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A Tour of the Arthurian (part 2)

Posted on Sun Dec 6th, 2015 @ 1:46pm by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Darius Cayne

1,018 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Timeline: MD01



Right state of mind? He clearly didn't know her very well. She was not one to make decisions lightly. Quickly, impulsively, yes. Lightly, no.

He paused for a moment, letting out a sigh before looking back to the sword. "Well. For starters. We have Merlin."


She almost suggested using a thumb print in blood instead of a signed statement, but wasn't sure he'd appreciate the warped humor. "Who or what is Merlin?" she asked instead.

A puff of smoke formed in front of the sword as a man in a grey cloak and grey wizard hat appeared. He had a long white beard and a gentle face as he smiled and raised his staff over his head, speaking in a voice that echoed. "I.... am... Merlin!"

Darius placed his head down and shook his head. "Everytime? Seriously?"

The smoke around Merlin faded away as he placed the end of his staff on the ground and walked over to Raven. "A pleasure to meet you, Milady Adams. I am the Great Wizard Merlin. What you would refer to as a com-pu-tor av-a-tar." He stopped in front of Raven and bowed his head slightly. "You may call me Merlin."

Raven gave the wizard a bow of her head in response. "The pleasure is mine, sir. Might I ask your function on this ship? You seem to be more than just a computer avatar."

"Just like my literal counterpart I advise the King." Merlin said in a normal sounding voice. Raven could detect a hint of a british accent as he spoke.

"I wish you would stop calling me that." Darius replied.

"It is your birthright, having removed the Legendary Sword from the stone." Merlin replied.

"It's a replica." Darius commented.

Suddenly trumpets began to sound in the room as Merlin continued. "For he who removes the sword Excalibur from the stone shall hence forth be King.-"

"Captain." Darius corrected.

"-and shall rule over his subjects-"

"Crewmen." Darius corrected again.

"-in the Kingdom-"

"Starship." Darius corrected again.

"Of Camelot."

"Arthurian." Darius corrected, on last time as he looked over to Raven and let out a sigh. "And you see how annoying he can be?"

Merlin looked to Darius and held out his staff. "One must never tempt a Wizard, my good sir. Lest ye be turn into a small creature and be devoured by a feline."

Darius looked to Merlin sternly. "You are a computer program on my ship. You're not a wizard. You're a series of lights a force fields that resemble Sir Ian McKellen and believes he is figure from a novel. We've been over this. You have no magic. It's science."

"What is now known as science, My Brave King, was once called magic. My gifts are numerous and vast, although the century has changed, my art remains the same. It only takes a different form." Merlin replied in a soft tone, running his hand through his large beard.

"You know, a lisp might be nice," Raven commented quietly to Darius. "Change his vocal subroutines from Monty Python and Camelot to Princess Bride..."

To Merlin she said, "Your Captain forgets the third law of the great author, Arthur C. Clark. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Merlin quickly searched his sub routines as he changed his outer appearance to resembled that of Miracle Max from the old Earth Movie that Raven refereed to. His voice now changed from a British one to an overly embellished Jewish one, as he pointed to Raven and continued. "Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much. It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do." He paused for a moment, looking between the both of them, before continuing. "Go through his clothes and look for loose change."

Raven laughed out loud at Merlin's humor. She glanced at Darius, then back to Max. "Well, I do find coffins quiet comfortable, so mostly dead is something I can live with."

Max changed back to Merlin and bowed his head slightly.

Darius raised a brow at the comment and shook his head slightly with a smirk. "I hope its big and comfortable."

"Double wide," Raven said, giving Darius a mischievous grin. "And very comfortable. Plus people think twice before disturbing me in my quarters."

"A double wide coffin?" He questioned before smirked with a slight nod of his head. "I can deal with it."

Raven raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "One day, Merlin should meet Edgar. Similar idea, but scaled down quite a bit. Edgar mostly does research and analysis. Like Merlin he has a personality all his own."

"You arranging a play date now?" Darius smiled, getting closer to her as he spoke.

"I don't know. Could be interesting, Merlin with a raven on his shoulder..." She paused as she considered the idea. "Could be trouble." Darius could be trouble. He was making her stomach do flip-flops.

Darius stopped in front of her and placed his hand under her chin and raised her head up slightly so their eyes would meet. "I'm used to trouble. I enjoy trouble."

Raven's heart beat a little faster at his touch. Yeah, he was trouble all right. "Well then," she said quietly, her voice a little husky. "We should get along just fine, because so do I."

"I may not have a double wide coffin, but I have a big honkin sword." Darius said softly before leaning down and locking lips with her, bringing her closer into a passionate kiss.

(To be continued...)

Captain Darius Cayne
USS Arthurian

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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