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Breaking the bad news 1 (backpost)

Posted on Sun Nov 22nd, 2015 @ 3:40am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Commander Billy Jo Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati] & Lieutenant Commander Savar [Ducati]

1,050 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Operations
Timeline: MD 02 0730


Mabrade came out of the lift and strode military fashion to the center of OPS. The expression was a grim one to say the least; he moved to the OPS officer and stood near the console.

"Open a channel to the station." He instructed calmly.

"Aye Sir." He wasn't sure just what the Captain had in mind, but could tell it wasn't a social call.

"Channel open sir."

"This is Captain Landon Mabrade; we have initiated a Security Lock Down of the station." He paused for only a second. "The Security Personnel are working to conclude this matter with the least amount of inconvenience as is possible. Your cooperation in this will help the lifting of this Lock-Down and speed your departure." He kept an even tone. "During this process the Typhon crew will do their best to make your stay as pleasant as possible and we will be concluding this matter in short order. That is all." He motioned for the comm link to be cut.

Aria walked out onto the Ops deck and straight over to the large Security Console. It was a large semi-circle style console with a schematic of the station and controls for all airlocks, shuttlebays, transporters and Typhon's weaponry systems.
"Typhon is 100% locked down" Aria reported. "We're already getting reports of people wanting to leave" she explained.

"Something tells me the Killer is not one of them." Mabrade stood at attention with his hands behind his back. Getting this body through autopsy might give us a lead and at least prove we have a consistency in the killings; we need to find something that links them or gives us an edge to follow." He glanced down at the Security Chief. "I give you full authority to apprehend the culprit; use what means you need to get the job done Kanzaki."

"I fully intend to" Aria said. "We're currently trying to find a link between the victims. So far nothing is coming to mind" she explained.

"Keep me posted." He started to look at the Communications console. "Relay a message that we are working the Security angle and it will be resolved in short order." He instructed.

The OPS Officer did as instructed.

"In the meantime start looking for in obvious, tactically I have found bracketing and boxes are only good when you have the enemy where you want them. Until then new angles often bring the best results." He suggested to Aria.

Lieutenant Commander Savar entered Ops and as Assistant Chief Diplomatic Officer he was to help maintain peace on the station. He saw this current situation as a clear cause for panic for the civilian population on the station and so he came to the command staff for crowd control authorisation.

"Captain, may I have your permission to help with crowd management?" Savar asked.

"I do not think Crowd Control will be required." He glanced to the Officer. If there is a situation that requires your skill I will be sure to contact you." The sounds of the Security Lock Down coming from all sections. "I appreciate your concerns but I think I need to have only those persons involved with the Lock Down on OPS right now. But with respects I would request you clear the OPS for the moment as things are going to get very busy Diplomat Savar."

Savar raised an eyebrow. "Aye sir, simply desired to help. Live long and prosper." The Vulcan said and left Ops after entering his security code into the turbolift door.

Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana followed the Vulcan diplomat out of the turbolift and he still was a little tetchy from his experience on the transport. "Captain, just reporting in from medical." He said.

" Lieutenant Commander Montana, the Empire Vessel came into sensor range under questionable methods. By procedure it should have been quarantined; the Away Team should have been in minimum protective gear until it was found to be safe. There was an attack upon the Away team I am reported and as such your handling of the matter is in question. You broke several Standing procedures and might have exposed the away team to unnecessary danger. ” Mabrade Turned to the Security Chief. “Security, Confine him to quarters pending investigation and possible court martial proceedings pending the results of that investigation."

Just then Commander Buck Ducati walked onto Ops from the ramp that went to another set of turbolifts that travel the core of the station. He approached Aria and waited to ask what the hell was going on after she answered the Captain.

"The station is on Security Lock Down." Mabrade repeated for those in OPS. "The shipyards have storage facilities for the unloading of cargo and we can use shuttles and small craft to ferry the supplies once the Lock Down is over." He explained. "We have to keep the inbound commerce flowing as best we can, I have confidence in the Chief and her ability to solve this but until she has found the culprit or culprits, we will have to lock things down and go through the procedures by the regulations." He said calmly. "Now if you have emergencies aside from some irate people wondering why we cannot let them go we can handle those now, but if it is just routine inquiries about departure or arrivals then you will have to check with OPS department as they are getting the updates on the progress."

Aria pushed her chair away from the Station's security console and stood up. It was getting heated around her and now people were throwing orders around that they shouldn't be making. She walked slowly up to Montana. "Commander Montana. As per orders from Captain Mabrade you are to be taken into custody" Aria said calmly as she stood in front of him. She looked over at two of her officers who were on Ops to come over and assist should Montana resist.

"You are to be confined to your quarters. Anything that you say may be given in evidence should a court martial or hearing come of this" Aria explained calmly and clearly. "Myself and these two security officers will now escort you to your quarters Commander" Aria said as she beckoned him to turn around and head back towards the turbolift.



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