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Getting Back To Business (part 2)

Posted on Tue Apr 21st, 2015 @ 10:36am by Commander Raven Adams & Miral Annhwi & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & N'alae t’K’manatran

1,168 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past



"She noticed the other two people. "Where are my manners, She bow slightly. "I am Lady Ebele, proprietor of Kindness Place, I was given the honor of catering this event for you all." She gave a wide smile. "Please enjoy the Buffet, my chief Suan has outdone herself."

"Please convey my compliments to her." Khiy stated. He took a moment to take in his surroundings. "You have done a lovely job here this evening. I'm not one to attend Starfleet functions, however, it would speak to their good taste if this is the calibre of service they expect."


Miral Annhwi had been invited to the gathering but had been delayed by an unexpected call. She disliked being late for official functions and slipped quietly inside. She looked around for someone she knew and smiled when she saw Khiy.

She made her way over to him and bowed, a twinkle in her eye that he could not miss. "A pleasure to see you, Mr. Tal'ehrihn."

Khiy smiled and returned the nod. "The pleasure is mine, Ambassador."

"Indeed," Miral replied, her eyes twinkling while the rest of her expression remained calm. "If you are free later, I would like to hear about your recent business dealings."

Dressed in an open-back black gown of Vulcan silk which brushed the floor, N'alae moved about the room in search of her target. Her heels clicked gently on the floor as she gracefully circumvented officers and high-ranking socialites. She was definitely uncomfortable with the current situation, although she would never let it show. Not only where there too many people - which was making it extremely difficult for her to distinguish individual signatures - she was also completely surrounded by Federation brass. The socialites she could handle, after all she had grown up among such types, but the Federation officers where another matter. As a former member of the Romulan military, her instincts were not to trust any of them, but she did her best to quash it as she gave a Captain a charming while she passed him. Khiy was in here somewhere, even if she couldn't sense him yet.

N'alae wandered among the guests for several minutes. As a stranger and a Romulan, she caught the interest of many. Not wanting to be rude, she traded polite talk about trivial things with a few of them, until she finally felt Khiy's presence on the edge of her awareness. Looking around she spotted him talking with a woman, and politely excused herself from the couple she was chatting with. A slightly mischievous smile played on her lips as she approached them. Perhaps she might have a little bit of fun at this party after all. She walked up behind Khiy and placed a hand on his shoulder, and with her best exasperated tone she said, "There you are, I have been looking everywhere for you!"

Khiy was about to respond to Miral when N'alae's hand landed on his shoulder. He turned to look up to his old friend and raised an eyebrow at her. She was clearly playing with him, but to what extent he wasn't sure yet. This had to be in retaliation for making her go to a Federation social event.

"I bet you have." Khiy grumbled. He turned to look back to Miral. "Ambassador Annhwi, let me introduce you to N'alae. She will taking command of the Morning's Wake."

Miral's expression grew more regal as she met N'alae's gaze. "Ah, one of your pilots," she said with a hint of condescension. She took a step closer to Khiy and put a hand on his arm with a hint of possession. "Khiy has not mentioned you."

It took Raven a moment to recognize the newcomer. It had been far too long since she'd seen the woman -- another lifetime. She was more than a little amused at the Romulan Ambassador laying such public claim on her friend. She would have to tease him about it later.

To keep N'alae from calling her by the wrong name, Raven stepped forward and gave the woman a bow. "Hello. I'm Raven Adams. I run the intelligence department on Typhon. I don't believe we've met." Her eyes were firm and direct, hoping the other woman would understand that Morticia was not a person she wished to discuss in public.

N'alae gave Miral her best charming smile. "He has not mentioned you either." She looked the other woman in the eye briefly, then took her hand off Khiy's shoulder in a casual move to pick up a drink from the tray of a passing waiter. When she turned back, a woman she had not seen in years was standing in front of her. She was surprised, first because she claimed to be a Starfleet officer and that she was giving her a false name, but also because N'alae had not sensed the woman's presence. Granted it had been years, and there were so many people in the room, so she probably had not picked her up for those reasons. She met the other woman's gaze and kept the smile on her face. She could play this game too.

"A pleasure Ms Adams." N'alae's opinion of the party was on the rise. It had been too long since she had attended a function which posed to offer an appropriate amount of intrigue. Perhaps Romulan and Federation social gatherings were not that different after all.

"Feel free to stop by if you have any questions. I've worked with Khiy a fair bit over the years. I could answer some of your questions from a Federation point of view." She glanced at Khiy, an eyebrow raised. This was definitely an interesting turn of events. She wasn't sure how far she could trust the other woman and would have to talk to Khiy about it as soon as they both had the time.

"Thank you. I most certainly will." N'alae responded with a slight nod of her head. She most definitely intended to take 'Raven' up on her offer, obviously in a more private - and perhaps secure - setting.

Miral relaxed a bit when the other Romulan turned her attention to Raven. There was an undertone of familiarity that made her think N'alae had known Khiy at some point in the past, but she knew the woman was new to TGT. "I see your last business trip was profitable," she said, glancing at N'alae and Raven.

"Very." Khiy said before taking a sip from his glass. "I agree, we have much to discuss about my newest business venture." He was sure Miral knew by now about the D'deridex Khiy had come across, even if it was just through whispers. He was curious how bad it would be for him once the Empire found out.

(To be continued...)

Lady Ebele
Owner, Kindness Place

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, Trans-Galactic Trading

Miral Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador

N'alae t'K'manatran
Pilot, Trans-Galactic trading

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer


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