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There's a Doctor in the House?

Posted on Tue Feb 9th, 2016 @ 4:02pm by Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Koroth son of Morag

636 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Sickbay


Raven waited until afternoon when most of the station's personnel were busy with their duties to head to sickbay and get her medical checkup. With the station being taken through a wormhole by the Borg and then the attempted hijacking on their return, she'd been a little too preoccupied to get it done.

She walked into the large sickbay and nodded to the nurse at the desk. "I would like to get a checkup, if the doctor is not busy."

"Of course ma'am." the nurse said as she stood to retrieve the doctor."Doctor Koroth, Commander Adams to see you for her routine check up."

Koroth grunted as he got out of his chair and headed for the exit of his office."Thank you nurse." he said as he walked up to the Commander."Qa'pla Commander Adams, I am Doctor Koroth Son of Morag, a pleasure to meet you ma'am."

"Qa'pla, lieutenant. Welcome to Typhon," she said.

"Thank you." Koroth said with a grin."The nurse tells me you are here for your medical evaluation, is this true Commander?"

"It is. I've been a bit preoccupied with events on the station and am a overdue," she admitted.

"No worries, sit on the bio bed and I will return with my instruments." Koroth said as he gestured to the bed then walked away to retrieve his tray.

Raven sat down and looked around as she waited for the doctor to return. It wasn't that she'd never been in sicbaly, but she was always curious to see what changes -- if any -- had been made since her last visit.

Koroth returned with the tray, the usual tricorder hypo spray and dermal regenerator lay atop it with one more instrument not usually seen, a pain stick. Koroth picked up the tricorder and began to run his scans."Any issues with pain lately Commander?"

"No. I have experienced nothing abnormal with pain or anything else."

Koroth continued the scan ."It would seem seem your stress levels are a bit high, have you been under stress as of late?" He asked concerned

"Not as much as I have been," she replied. "Helping to find a way to deal with the entities that were killing crew while not being on the station itself was a bit stressful, but I had some help. Perhaps it's dealing with new personnel in the Intel department."

"Unfortunately my readings do not give me sources of stress, just that it exists." Koroth said with a chuckle."Aside from stress everything looks good, is there anything you've noticed thats been off?" he asked

"Personally? No. On the station? Definitely," she said, a twinkle in her eye. "Actually, I am doing better than I have been in a while as I have found a new source of stress relief."

"What would that be, if I may ask." Koroth asked curious as to the method

Raven smiled. "A new relationship."

Koroth laughed loud in a Klingon manner."That is fantastic Commander." he then leaned in closer so only she can hear."Should you require any advice on Klingon mating rituals for your new friend, don't hesitate to ask, my species definitely has a unique way to share love." he said with a wink as he pulled away once more. "Well it would seem all is well here, I don't see any more reason to keep you here Commander, you are free to go with a clean bill of health."

Raven laughed at his comment. "I'll let him know." She slipped off the biobed. "Thank you, Doctor. It was a pleasure meeting you. If you ever require anything from Intel, let me know."

She bowed to the doctor and headed back to her office.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Koroth son of Morag
Chief Medical Officer


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