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A lady's Business

Posted on Wed Oct 28th, 2015 @ 3:50pm by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Billy Jo Rhodes

1,601 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Typhon Base
Timeline: Day 2 Morning


Captain Mabrade was in a crisp uniform today; his calendar through the afternoon is cleared as this business might take time. Most business concerning women takes time, it is never polite to push a lady's business; one has to go with the ebbs and flows if he wants to get his goal. A light bit of complements, a nice lunch and a very tantilizing offer does seem to make the business with women easier.

He had sent an Official invatation, via a yeoman for the more personal touch, inviting the lady of the Ship Yards; one Billy Jo Rhodes, to attend a meeting in his Ready Room and expanding it to other places depending upon the reactions of Ms. Rhodes.

Right now he stood behind his desk gazing out the portal waiting for the lady to arrive.

As this was a formal meeting with the new CO, Billy Jo felt it important to make a good first impression. She hoped this would be the beginning of a good working relationship between Typhon and the Shipyards. So she dressed in her best blue shirt and jacket, white silk shirt and black pumps. She liked her clothes snug-fitting to show off her assets and because she felt good when she looked good. Her curly blonde hair was left loose as she only pulled it back when she was supervising the workers in the shipyards themselves. As an added shot of courage, she spritzed herself with a light scent of magnolias and headed to Typhon.

[Transporter Room]

Mabrade stood at a casual attentionwhile he waited for the woman to appear. The shapely figure on the transporter Pad was more than he expected, having only a portrait style view he did not get the full impact of her; even in a business suit he could tell that she was a woman of higher level; despite the slightly well contouring business attire there was a shwy nature to her he could tell by the garceful way she wore the clothing.

"Ms Rhodes, I am Captain Landon Mabrade." He offered a hand to help her down the steps as a gentleman should. "I am glad you accepted my invitation." He smiled while making sure his gaze did not venture lower than her chin as a gentleman should.

Billy Jo took his hand with a smile. "Why thank you, Captain. For the hand and the invitation," she said with a bright smile.

"The pleasure is mine." He said and with a slight bow gesgure to the door. "I was wondering if you are slow right now?"

"I've been called a lot of things in my time, but that ain't one of 'em," she said, her Southern drawl more pronounced as she tried not to laugh. "Then again, if I kick off my heels I might get a little faster."

Mabrade tried not to overly react to that. "I was referring to the ship yard, I have some projects that I think you would be interested in." he escorted her along the corridor to the Turbo Lift. "Would you like to see them first, maybe judge the jobs?" The doors parted and he allowed the lady to enter first.

She laughed cheerfully at his correction. "Oh, shops. Well, honey, I would definitely like hear what you have in mind. My babies have been quiet for far too long."

"Dock Nine Zero." He told the Turbo Lift. "This station has several ships that are assigned to it yet they are not being utilized, the ones I will show you were here for some time and need to have the cobwebs taken out and brought back to fighting trim." HE said as the lift moved. "I hope you are the woman for the job, I have heard good things about you."

"Of course, and I know which ships you're talkin' about, too," she said. "Purdy little things, aren't they?"

"They have potential." Mabrade said with a slight grin. "Especially if you are able to get them back into fighting trim." He remarked as he glanced to see her reaction.

Her eyes lit up and her grin grew even broader. "Really? You aren't pulling my leg, are you? Because I'll tell you now, that would be a pretty poor joke to play on an old administrator like me."

"You are not old." He actually chuckled. "You are still in your prime I can observe, I would not be able to get anything past you." Giving a wry smile.

"No, I would not recommend trying to get something past me," she said. "My daddy didn't raise me to be a doormat."

"Remind me to thank your father." Mabrade remarked. "So I take it you want the job refurbishing these for me?" He smiled. "Do we get a discount if we give you three to work on?"

"Do puppies have tails?" she asked. "Of course I want to work on them. Those poor babies need a good overhaul. My boys will have them purring before you know it."

"So do human boys according to the nursery rhyme." Mabrade managed to say with a straight face. "So were you the sugar or spice?" He gave a sly smile.

"Oh, honey, I am everything nice," she assured him with a wink. "Is there anything in particular you'd like us to do?"

"Is that Officially or Socially?" He have a wry smile

Billy Jo put her hands on her hips. "Well, darlin' that all depends on what you have in mind and if dinner comes first. My daddy told me to never turn down a free meal."

"I have heard Kindness Place is an excellent restaurant" He smiled and look her in the eyes. "Would that be to your liking?" He said with a smile. "I can have my Yeoman make the reservations?"

"I've heard about that place, but I'm afraid this is the first time I've been on Typhon since it came back. It sounds nice."

"I am told they have a Deltan Chef." He remarked. "Should be quite the experience." He smiled. "I hear they have true vintage wine on stock as well."

"I haven't had food like that in a coon's age," she admitted. "One question, though. Is this a formal dinner, or do I have time to dress in something more comfortable? Or would you rather wait until tomorrow when I can have some plans worked up for you?"

"You have the time as what is the good of dining with a lady unless she feels she is at her best." He suggested. "And we can go over the plans later, an excuse to see you again?"

"Honey, you could sweet talk a robot," she said, chuckling. "I don't know about you, but I'm more comfortable in a pair of jeans than I am this getup. I'd like a chance to dress down a bit before dinner. If that goes well, we can do it again tomorrow while I show you what I've got."

Mabrade raised an eyebrow and gave a slight Grin. "Kindness place is not formal, so you can be down dressed for the dinner." He informed her with a sly grin. "As for showing me what you've 'got' I shall just say I would not be an honorable gentleman if I turned down such an offer."

She laughed heartily at that. "I'm talking starship designs, but if you want to sweet talk me, who am I to say no?"

“Perhaps I am speaking of two types of designs and should stick to the first?” He remarked and save the other for dinner?”

"Let's start with dinner and see where we go from there," she said. "We can talk about your ship designs and what I can do for you."

"I can see you are a woman who gets the deal she wants." He chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind for the future negotiations." He offered an arm. "Shall we go over the order you want to work on the ships?"

"Well, let's have a look, then we can run them up the flagpole and see who salutes," she said, laughing at the idea.

“The Thor seems to have the most wear and tear to it.” He started towards the hatchway. “I am thinking that ship will need the most of your … TLC? That is what humans call it right?”

"It is indeed. So she'll be last." Billy Jo turned to Landon. "That will allow me to give her all my attention."

“Won’t that make the others jealous?” He remarked. “Some might talk about favoritism or the ability to contain a lady’s –full- attention?”

She laughed again. "Not if I give each of them special attention. You want your ships, so I figure I'll get you the one that needs the least fixin' first. They'll each know they're loved, trust me."

“I get the distinct impression any expression of affection from you leaves no room to be doubted.” He smiled. “I do trust you; I am turning the care of my ship to you. What greater expression could I bestow upon you at this stage of our relationship?”

"Oh, honey, I am definitely a lover and not a fighter. Your babies will be in good hands, I promise. I'll even give them a good polish so they shine inside and out."

“I am glad we have that established.” Mabrade remarked. “You are the lover and I am the fighter.” He chanced a glance to her. “And my ships will be treated under the best of care.”


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Billy Jo Rhodes
Project Commanding Officer


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