?" Ebele told Stacy. "They occupy too much mind space and distraction."
"Yes, I-I can understand that too well." Stacy did not want to go farther as she might give away why she liked no men being here?"

Andrew came to the entrance of 'Kindness Place'. It seemed quite interesting and had come with a big recommendation. 'You should go to Kindness Place. Nice food, good drinks and very private. You'd like it!' the Federation representative had told him over some Scotch two nights ago. Now was the first chance he had gotten to go in. Three days, it had been three days since he first met Ebele. She was still very much in his mind. The meeting with the Vulcan ambassador had not gone well at all the day before. 'You seem distracted, Logic dictates I come back when you have cleared your mind.' "Great, thanks a lot, ambassador." he muttered to himself.

Andrew walked in the door and past the Klingon 'bouncers' at the front door. "Ladies" he said in greeting with great respect. He moved on in, looking around. He saw an empty seat at the end of the bar and hoped they knew a few Trill drinks. He took the seat, looking for the attention of the bar keep.

Stacy took note of a Trill entering, she saw the Sisters nod so he at least greeted them properly. It was her side of the bar that had open seats; typical when lady Ebele was working the bar with her, the 'regulars went to her half and others migrated to her.side of the Bar.

"How can I help you, Sir?" She asked the Trill, he seemed a bit on the down side; of course most men that came to a bar 'Stag' were down anyway. "We are pretty well stocked so ask away?"

"I'd love to have a Trill Rock pool Surprise, but it's more of a local flavour." Andrew replied looking at the bar more than who was serving him. "I had been looking for a woman I bumped into a couple of days ago. Ebele. How I'd love to see those eyes again. I've been kept so busy, she's probably given up on me; or worse..."

"Did you say Ebele?" Stacy perked up at that reference. "You having woman troubles?" It was an obvious question , Stacy might be seen as 'the enemy' but the odds of another Ebele on this station. "You mentioned a woman named ... Ebele?"

"Well, my work has been keping me busy. Otherwise I would have been hunting high and low for her already. She didn't say much about where I could find her, almost mysterious. Yes, that was her name. Sweet Ebele. Seeing her reading a book like that, the packed lunch...we may not have had much time together but it was very much worth it." He replied with a slight sigh.

Stacy had a smile she had to hide; this guy had come in here looking for Lady Ebele all right. She had a streak through her right now that was not going away. She turned to the small monitor that gave drinks and quickly looked up the ingredients to the drink.

"Icoberries..." Stacy said softly as it was an exotic Trill fruit, and Lady Ebele has a small quantity on hand. "That is a strange request." She said to herself. "Excuse me I need to get part of the ingredients from the back. "

Stacy went quickly to the back and made sure to come back in a way that showed what she is carrying.

"Why the Icoberries?" Ebele asked. "I had those for a special desert I was hoping to make... as an experiment." Ebele told Stacy. "we have cherries and Olives in stock."

"But not for a Trill Rock Pool Surprise." Stacy chuckled. "How did you know to have these on hand when Trill happen in, don't see many of them around."

"n-o, you -don't..." Ebele said as she shrugged. "Customer is always right." She added.

"Do you know any Trills?" Stacy asked, Lady Ebele straightened and her eyes told more than she let on."I have a Trill on my side that wants a Rock Pool Surprise; and ..." This would be good. "He mentioned your name actually." She watched as Lady Ebele glanced in the direction of the Trill man and the eyes gave it away, and the slight fluster to her cheeks. "I looked up the ..."

"It is a local Taste mostly done on Trill only, few bars or Lounges know how to make them." Ebele interrupted. "It is a rare delicacy to Trill." She looked at the Icoberries. "I-I could make it as I practised a few." Stacy handed the Berries to her. 

"I figured when he asked for you it might be you, he just said Ebele; I was thrown for a second".

Ebele had a slight grin on her face as she put the spirits into the mixer and a portion of the Icoberries into it as well. She mixed it like a more watered version of a Pina Colada. She moved down the bar; Andrew was looking at the bar and not her as Ebele placed the drink in front of him. 

"Your Rock Pool Surprise... with fresh Icoberries we had in stock." She said with a smile. "Should taste like home if I did it right?" She waited to see if he recognized the voice.



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