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Getting Home -- Safely (part 2)

Posted on Wed Oct 28th, 2015 @ 8:06am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Edited on on Sun Nov 15th, 2015 @ 2:29pm

515 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Sickbay


Mabrade turned to the Security Chief.

"What do you think is the security issue?" He asked right off. "What do we need to secure from, if something attacked I need to know what and how to defend if possible?" He nod to her. "I am confident you will be able to achieve that Lt. Kanzaki."

"There are many things that could go wrong" Aria explained. "That's a Mirror Universe ship out there. For one; how did it get here? Why has it come to Typhon? Could this be an invasion? Is it rigged to dock and explode? Is it carrying troops without us knowing.... You see my point?" she explained.

"I think I have a good grasp upon that and Commander Adams has data to break down that might shed light upon the situation?" He started and glanced about. "I am not bringing it closer to the station until we know what happened to the crew, we are monitoring it and landing parties are not the best idea. so I leave it to you to figure a way to secure it as I am only a Tactical Officer..." He grinned. "I can tell you a dozen ways to tactfully blow it up if needed?"

"I agree with you" Aria said. "I believe that its destruction would be best" she explained.

"But it has not been hostile towards the station, no one is a board her and all I can verify is some sort of Ghost ship by all accounts?" Mabrade said calmly. "No harmful bacteria that we can tell nor any apparent danger. We can move it it of a direct space lane or it could be claimed as salvage and Star Fleet would not mind having a piece of the Terran Empire to study. So if you can get me evidence here is a threat then I will give you the tactical controls to destroy it yourself."

Aria blinked several times at the response she was given. "Something clearly attacked our officers" Aria said simply.

"Can you tell me what attacked them?" Mabrade said solemnly. "There were no life signs yet we were attacked, how can I explain blowing a ship from the mirror universe up because an unknown force attacked with unknown weapons, a type of frost bite as a weapon?" He tilt his head slightly. "How would you react to a report like that? I need more tangible."

"Well" Aria said. "We need a way to go over there and find out" she explained. "I'll lead that mission myself if need be."

"Then I leave that to you." Mabade said. "Once you are cleared get with Lt. Malaxi the Science Officer heading out, she has a probe she wants to send aboard the ship."

"Yes sir" Aria said simply.

Mabrade walked to the other members of the away team before he gave a glance over his shoulder to see the Security Chief depart. His job was getting harder by the second, something told him this was far from over.


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Chief


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