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A probing

Posted on Fri Oct 23rd, 2015 @ 3:19pm by Lieutenant Ivy Malaxi [Mabrade] & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

1,349 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Probing the ship.


The shuttle was slowly approaching the Terran Empire Ship; Malaxi had the systems working the automatics to slow the shuttle within Transporter Range.

The illumination from the shuttle did show that there was some exterior damage; hull blackening, some plates warped out of place and pitting all along her length. The ship's main structure seemed in tact despite the damage, it hovered just ahead of them.

The shuttle remained at the mid point of the port side hull.

Malaxi turned her chair to face the others in the shuttle. "Okay I have brought us to the Transporter Range of the ship. "The Captain has decided that we need to probe the ship for information and evidence. We know there is some 'hostile force' that attacked the Landing party." Malaxi continued her explanation. "Representing Science I was given the task of probing this vessel and I have gotten what is required."


"We have a small probe that can be sent across." Malaxi put her hand up to her shoulder for Minnie to step out upon the offered hand.

"I can move about without anyone getting harmed." Minnie annouced as she wore a small back with a menicing looking weapon for someone her size. "I have the extra sensing devices in the pack and the means to defend myself."

"Okay Minnie it s time." Malaxi smiled as she put her down upon the deck and watched the small android run across the decking to the small transporter. "You just be careful."

Minnie smiled and gave a wave before the transporter was engaged and the micro-android vanished.

Aria sat at the shuttles other console as she monitored the transport. Luckily she could lock on to it via its signal and track it inside the ship. She was also watching carefully just incase something happened with the Mirror Universe ship. For all they know it could open fire, explode or start drifting any minute and without warning.

[Interior of Empire Ship]

Minnie could see witrh her visuals in the higher ranges, she pressed a button on her shoulder strap of teh pack; twin torches lit up with strong LED brillance on each shoulder mount. Touched the opposite shoulder strap she activated her signal boosted communictor.

"Minnie reporting, I am here and safe." The Andriod stepped in a 360 degree circle scanning her surroundings. "I have a new definition for the words Creepy and unnerving."

=^= Okay Minnie you can head to the Computer Core to set up the relay connection with the safety Protocols I programmed to transmmit to a safe mobile core separate from the regular systems. =^= Malaxi instructed.

"Heading in that direction, I am on the same level as it so no need to go down." Minnie started down the corridor looking at the access panels. "If I knew it would be cold like this I would have brought a coat." She mentioned as she moved keeping a scan on things.

The corridor was darker and the beams of her torches did a fair job of cutting through the dim lighting. It would have been faster going if she were taller. The thermal spectrum of her scanning was keeping track of the temperatures around her to track when it would be below human habitation conditions.

She came to the reading where the Computer Core should be, the faint power emissions told her that she is close. The whole ship was on minimal power, the Computer was obviously long ago all but shut down; only at the minimal levels.

The Acess panel would be a problem for someone only 11.5 inches tall. She was only 17.056% the required height to operate normally. This is a matter that she could calculate and compensate for, slinging the Rifle she took aim and with four precise shots to through the plating to the connection brackets, then she pulled the panel and let it clatter to the deck.

"That takes care of that." Minnie entered the access tube.


Malaxi had the shuttle's sensors tracked the small weapon discharge 4 times in succession.

A few beeps came across Aria's console. "Weapons discharge" she said as she saw it come up on the screen. "Maybe interior defenses?"

"Minnie!" Malxi called. "Are you okay?"

=^= Small problem with an access panel blocking me, I had to get it out of the way and could not reach the handles. =^= Minnie replied.

Minnie made her way along the access tube to the central Computer Core; it was a large cylinder; of course just about anything is large when you are under a foot tall.

"I am at the core, and it is dark and scary looking." Minnie remarked. "There is no real power circulating through it."

=^= You might have to route some power to it? =^= Malaxi informed. =^= you should be able to use the junction and cross a few circuit bypasses to route power., I can walk you through it.=^=

"I want a car next time with a trunk to carry more tools." She remarked. "I can see the junction, it has a few lights and is mostly dark.”

=^= It is okay, it might take a minute or two. =^= Malaxi assured. =^= we do it by the numbers. =^=


Minnie managed to get a flow of power from the dwindling systems, the Core was operating at minimal power; the down-loading process was taking her longer than was comfortable for Minnie’s circuits. She monitored the area around her and noticed the dropping of the temperature at twenty meters and flowing in her direction slowly down the access point. It was a cloud like bank of cold progressing towards her. The sensory readings showed stagnate air surrounding her in the opposite direction and no vents near her to push the air.

“Minnie to shuttle… is there supposed to be an air circulation in the Jeffery tube, I have a slight wind coming in my direction and the temperature is sharply dropping by twenty Celsius… is there an freezer door left open?” She was watching for the down load to complete, it was at 78% and ticking at a pathetic rate. “I am not waiting around!” She dropped the transmitting data unit while still transferring the information. “I am bugging out.” She announced and ran down the access way in the opposite direction, the shoulder lights showing her a clear path. “Can someone get a lock on me please?”

She heard some kind of distortion; it could be gas ventilation echo, or audio transmissions in the data stream or… something Minnie did not want to register. Running as fast as her legs would carry her her calculation showed her lack of height was an advantage for moving in these close quarters. She would need to get another ten meters to an access point and then to a corridor for an easier Transporter lock. She ran with all her balance and athletic programming could give her. She wondered why Ivy had not based her upon the ‘Sporting Doll’ rather than the pretty one?

Covering the distance she slung her weapon and with four precise shots and a body slam the panel fell to he ground. Minnie sprang to her feet and ran down another few meters.

“Minnie to shuttle… One to beam out.” She announced as her Tricorder registered the cold cloud heading like it caught a good venting. “Now would be nice!”


Minnie materialized on the padd, she moved off it and to Ivy.

“I now understand the reference to vessels called 'GHOST SHIPS.” She had her leeft hand on her hip and her right hand pointing at the TerranEmpire ship. “Can we get away from it I do not want them to chase?”

Malaxi turned to the controls. “We have the best down load we can hope for.” She activated the impulse and laterals to spin the shuttle for a return vector. “Typhon this is Shuttle Indigo, we are returning.”

It would not be soon enough as Minnie's processors logged the events in her 'threat assessment' files, she did not like Ghosts.


Lt. Ivy Malaxi
Assist. Chief of Science

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief of Security.


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