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TCIS (Typhon Criminal Investigation Service)

Posted on Sat Nov 14th, 2015 @ 9:15am by Staff Warrant Officer Jake Gordon & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Buck Ducati & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

1,298 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Security Office
Timeline: MD 02 1100 hours


Aria paced back and forth in the large security office of Typhon. She had called several people together so they can put their heads together and put everything on the table. She had all the information on several PADDs ready and waiting. She wanted to hash it all out with everyone to try and get at least a few suspects.

She wanted this new group of people to meet regularly to try and solve this case. She had already come up with a name for the group. She had nicknamed them TCIS the Typhon Criminal Investigation Service, completely not ripped off from the old 21st Century Television Show NCIS which Aria was a fan of...

Buck entered the Security office and stood to the side waiting on the department to get started with the briefing.

Gordon walk through the open doorway of the briefing room, his uniform acceptable; his jacket more immaculate as it was the first thing off when he entered the lab and the last thing he put on before leaving so it saw little wear time it hung on the hangar for almost his entire shift.

He went to an open chair; nod to Commander Ducati on his way to the chair and when he saw the Chief of Security he change his course and moved to her.

"I have some results of the Autopsy and the results are both fascinating and alarming at the same time." He told Kankazi. "I had to check the results three times to the same conclusion before I believed it." He was enthused about his information. "It also seems to be a biological agent from all scans and observations."

"Woah" Aria said holding up a hand. "Wait until everyone gets here, I've pulled several people together to get to the bottom of this case" she turned to Ducati. "I've assembled several specialists, you sir are here to co-ordinate with command and main operations. Unless you want to be the tea boy?"

"You rang." Lurch the Yeoman entered the conferece room with a sizeable platter of Tea and crumpets to place on the nearby table.

Aria stood there a little stunned. She wandered over to the tray and looked at its size. "Erm...." she said looking up at the giant man. "Thanks..." she said still a little stunned. "You even brought peach buns!" she said in a slightly more giddy tone.

She whisked a peace bun off the tray and slipped into her chair. "Aww man! Did you make these?" she asked looking up at him, as she took a bite of the bun. "Oh yeah, you made these I can tell...." she said. Mainly because the bun was as big as her head and she could hardly get her mouth around it...

“More-Peach…” He said slowly. “Is – there-anything-else?” He spoke each word slowly.

"Erm.." Aria thought for a few moments. "No thanks Lurch" she said with a smile. She made a mental note to herself that if she ever had to look Lurch in the eyes or act authorative, she had to have Operations get her a ladder or a hoverboard.

Lurch gave a Nod and a bow of thehead before turning to leave. "Ring -if-you-need-me." He said as headed aout the door.

A holographic raven appeared on the table near Aria. "Sorry I'm late," it said in Raven's voice. "I'm off the station right now, so Edgar is going to be my eyes and ears, if you don't mind."

Aria had heard of Commander Adam's holographic raven. She had been looking forward to seeing the day she used it. She stroked its head softly with one finger. "Thats fine" Aria said. "Do you want me to have Lurch bring you some bird seed?"

The bird shook his head. "Edgar is holographic, he doesn't eat."

Wilhelm came in and took and open seat. Grabbing a cup of tea. "Sorry for the late arrival. had an errant Second Lieutenant I had to straighten out."

Aria tapped a few times on the table to get everyone's attention. The lights dimmed and the viewscreen behind Aria's large desk. With several images of the two victims on, including their personal profiles and their death scenes.

"As you all know two people have been killed here on Typhon. I have assembled you all here in order to work as a team to track down the killer" she looked around. "I need all of your expertese, I have looked at all your files and your qualifications" she explained.

"Also. Before we start. Everything that is said in this room stays in this room. Nothing leaves without MY authority" she glanced over at Ducati. "Even if a superior officer asks you for that information, you WILL NOT release it without my Authority. I am leading this investigation and this team. I am however counting on you all to assist security in resolving this as soon as possible" she explained.

Edgar nodded.

Gordon looked up from his PADD and golanced around the room as this seemed a small group and now he began to realize he might be in a select team that would set him apart from his usually mondane activities?

"Understood Ma'am." Gordon replied.

Wilhelm nodded his head, "Understood."

Aria was pleased with the reactions. "Right" she said. "First we need to think about what is going on" she explained.

"Mister Gordon here is out resident Pathologist. Have you determined the cause of death?" Aria asked.

“That is a most interesting point.” Gordon said as he put up the data on the screen. “What I can confirm is that they both died by the same method but not the same exact weapon. The method of death is consistant but the exact conditions are different, I am telling you two victims that died the same way but not at the same hand you might say.” He showed the variations of the body organ’s weight and temperature. “The easiest way to put this is they died by their vital organs being flash cooled by twenty two degrees centigrade. With the loss of heat that much at that rate the body tensed up and died.” He looked to the Security Chief. “Because the lungs were affected I doubt they screamed just felt the sensation akin to drowning and great pain from the panic.” He informed. “I would say the process took only a few seconds but the cooling gases or what ever is used went down the asphogus and spread out into the organs to freeze them.” He concluded. “The rest of the muscles and body limbs cooled at a normal rate meaning that bold circulation was cut off almost instantly.”

"Have you compared the data from the murders to the data from the Terran transport?" Raven asked. "Commander Montana was unusually cold. Readings show they may be connected."

"No weapon that I know of can cause an effect like that. Most generate some form of heat. Not even the Breen have a weapon that can freeze someone." Wilhelm quipped in.

"The preliminary readings showed that the Lt. Commander and the Marine Commanding Officer had mild versions of the symptoms that could be from the conditions of the ship." Gordon surmised. "There was no sign of damage like in the other cases, though the rate of cooling is the only factor different, and perhaps the speed of their medical care had a factor." Gordon displayed the records of the away team member affected. "This did not seem as aggressive an attack as the murders. Could have been a practice attempt but no one wsas on the ship to make the attack so it is not the same." Gordon surmised. "Also they survived and were cleared for duty with no lasting effects, the others are dead."


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