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Colonel Comes Calling

Posted on Thu Feb 18th, 2016 @ 1:55pm by Captain Landon Mabrade & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

696 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Captain's Ready Room


Wilhelm made his way up to OPS from the Marine decks and went towards the Captain's Room for his appointment to formally meet his new CO. Hitting the chime and hearing an affirmative he went in and braced up in attention. "Colonel Wilhelm von Hackleburg, 21st Marines, reporting sir."

Mabrade stood from his desk and moved to offer a handshake to the Marine Commanding Officer.

"I am sorry I have not come around to see you sooner Colonel von Hackleburg." Mabrade started. "Please have a seat, can I get you something?" Mabrade offered.

Wilhelm took the offered hand and shook firmly, "Not a problem sir." Taking a seat, "Actually a cup of tea would be good."

"My yeoman makes an exelant pot of tea." Mabrade pour a tea cup for himself as well as the colonel. "I have read your regular reports about the status." He looked over. "Cream or Sugar?" HE asked.

"Just cream please." Wilhelm said taking the cup after Landon handed it to him. "And what do you think of the Regiment so far off of those reports?"

Effective from all accounts; I am looking forward to how you will influence them." Mabrade took a sip of his own drink. "What I should ask is how well trained are your men at Urban style tactics, the real hit and terrorist warfare? With this cultural thing I would expect any problems in that format rather than direct siege maneuver."

"Our last full combat deployment was to the planet Exeter, where we did some real drag down, dirty, house to house fighting in their capitol city. Then hunting down the stragglers later which fits more along that format. Also, we've been training hard in urban warfare to maintain those skills and add others." Wilhelm said and took a sip.

"With this cultural celebration coming I think having your Marines ready to deploy for twerrorist activity is a wise move. Do you think you can get your boys up to speed ina a weeks for that kind of actions?" Mabrade asked. "Might also set your training on th etransports that are logged to be comoming through just in case?"

"Yes sir and also great idea. The boys and girls will be ready for anything to happen up to and including a crack, Shock Brigade of Jem'Hadar troops landing." Wilhelm said and took sip of his tea. "The Marines have have jittery of late. Not in a bad way. More along the lines of a great cat waiting for a meal with the scent on the air." Wilhelm switched the topic, "Anyways, I see I'm not the only 'titled' individual on the Station anymore. Sorry I couldn't help but read your service jacket."

"It was before my Star Fleet Career." Mabrade said calmly. "I am in the process of rebuilding my name again; it is a Knight's CHallenge to continually achieve. This is my Kingdom of late, Typhone is where I am needed."

"For myself as well. The Regiment is my Barony." Wilhelm said in agreement. "It is certainly a challenge with our lots in life but people like us enjoy the challenge to an extent."

"What is life without a challenge; but a slow death of inactivity." Mabrade said. "One of our philosophers quoted as saying that." He nod. "I tend to agree I would rather face the challenge."

"I as well." Wilhelm said then set his tea cup down, "Well I must get back to my duties." he said standing up and holding out his hand, "Congratulations on the posting and the best of luck to you."

"One thing Colonel." Mabrade seemed to think of something. "Your Marines should not get bored; on my planet I ran a castle and had knights to keep people safe, I foresee things getting very busy with the cultural commencement as a beginning. Security protects the citadel but your troops are for things outside these walls." Mabrade smiled. "I am glad to have you here for those time Colonel, Mt best to you and your Marines." He gave a humble Bow.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Captain Mabrade
Commanding Officer
SB Typhon


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