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Taking Back the Station -- Again (part 3)

Posted on Thu Feb 19th, 2015 @ 11:22am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Buck Ducati & Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Edited on on Thu Feb 19th, 2015 @ 11:24am

886 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trader Games



"This is the Morning's Wake. I am giving your crew 30 seconds to cut power to engines, weapons and shields. You will be beamed to this ships hold and your vessel with be towed back to the station. Once there you will be transferred to Federation security offers where I presume official charges will be placed upon you. If you do not comply we will be forced to fire upon you." He allowed a long pause to permeate the air. "Your 30 seconds starts no..." Khiy's words were cut off as the view screen flashed crimson as the trader vessel fired upon the Warbird. The ship swayed very slightly from the kinetic energy of the weapon, though, Khiy didn't even have to redistribute the weight in his legs from the assault.


"Minimal Damage, Mister Tal'ehrihn. Shields down to 96 percent. The weapons specialist announced.

"Minimal? I'd say damn near inconsequential." Mumbled the operations officer." He looked up at Khiy. "Death wish?"

"Possibly." He remarked before seating himself. "I have no intention of making it that easy for them. Target their engines and fire when ready."

The weapons officer's hands danced across his console and a heartbeat later the Morning's wake unleashed an attack of it's own.

The disruptor struck the trader vessel right on target despite the evasive maneuvers it was making. The shields glowed bright for a millisecond before collapsing and the piercing beam connected with the right thruster, carving a hole trough the unit and severing it from the ship. The left thruster sputtered life for a moment before cooling and dying.

"Direct hit on the engines." The weapons officer reported. "The target is dead in the water."

"What's is her status?" Khiy asked

"Looks like she has emergency forefields in place to keep the rest of the ship from decompressing..." He peered at his consoles readout. "Their power grid is in a bad way. I think it's about to collapse."

The drifting trader ship's lights suddenly started winking out one by one and the forefields flickered for a moment before they too died.

"All power has died. The ship is decompressing!"

"There is no comm activity." Reported the specialist. "I don't think they have any intention of surviving this.

"Beam everyone on board to our holding cells. I'm not letting them die today without my permission." Khiy shook his head.

"Done." Came the call a moment later. "We have a number of prisoners in our holding cells...Our security reports that a number of them have sustained injuries. I'll dispatch a medical team to attend to them."

"Very good." Khiy tapped on his side console and opened a secure link to Morticia's ship. "Morticia, The ship has been disabled and her crew is in my brig. Did you manage to secure the ship's data before the lights went out?"

"Of course," came the reply. "But only just. They fried the computer when the power went out, but I got everything -- including personal logs." Morticia had worked hard to find the fastest, most efficient way to do a mass data dump. She was pleased it worked well. "I owe you a drink for this one. Well played."

"Actually I think I might be the one buying. It's been a decent little shakedown for the Morning's Wake, weapons test too." He looked around his command deck. "I think I'll keep her. You need any other vagrants bullied?" He chuckled.

Morticia chuckled. "Not that I know of. It was fun getting back into action, wasn't it?" She did a quick scan of the area before engaging the encrypted channel again. "Looks like it's time for me to disappear for a while. Until next time, my friend."

Buck's voice came over the speakers. "Typhon to Morning's Wake," he announced, he had to look up the ship's registry. "We show a shutdown on the trader vessel, could you please give me the run down of what happened Mister Tal'ehrihn?"

"Of course, Commander." Khiy replied. "After demanding their surrender they fired upon us and attempted to maneuver themselves out of contact. We had no choice but to return fire and disable the ship." He settled deeper into his command chair. "We recieved no distress call from the ship as its power grid was shutting down and they made no attempt to stop the hull from venting atmosphere. We took it upon ourselves to beam all of the survivors to our ships brig. The survivors are currently being administered medical treatment..." Khiy paused for a moment. "Commander, these people were prepared to die in their ship. Their last few seconds were spent attempting to scrub their database. They really don't want you to know something."

"Thank you Mister Tal'ehrihn, the Morning's Wake may dock for repairs and tow the trader vessel in as well, a Starfleet inspection team will be assigned to evaluate it. Thank you for your proactivity in this time of need, expect compensation. Though what will discussed and we'll get back to you." Buck replied. "I'll buy you a drink as my personal thanks."


Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, Trans-Galactic Trading


the Mislenite-class trader transport


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