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Ghostly Buggar

Posted on Sun Nov 22nd, 2015 @ 12:08am by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Captain Landon Mabrade

1,804 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Near the Promanade
Timeline: MD 02 2040 hours


The back allely like corridors just off the Prominade are often busy. This time of day the traffic was dying off a bit and the interior lighting was more faded than it should have been.

Inside the dim ligt a gaseous form; about a cubic meter in size, was moving of an accord not with the flow of ventalation, it was engulfing a human in a gold uniform. The poor victim of this could not breathe; a sudden chill filled the air passages and he could feel the cold going deeper into his body and being, the oain was ice cold and burning as a flash frost bit in his throat and began to fill his lungs...

Aria had finished her rounds and had called in to pick up her freshly cleaned uniform from the dry cleaners on the upper Promenade. She often avoided the high traffic areas, so she took a shortcut down one of the Promenade's back alleys. She had come to know all of them, and the favorite spots for criminals and petty thieves.

She rounded a corner to spot a man englufed by a cloud. She immediately drew her phaser. The TCIS has already theorised that it would be some sort of gaseos lifeform. She fired a few shots at the cloud, which instantly retreated into a nearby air vent.

"Bloody hell!" she said as she ran over to the man and placed her fingers on his neck. His pulse was weak, but still there.
=A= Kanzaki to Medical. Medical Emergency =A= she said.

=^= Medical, please state the nature of the Emergency? =^= The female voice responded.

"An attack by a cloud like creat...." Aria was cut off as her comm badge stopped working like a dampening field was put up around her.

The venting was pushing one way but the slight movement of a mist like form moved along the ground like fog rolling across the distance towards Aria.

Aria took a step back. She had her phaser ready. "You want me? Then come and get me you sheep with no legs!" she shouted. She then suddenly realised she should have thought of a better insult.

She fired two shots at it, however it once again went straight through the entity.

The entity was moving without hesitation, arcing sonly slightly as it did not have to angle much to reach up towards Aria's lack of height, it was an easy target. The woman's heat was alluring, she was human and would be savored slowly since she is putting up a fight. The entity remembered the feel of hands around a throat choaking the life out of another being. The fact this girl would give such life to be savored enticed it.

Moving at a steady speed like a cloud pushed by a light breeze the entity approached Aria.

Aria began to walk back quicker, back towards the main promenade. However she misjudged her steps and ended up backed into a corner. She was already reprogramming her phaser as the entity came closer.
"What the hell are you!" she asked as she pointed the phaser at the cloud. "If you're Intelligent, then face me! Why are you killing innocent people?"

The gas was rearing up slowly; almost teasing her with slowly forming to show what it was about to do to her. The cloud came down with the grace of a cloud in a soft breeze. She could not get away and it would not end this any faster, her death would be savored for each and every bit, once entering the body it would all be over and then it would finish the first one.

Aria had set her phaser to a cone shape with a standard dispersal setting. Aiming it at the direct center of the cloud she opened fire on a high stun setting.

The cloud was impacted; the particle style stream seemed to interact with the gasses in a similar effect to lightning in a thunder cloud and the cloud receeded slightly. Missing the target of the breathing pathwayd and the cold ran down her front from mouth to thighs with the cold of -25 celcius brushed her skin despite her uniform.

Aria felt it like cold water running down the front of her body, running over chest and stomach. She shivered like a leaf on a tree as she quickly reset the phaser again. She fired once more, this time falling down to her knees. She felt a freezing sensation in her stomach, like ice water was swirling around her intestines. Even the goosebumps on her skin seemed to stand up on edge as it ran over her.

Hitting the cloud flashes of the reactions forced it back, the time that she kept on the trigger sent reactions through the entity, lightnong flashing in a small thuder cloud as the darkening of he entity added to the effect.

The end of the burst left it able to move; the better part of valor; retreating in the direction of a venting shaft the entity had to make it to the vent; it wanted to move faster than a cloud moved by unseen breeze but could only receed so fast.

"Oh, you're a coward now!" Aria said in a more raised voice, still shivering. She pulled herself up holding her stomach, still the feeling of freezing running around inside her. "First you attack someone, then you come at me! Next thing I know its like a clous just tried to feel me up!". She blasted another scattering shot at the entity as it ran away.

The interaction of the energy with the entity did make for a nice light show but also slowed the progress as though it were reeling from the blast and held fast in an almost tangable way to the physical plane. The arching of the cloud like a person tensing while being electricuted.

Those few seconds were intitive for the cloud to close the final bit and enter the venting system.

=^= Medical to Kazanki..=^= the female voice implored =^= Medical Team enroute to you!! =^=

Aria dropped to her knee's as she watched the cloud disappear. As the comm call she gently lifted her shirt and looked down at her belly. She was still shivering, her skin showing signs that she had been exposed to extreme cold. Her head was also dizzy, it was if she was starting to slip into some for of mild hypothermia.

=A= Kanzaki here... I need Captain Mabrade. Now =A=

Mabrade was still on the OPS working his way through the Lock Down procedures. The call from his security Chief had his full attention, especially with a medical team reporting no communications with her and OPS not able to get a transporter lock.

=^= Aria…” Mabrade tried to keep his concern aside. =^= What is going on; there is medical on it’s way and your comm went dark? =^=

=A= I've been attacked sir =A= Aria explained. =A= Another officer is here, unconcious. I've been struck down by some sort of Hypothermia. Its definitely a cloud creature =A= she tried to explain through a heavy breathing. She was still shivering, if this is how she was feeling she didn't want to imagine what the other man was feeling right now.

Seconds later the large frame of Mabrade transported to the area in time with the arrivial of the Medical technicians. Mabrade look around to see Aria a few paces away and still on her knees. HE moved quickly over towards her ; removing his coat to drape over her shoulders; it was more like a tent but a warm one he hoped.

“Aria, you saw what did this and tried to engage it alone?” He shook his head. “I see how yo got nyour reputation.” He remarked. “Just stay still and tell me what happened while we wait the Medics to arrive here?”

"It was a cloud" she began to explain, the warmth of his coat beginning to warm her up. "It was attacking that man, so I opened fire on it to warn it off. However, it came for me" she pulled the coat around her a little tighter. "I managed to hurt it with a wide range disperal phaser beam. But it got close... too close. That thing is damn cold!"

=^= Mabrade to Sick Bay, get a second team here on the double, also have Warrant Officer Gordon get to sick bay to meet the wounded and take a battery of scans. =^= He barked into his comm badge. “What damage did that inflict?” He asked.

"I can't be sure" Aria shivered. "It seemed to set off electrical style discharges inside it. Like a thundercloud. But after a few shots, each one a higher setting it retreated" she explained. She was glad that Mabrade had come, at least she could get this all out while it was still fresh in her mind.

The Medical personnel were beaming in; a Doctor and Nurse ready to give aid to Aria, Mabrade was wanting to get more information out of her but her physical needs did take the lead in his decisions. The Doctor already had his probe out and was scanning Aria while the two spoke.
“Is there anything you need to tell me before they take you to Sick Bay to get you healed?” Mabrade asked. “I am sure the tactical and such can adapt weapons to discharge along those lines and…” He had an idea. “I will get the scans from internal sensors to Gordon and the science people. Maybe we can find a way to track them?”

Aria nodded. "Good idea" she said. "As soon as I'm good to go, I'll be hot on its trail. Let the TCIS know that I will be calling them into action as soon as I can" she explained as one of the nurses helped her to her feet.

“Take care of yourself and ‘DO’ what they instruct, I will make sure to get their recommendations.” Mabrade put a hand on her shoulder. “I will relay the message and warn them to be on the lookout for you.” He gave her a supportive smile. “All things would be made ready for you.”

He watched as the three were transported away and the other man had vanished a long time ago.

=^= Mabrade to OPS, Stand by to bring me back. =^= He ordered. =^= Have the Forensic Pathologist report to my position. We have a few things to get straight and then I will be coming back. =^=

Mabrade would have the scans made and evidence collected before he would be able to concentrate on other tasks.

The enemy had been sighted, the battle was over , it just needed to play out the last moves.


Posting by

Captain Landon Mabarade
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer


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