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Posted on Wed Oct 28th, 2015 @ 8:07am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Buck Ducati

494 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: AFTER "New Garrison Vessel"

Mabrade had his hands behind his back as he moved towards his Ready room, he had learned it's location from the plans he studied en route to Typhon; as well as the files of his Command Staff.

The Ready Room was still spartan as he had not yet made it his own; the few remnants of his predecessor were naturally removed and aside from the basic furniture there was little that Mabrade had put in his Ready Room. Moving to his desk he motioned Ducati to the sat across from him before seating himself.

"Do you like Scotch?" Mabrade took out a bottle and two glasses from his bottom desk drawer, placing them on the table between them. "I have a 13 year old vintage that is quite smooth?"

"No thank you sir, and I shouldn't have to remind you you are on duty as well." Buck said with a smirk.

"Okay Commander." Mabrade said as he put the bottle and glasses away. "Blunt and to the point." He looked Ducati in the eye. "Coming onto the Control Deck and commandeering a conversation of the Ranking Officer is considered rude. If you come to the Control Deck while I am in a dialogue you can wait for the conclusion as a courtesy. In the same respect if I come on board and the roles are reversed I will show the same respect." He sat back slightly. "I am not a hard man to get along with; respect and honor are my creed. I intend to show you due respect for your experience it took to achieve your status and expect you to do the same respect for my rank and position. If you wish to have a clear parameter of this command structure; I believe anything with two heads is a monster and as such I am the Commanding Officer and the final word as far as command goes. I will rely upon your input for decisions but the final say I reserved for me as Captain."

Buck frowned. "The only thing I disagree with is that it is called Operations, not Control Deck, sir, though if you wish to call it that that is perfectly okay. It's just most of the crew know it as Operations or Ops for short." He smirked again. "Just letting you know that's all. My apologies for the rest, Captain. In all honesty if you want to commandeer any conversations that I am having in your stead please do so since they would want to talk to you anyway." He shifted to a semi wide stance and placed his hands behind his back.

"I will be sure to correct my terms as I am new to a station of this size. I am presuming that I can count on more professional format from now on Commander." Mabrade continued. "It was informative. "You may continue your Duties Commander, Dismissed."


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer.

Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer


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