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Where oh where is Lady Ebele (2) *Backpost*

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2015 @ 3:41pm by Lady Ebele [Mabrade]

1,265 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Kindness Place
Timeline: 3 days past

"Your Rock Pool Surprise... with fresh Icoberries we had in stock." She said with a smile. "Should taste like home if I did it right?" She waited to see if he recognized the voice.


Andrew sat at the bar; lost in thought of the girl that may have slipped through his fingers. It took a moment to register that someone had brought his drink over, but it didn't sound like the girl that had originally taken the order. The voice sounded a little sweeter, lighter and a touch familiar. "Oh, thank you." He replied as she started to look up from the bar. His nose twitched a little at the smell of the Icoberries; his eyes closing for a moment as he took it in. Andrew picked up and tasted the drink, a murmur of delight coming from him. Now he really wanted to look into the eyes of the person who had brought him a great taste of home. He was delighted at who he found standing in front of him. "E...Ebele!"

"Hello Andrew, long time no see." She raised an eyebrow. "I was wondering if you were the ... and run type?" She tilted her head as this time she wore the nearly to the knee, slightly flared skirt with white Tuxedo style blouse with bow tie and a black vest with silver decorative beading in it to accent. "Welcome to Kindness Place where I spend that time in reality." He could not see the black tights and soft soled ankle boots she wore with slight heel to give her some extra height from her small frame to look a bit taller."Like the protagonist I hope or just random luck?"

"I had been so snowed under with visits and dinners it's been hard to get the time to try and find where you worked, or do much else. It was one of the meetings I had that mentioned this place, and that it would be good for some Diplomatic meetings and such. To my delight, I have found you as well." Andrew took and kissed the back of Ebele's hand as he had done when they met. 
She put her elbows on the bar and rested her head in her hands. "Too bad it came from a recommendation rather than a search?" She shrugged. "Would have been impressive if you had taken the hard road to track the 'Princess' to her castle?" She might have been teasing as she stood. "Enjoy the Surprise." She winked as she moved to help others at the bar, the lower half now visible and the white apron around her waist. "Don't forget to tip properly as we had what you wanted in stock." She winked.
She had not heard of Trill being empathic; it was a good thing as her expression lost some of the 'front' she had erected seemingly flawlessly. She would not let a man know she had been let down; a 'Lady' does not give that kind of emotional show. She wanted to go through the back kitchen area and to her office via that route but thought against it, she had customers.

Andrew slowly savoured the drink and made his way to Ebele's end of the bar. He kept an eye on her, doing his best to try to catch her attention. He had his idea of what to leave for a tip and hopefully he'd leave with something as well.

"Oh Ebele, I should pay my tip to the one who served me my drink. I have a couple of thoughts of what a good tip should be, but it would be better to be away from this crowd. Maybe we could discuss the tip, over lunch?" He was not used to being so forward but he didn't want to lose his chance again.
"Well Milord Andrew of the Diplomatic Corps." She was fixing a drink for a rather portly Human that heard the tail end. "You forgot the Lady part..." The man laughed. "She is always addressed as Lady Ebele. Not going to get anywhere by not calling her by her proper name." He laughed. "I should know she has turned me down and I DO use her proper Name."
"Milton, I do not date regulars, you know that, bad business." She smiled and leant forward. "Not as a general rule that is but feel free to try and wear me down, it is nice to know someone has taste." She moved to the end where there was now a vacant chair. "Now then Lord Andrew..." She gave him what could be a hint of mischief or innocent playing in her smile. "Discussing tips is business and lunch is pleasure..." She put her elbows upon the bar; harpooned an Olive on a toothpick and offered it to him.
"Some say that the two can be mixed, my Lady Ebele. I frequently have to do so in the midst of my line of work." He played with the Latinum in his pocket, a little nervous. The comment from one of the 'regulars' had kind of thrown him a bit, he took a couple of steps closer, taking the offered Olive with some gusto.
"Would a true protagonist try and mix business with obvious pleasure?" She let her eyes sparkle rather than suppressing it; just this once would not hurt and she had fun watching his spots darken, a trait she was realizing acted like a 'lie detector' or a hint of his feelings? "Tip is a tip, but lunch is not business and this is where I have to do business or the Owner does not pay the bills." She winked. "I would like to hear any ideas you have *outside* the realm of tips." She leaned slightly closer and went over to harpoon a Icoberry before returning to offer it. "So what is your wish Milord Andrew?" She asked softly.
He smiled at the offered Icoberry, once again taking what was offered with some delight. " You look after me so well, I feel spoilt."  He leant in a little closer. "The protagonist probably wouldn't mix things up, it probably makes it more enjoyable too."

"Can I have an olive..." Milton decided to ask.
"Customer is always right." Ebele took a new toothpick; harpooned two olives and dropped them into his cocktail. "Always more that you ask for at Kindness' Place." She winked and turned back to Fagan.
 "Ah, I will have to remember that." He replied about ready to start 'propping up' the bar.

"Maybe we could discuss this in a quieter setting?" Ebele moved towards the opposite end of the bar. "Stacy, could you be a dear and watch things for a couple of minutes?" Stacy cocked her head in curiosity but nodded. "Sure."
"Come along Andrew, we could use the Owner's Office for a few without too much trouble since it is unoccupied at the moment." She opened the extension of the bar to the wall to cover the walkway to go behind the bar. "This way Lord Andrew." She started down the short hallway to the single office, the door opening to allow access.
"Of course." He followed along in step; arms tucked behind him as some trill had a habit of doing. The small smile on his face was a fond one. The way she called him 'Lord Andrew', almost did make him feel more important than what his position allowed for. A lot of girls had turned him down 'I thought you were an Ambassador.' At least Ebele wasn't like that.



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