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What's Best

Posted on Sat Dec 5th, 2015 @ 6:59pm by Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Commander Savar [Ducati] & James 'Jim' Wildstar [Ducati] & Dominque 'Dee' Wildstar [Ducati] & Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Raven Adams

834 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: OPS


The ghosts were dealt with and following that a memorial service held for those lost, Buck entered Ops and went to check on the communications array logs. Part of his duties was to inform Captain Mabrade of anything from Starfleet and compose a report on the upcoming commercial traffic. He'd send a copy to the dockmaster, quartermaster and supply officer so they could prep for it.

One transmission caught his eye as it was from his former lover and ex-wife. He opened it with a 'what does she want?' kind of grunt. Once he read the first few lines, she couldn't continue looking up the kids and so wanted an update on how they were going.

As if on queue Savar walked off the turbolift with Jim and Dee in tow. "Commander," Savar announced as he approached Buck.

Buck turned and when he saw his children instantly narrowed his eyes at them. They in turn averted their eyes and slowed their pace. "Commander Savar, what's all this?" He asked gesturing to the kids before his expression returned to a semi-neutral state.

"They were found in a restricted area," Savar replied and I was nearby so the security officer asked me to escort them to you.

"I see," Buck looked at Dee first than Jim. Both were still avoiding eye contact. "Dominique. James. You will look at me." He demanded.

"She made me," Jim replied looking up quickly before he glanced away.

"I said look at me." Buck said as he now stood directly in front of his kids glaring down at them.

Dee was the first to look up before Jim built the courage up to do so. They both cringed slightly at their father's glare.

"I am not interested in assigning blame, the point is neither of you should have been there in the first place." Buck said glancing at each of them for a few moments each.

He looked over at Savar. "Thank you for bringing them to me Commander, if there is nothing else, I won't keep you from your duties."

"Nothing sir, thank you. Live long and prosper," Savar gave the usual Vulcan gesture and departed Ops.

Buck turned back to his kids and pointed to the other turbolift, "You both will go to my quarters and pack."

"What! We just got here." Dee objected.

Just about that time Mabrade came onto the bridge, his pressed uniform was not yet showing signs of a long day but with the preparations for the Cultural Exchange rapidly coming upon them he was a busy man who noticed two children on his OPS deck.

"I had heard there might be someone's heading to the OPS for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?" Mabrade had been given a Security report about two children in a restricted area. Any incursions were reported to Aria and relayed to Mabrade as well.

"Sorry Captain, they will be punished but unfortunately it will have to wait for I have just received transfer orders," Buck said and offered the PADD to the Captain. It was a request from Trill. Which Buck had found strange, planetary governments don't usually interfere with Starfleet operations or personnel like this but it was approved by Starfleet Command.

"I see that you have managed an unusual assignment." Mabrade said with a raised eyebrow. "I seem to find myself in a position to search for your replacement." He offered a handshake. "I wish you the best Buck, I hope things work out the way you wish?"

Buck shook his head. "I doubt that will happen but I can hope as well and thank you sir, I saw that Command left you a list in the same transmission they sent my transfer orders. How nice of them," he gave a sarcastic smile. "I will be packing my office and helping the kids pack than I will board the next transport to Trill. Best of luck with Typhon sir."

"God Speed Commander Ducati." Mabrade wished him before turning to the main console.

Raven walked off the turbolift in time to hear the Captain's comment. "You're going somewhere?" she asked Buck.

"Hello Commander Adams," Buck greeted, he was still hesitant to face the Intelligence Chief after all the Ghosts trouble that he could be blamed for as he had ordered for the transport to be brought to a docking berth.

Though the order was compromised on and things got worse from there, he had heard some still placed responsibility on his shoulders. He offered his hand to her. "Farewell, I've been transferred." He said after a moment.

Raven raised an eyebrow in surprise as she shook his hand. "That was sudden. You haven't been here very long." Although, in the five and a half years she'd come to Typhon there had been far too many changes in the command staff. "I wish you all the best, Commander."

"You as well." Buck replied and with that he left Ops for the last time.



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