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Making deals

Posted on Wed Feb 17th, 2016 @ 3:55pm by Captain Landon Mabrade & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,618 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Conference Room Deck 22
Timeline: Pre-mission (1 Week ahead)


Mabrade had been given quite a large task at hand, there would be quite a few merchants and other representatives from throughout the Federation appearing on Typhon for the upcoming even. Mabrade liked the Deck 22 Conference Rooms for dealing with the Civilian Population. HE had the General access Conference Room for the moment, it was not in the more sensitive areas and easy for the General Population to find.

"Thank you Lurch." Mabrade said as he watched his Yeoman making the final touches to the table aside from the conference table that would be used for the meeting.

Mabrade was a large man being three inches over six feet yet he had to look up at Lurch as the man is six inches taller than himself.

"Your-welcome." Lurch said in his usual slow tone. "Anything -Else?" He inquired.

"No that will be fine thank you." Mabrade informed.

Truth is that working with the Civilian Operations of the area is not what he is used to doing but for the size of the project he might need more than three Sabers and the Arthurian to protect them all. Bringing in the TGT would allow them to make profit; show that Mabrade is trying to look out for the interests of all those associated; even as contractors, to Typhon Station. The Cultural Event will bring in a lot of business for the merchants and headaches for Security. Still, Mabrade had an appointment with the Chief Operations Officer of TGT.

Khiy walked through the corridor passed a seemingly endless row of conference rooms for rent. They were quaint, he mused, as he passed a group of business people streaming out of one of the rooms as he neared his destination.

The rooms were typically had a sterile feel to them as they had to be utilized for any number of different events, yet warm enough to encourage people to book the rooms sometimes years in advance for corporate retreats. Whereas Khiy wouldn't dare to invite potential clients to one of these rooms, he had respect for the man that arranged this meeting here. The new Captain could easily have called him up to his office for a meeting there, however, that could be akin to a "pissing match" of who was more important and therefore had the upper hand. In the conference rooms they were both on neutral ground. Even parties.

It was safe to say, without having ever met the man, Khiy liked him already. He was eager to meet the man and he was more than a little curious what this meeting would be about as little information was given to his office.

Khiy smoothed a wrinkle out of his tailored suit and pressed the chime for the conference room, unsure of whether or not to announce his entrance.

The doors parted as Lurch was in the doorway.

"You-Rang?" He asked in his slow way of speaking and saw the man standing there. "Follow-me." Lurch turned and took the steps to lead the man into the conference Room. "Mr- Khiy-Tal'ehrihn..." He moved aside to allow Mabrade to approach.

"Mr. Tal'ehrihn." He offered a human style Handshake. "I am Captain Landon Mabrade, so glad that you accepted my invatation." Mabrade admired the cut of the man's suit; Ferengi would not do business with a man in a better suit but Mabrade is not a Ferengi.

Khiy took the proffered hand and shook it. "Captain Mabrade, it's a pleasure to meet you. Congratulations on your appointment to the station."

"Thank you." Mabrade gestured to the table. "Lurch has left us some refreshments." Mabrade looked up to the 6 ft 9 in Yeoman. "Thank you Lurch that will be all."

Lurch gave a throated noise to acknowledge the dismissal.

"I was hoping to open discussions about hiring your company for an upcoming event to start and then if that goes well expanding those contracts for more business." He walked back towards the table. "I have only so many Garrison vessels and a station this large has a lot of business and requests." Mabrade began. "That is good business that I can pass on to the private sector, and I am offering to work with TGT as the first in line for open contracts."

Khiy was surprised by the offer, but he didn't let it show. He seated himself comfortably and pulled out a small PADD from his jacket pocket before turning back to the Captain. "Of course, we would be pleased to offer you our services. Is this a request given through Starfleet or through the station?"

Mabrade sat across from him and chuckled. "This is a fleet station so the Federation back my decisions." He offered. "The task is larger than I can readily do on occasion and rather than bring in resources from other Federation projects why not promote the civilians that can do the job and make for better relations?" HE continued. "This is my 'pet' project and if it works it might be followed by other stations." He shrugged. "I have a unique vantage, I understand that I cannot reply upon Security and my Garrison vessels to cope all the time, that is where I am offering to give you contracts to compensate and my head aches are lessened and your pockets are filled more. Simple as that." Mabrade sat back as that was his pitch.

"You are a forward thinking man, Captain." Khiy commended. "What kind of services can TGT offer you? Are you thinking area security or trade escort?"

Pushing a PADD towards the man he grinned. "Typhon is hosting a Cultural Festival and there are merchants coming from all over." He nod. "I could use you for escorting the merchants up to the festival with an option for some help paroling under my Security Chief's requirements." He explained. "SO it might be several jobs and you get first crack at the ones you can handle and then I will expand for what you can't."

Khiy took the proffered PADD and looked over the information on it. He made a practice of knowing all the variables before fully agreeing to set a contract.

After a few moments had passed he looked back to the Captain. "This looks pretty thorough."

"Anything of interest we should discuss, pretty much standard escort and some picket duty during the Festivities." Mabrade said. "Any of your security contingent you can clear with my Security Chief as into what help she needs?"

"Of course." Khiy replied. "I'll need the schedules for all incoming traffic and a list of all ships on the 'guest list'. I understand that there will be a number vessels coming and going, but the fewer of those that go unregulated the better."

"I will have the Flight Control Department give you those schedules of the vessels that are open for escort." Mabrade said with a grin. "If you send the contracts to Lurch I will go over them and we can make the deals work." He raised a glass. "To the first of many potential dealings, may they all go so smoothly?"

Khiy picked up his glass and mimicked the gesture. "I couldn't agree more."

Mabrade took the drink. "The schedules are on that PADD and you can choose the ones that best suit you and then I will open it up for others." Mabrade nod. "Contact information is there as well and what you cannot handle I will out source."

Khiy nodded. "Of course. In the unlikely event there is trouble, standard military rules of engagement applies for Grey Star Securities assets while on escort. Our contractors will attempt to disable any aggressors ships or otherwise chase them away. We will not be responsible for making arrests. Although they are trained to minimize casualties, we will not be held criminally responsible for any deaths or destroyed property while operating."

"You have done this a time or two." Mabrade commented. "I understand the 'Private Sector engagement Rules and know that if it comes to your Security Services having to engage the proper authorities will be notified so I see no problems." He nod. "It is good that we are coming to this understanding early in our working relationship."

"And I'm glad you have an open mind to this kind of business." Khiy noted. "Many in the Federation have seen security services as distasteful. Although we live in often troubled times, the term mercenary still holds a negative connotation. Almost every time there is a firefight someone in Starfleet threatens to bring us up on charges. Ultimately none are placed since we follow strict rules of engagement." He sat back deep into his chair. "I suppose it's just a pleasant change of pace to work with someone in Starfleet who understands what it is we will be doing and without the disdain."

“On my planet I was versed in siege tactics.” Mabrade began. “Under those conditions you learn to utilize everyone and I know when help is needed.” He sat back a bit. “Where I see that most others is in the pride to ask for help. It is not a sign of weakness to have all the resources that an be mustered brought into play; it is often the difference between defeat and Victory is where one places the line of his pride he will not cross.” He thought for a second. "I hope to use every resource to protect those around Typhon and I cannot do that alone, I know that so I find when one asks for help things get done and lives are able to be lived under that umbrella of protection."


Captain Mabrade
Commanding Officer.

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner/ CEO TGT


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