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Sleeping death

Posted on Wed Oct 28th, 2015 @ 2:06pm by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

1,063 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past


The lights were out as the young yeoman had retireds to her bed after a long day of shuffling the reports about. She had taken a sonic shower and went straight to bed as she had a very long day of Departmental correspondence to relay and the mind numbing task would be harder if she did not get some sleep.

The brunette lay in her bed with the covers brought up almost to her shoulders while she lay on her side.

The mist came from out of the floor venting, silently moving out into the room on the small breeze of circulating air, becoming a large six foot diameter cloud that flow like a soft cloud on a breeze filled day towards the back room...


The cabin was closed off after the detection of the body. When the Yeoman did not report for her duty shift . Security used a special code to enter the premisis to discover the Yeoman Princeton still in her night shirt with the covers drawn around her and a face both pained and frightened in the expression.

Aria stood looking at the woman one hand on her hips, and the other scanning around with the tricorder. She sighed as she couldn't tell what had killed the woman. There was no sign of forced entrance, robbery or attack on the woman. As far as Aria could tell she had somehow being killed whilst fast asleep.

"I really didn't need a murder to happen right now" she sighed. She had placed two guards at the door and only certain officers were allowed in. She was treating the whole area as a crime scene and even the corridor outside had been closed off to normal people traffic.

Aria tapped at her tricorder. It wasn't picking anything unusual around the area. She was clueless, but that means she needed to do some digging.
=A= Kanzaki to Adams. I need you here =A= Aria said tapping her comm badge.

Raven was in her office, going over the information Edgar felt useful from the Terran Empire ship when she got the call. "On my way," she said. She closed out her computer, grabbed her bag of essential supplies and paused long enough to find out where the security officer was located, then headed out the door.

She showed up several minutes later, pausing in the doorway to observe what was going on. She saw the body, covered by a sheet, and then went over to Aria. "What happened?"

"It seems as if this young woman decided to randomly die last night" Aria said. "However, until we can determine why a perfectly healthy person literally dropped dead, we're treating her death as suspicious". Aria looked over her shoulder at the woman, still laid in her bed and covered by her bedding.

"Medical are currently analysing their scans, they're going to come remove the body later once they have a slab ready" Aria explained. "However, I need you to do some digging. Did this woman have any enemies? Where has she been the last few days? What might she have eaten? Was anyone or anything around here last night? Did she have health problems that might have caused this? You get the idea"

"I do. I'd like to see your scans and images from her room now, too. Just in case there's something I notice that you don't." Raven gave Aria an apologetic smile. "It's not that I don't think you can do your job, it's that you and I will look at different things."

Aria passed the tricorder to Raven. "Here you go" she said. "The entire room has been mapped by the computer. I intend to recreate the scene later in one of the holo-suites and see if there was anything we missed. For now however we've gone over everything in this room" she explained simply. "Also, this information is confidential. No one apart from who needs to know, knows yet". The last thing that Aria wanted was for news and gossip of a murderer getting around on the base.

Raven nodded. She pulled out her PADD and transferred the data so she and Edgar could look it over later and handed it back. "Thank you. I'll let you know what I find. Is there anything else you need?" she asked.

"Pathology will have a hard time." The Medical Technician announced. "I am having trouble with the time of death." The young woman tried her scans again. "The body is cooling at a very strange rate, the internal tempature is not at the normal rate as it should be compared to the skin, the whole body seems to not be consistant, for the body tempeture I am reading the time of death would be during her shift yesterday and we can confirm she was on duty."

Raven checked her PADD. "She was seen entering her quarters at 2200 last night. Computer, who entered these quarters after Yeoman Princeton?"

"Security at 1017 hours."

That was when the body was discovered. "Twelve hours and no one else entered." She raised an eyebrow. "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us."

"Chief Kanzaki, I have a great tempature variance between her inner organs and her outer body, it is not logical in any way." The Medical Technician stated. "Request permission to beam the body for an autopsy?"

Aria looked around at the room. Nothing seemed out of place. "Granted. Until we get better results of the cause of death I'm sealing off this room" she explained. "I also need to talk with the Captain about this."

The medical Officer touched her comm badge and gave the coordinates for the site to site, a moment later the body vanished.

"Chief." The Medical Technician started to speak to Aria. "I will have the results of the autopsy forwarded to you right away." She informed. "I hope they can make heads or tails out of it?"

"Lets hope so" Aria replied with a sigh. "I want all security forces on high alert" she ordered looking over at the security officers. "If anyone see's or suspects anything, they bring it to me personally".

"If there's nothing else you need from me, I'll see what I can find and let you know," Raven said.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intel Officer

Lt. Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer

Medical Officer
NPC (Mabrade)


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