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New Data

Posted on Sun Nov 22nd, 2015 @ 12:29am by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

574 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Medical & Security Complex

Aria sighed as she pulled on her trousers. The doctor had finished examining every inch of her. The medical staff wanted to be sure that she was ok after the attack. The examination room doors opened and the doctor re-entered carrying a PADD.

"Well Lieutenant. The medical scans seem to show that it was a near call" he looked up from the PADD and blushed. Aria who was stood there in her trousers and bra just looked at him, not at all body concious. "From what we can tell, your actions saved your life. Although I have noticed that you seem to be on the borderline of underweight"

"Guess I'll just have to eat more. I've been a little stressed out regarding the murders recently" she said as she rubbed her exposed belly which she had noticed seemed to be thinning out. She picked up her gold undershirt and pulled it over her head, and then quickly slipped on her grey and black uniform tunic.

"Well if I'm good. Then I have a strange cloud to track down" she said as she zipped up the tunic. "May I go?" she asked.

"Yeah" the doctor replied. "You're cleared for duty" he explained passing the PADD. Aria took the PADD, it contained the data on what had happened to her, and how it had affected her body.

"Thanks" she said. At least now she had some sort of data and one hell of a lead to go on. She quickly exited the sickbay, phaser still attached to her belt and walked over to the nearest turbolift. Instructing it to head to the Security Complex, she had to get stuck in with the investigation.

She stepped out into the Security Complex of the station. Passing her large office and the ajoined conference room she made her way past the brigs and the security lounge before arriving at the specialised lab.

The Security Investigations Lab was an advanced labatory where only authorised officers could enter. It was specially equipped to solve cases, from high level murders, to who played a silly prank. It also had a seperate room where every inch of Typhon could be watched from through visual sensors.

Walking over to the main computer Aria slotted the PADD into the slot.
"Computer. Begin analysis of the symptoms and cross-reference with any known creature in the Federation database" she said. The computer beeped as it began to analyse the situation. "Also, use the sensor records from the area of the attack. Can the cloud creature be tracked?"

A few minutes later the computer beeped. "Analysis complete". Aria smiled as she transfered the information to the Security Control Room. Exiting the lab into the Security Control Room she immediatly went to the center of the room. It was a large circular room, with a large center table in the middle. Consoles lined the walls and faced the center of the room. It was the heart of Typhons security control. Everything to do with Security could be tracked and managed from this room.

The large holographic image of Typhon in the middle powered up. Several red dots could be seen moving around the station in various points.
"I've got you!" Aria said with a smile. "I can track you. I will find you, and I will kill you!"

=A= Kanzaki to Captain Mabrade. I've got the creature sir. I've found a way to track them. =A=

To be continued...


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