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What Have You Gotten Yourself Into

Posted on Mon Oct 26th, 2015 @ 1:09pm by Lieutenant Ivy Malaxi [Mabrade] & Commander Buck Ducati

1,133 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Shuttle Bay


The runabout ride was not that bad; the silly man had suggested that he and Malaxi find some ways to pass the time; he had suggested some kind of a sharing of accommodations for some kind of recreation. She did not like the idea and Minnie had a few references that she accessed that put her as really not wanting to be 'entertaining' any of those thoughts.

She was quite glad when the Runabout arrived at the Starbase Typhon ahead of schedule; it could be that the pilot decided that his time with Malaxi would not get him the results he desired so he wanted her off his 'ship' in short order?

Picking up the duffle bag she had prepared and the PADD with her orders she went to disembark onto the station waiting for the duty Officer to arrive at her shuttle.

Minnie sat on her shoulder and was using her limited sensors ; more of a tricorder style function with less range due to the limited space for her insertion of components.

"I think the Executive Officer is coming this way?" Minnie said as her sensors were referring to the PADD and the information included on her reports for the transfer.

"Well I am glad you know him on sight." Malaxi was relieved. "One man is like most of the others."

Timing was horrible considering the mirror universe transport that was parked outside the shield bubble and Buck had been called down to the closest shuttle bay to meet the Chief Science Officer who had arrived. Though he knew he could do nothing but wait for the away team to report in and return so he left Ops to greet the new officer.

He ran his hand through his lengthening Purple hair, damn I need to get it cut again, he thought as he entered the bay main area. Buck instantly saw something odd, though he had read about Raven's AI pet as well. He approached the woman carefully.

"Lieutenant," Buck said in greeting as he slowly offered his hand but watched whatever it was on Ivy's shoulder. "I'm Commander Buck Ducati, welcome to starbase Typhon."

"Lieutenant Ivy Malaxi." She said quite formally as the silly men liked to be addressed that way rather than a more relaxed professional type of relationship. "I will be your deputy chief of Science." She added. "This is Minnie..."Pointing to the small android / robot on her shoulder. "She is my companion and also seconds as a data retrieval and tricorder unit." Malaxi said proudly as she tried to recall the proper form. "P-permission to come aboard Sir?" She asked.

"Granted, umm what is it supposed to look like?" Buck asked leaning a bit closer to look at the Android-Robot, it reminded him of Raven's pet. Why was all the officers on Typhon got some form of pet that can function as equipment? He wondered. Well not all. He noted.

Minnie wore a costume that resembled something from a storybook Arabian Nights Genie outfit. Her Blonde hair incorporated out the top of the Fez in a ponytail atop her toy doll style body standing nearly a foot tall.

"I am Minnie, what can I tell you Master?" Minnie asked.

"I'm not your master," Buck chuckled. "What do you do?" He asked Minnie.

"Mostly data inter phase but I have a small Tricorder like sensory package and communications module as well." She said with a smile. "What I do is whatever Ivy tells me to." She replied proudly.

"I do not like tricorders, a weight on your side all the time, so I made Minnie." Malaxi said. "It is more of a mobile unit and she has a personality subroutine that I find very interesting." She explained. "She is my friend and has utilitarian properties to her."

"Are you able to analyse what you scan? And display it to show the Lieutenant?" Buck asked.

"Just like a little computer attached to a Tricorder." Minnie boasted.

"She has light duty on that she also had the connections to access the same information as a PADD should she need further information or computing power." Malaxi added. "She is a small personality in the android body with limited processing capability, I can only fit so much in someone her size."

Buck smiled. "I may have to ask for you to make one for me, I'm thinking of a bird?" He asked.

Malaxi tilt her head for a second. "Minnie took me nearly six months to get the programming integrated with the proper cranial size for the sensory apparatus and her central processor in her chest as with her dimensions there was enhanced in places to allow the expanded CPU function."

"What about a hologram version?" Buck asked.

"What is the good of that?" Malaxi wondered., this... man wanted something and she did not understand. "To what purpose?" Malaxi often wondered why men made such strange requests, but she had to learn to accept men so she smiled. "You are the Executive Officer don't you have access to the computer?" She tilt her head puzzled. "Minnie is a replacement for a Tricorder that can move on her own and has less chance of getting lost; she is...'

"A utilitarian device that has use in the field as well as the lab." Minnie said proudly. "My capability save Ivy time by processing information from what my sensors pick up." She nod. "I am just a tool by another form."

"You are my friend, not a tool Minnie." Malaxi smiled. "So why do you need this system?" Malaxi asked again, hoping he had some enticingly good reason to for the endeavor rather than just because Malaxi can do it for him?

"I may need an assistant to help organise my duties and answer calls to me while I am busy with other station business, this is a large station and I need all the help I can get." Buck smiled.

"I will have to think about it." She admit. "I-I just arrived and have not even seen what I have to work with as yet." She looked around. "But I do see that this is a large station and any help... don't command grade officers get yeomen?" She asked.

Buck blinked, he hadn't checked the manifest. He shook his head. "If so I haven't been told or seen one that is assigned to me, no. I'll check with Command. Anyway let me get you sorted with quarters and schedule a department meeting for your staff." He gestured for Ivy to follow.

"Thank you Commander that will be lovely." She smiled. "Runabouts are not the most comfortable bunks." She made sure Minnie was secure before she followed the Commander.


Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Ivy Malaxi
Deputy Science Chief


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