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Posted on Sat Dec 26th, 2015 @ 1:30pm by Captain Landon Mabrade & Lieutenant Koroth son of Morag

867 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Shuttlebay

Koroth was growing impatient. The one thing he hated more than long surgeries were long boring shuttle rides. He had been stuck on the shuttle for 2 days and he was going stir crazy. The pilot was a young ensign who was fresh out of the academy and had very little experience with Klingons, which showed. Every thing he did would annoy Koroth, specifically his loud singing of poor music from Earth's history. All he could do was bear it and not snap the poor ensigns neck. When Starbase Typhon was finally in view Koroth almost squealed with glee in a non typical Klingon fashion. He quickly gathered his things and waited by the airlock. Once the shuttle touched down and the cabin equalized with the pressure outside of the shuttle Koroth opened the door as quickly as he could and practically jumped out of the shuttle before the Ensign could say anything to him.

Koroth sighed as he breathed in the bases air which smelled considerably different and fresh from the shuttles recycled air. He took one last look at the shuttle, cussed in Klingon under his breath and began moving towards the exit of the shuttle bay. Little did Koroth know, he was about to meet his commanding officer sooner than he expected.

[Recruits have yet to learn respect for warriors.] The voice said in a human style accent. [Doctor Koroth I presume?] Mabrade surmised. [I am Captain Mabrade, paperhangers I should give him a talk about respecting Officers?]

"He is young and naive, let him learn through mistakes sir, life is a better teacher than most." Koroth said in response."Pleasure to meet you sir ,Lieutenant Koroth reporting for duty."

"Welcome aboard." Mabrade said. Please forgive my indulgence as I respect the Klingon Honor and hope my accent was not too pronounced I have been learning Klingon and could nto resist trying it out?"

"You spoke my native toungue well for a non Klingon, majQa' (very good) Captain" Koroth said with a hearty klingon chuckle "We'll be sharing barrels of blood wine in no time."

"Now that you are here do you wish your Office or quarters" Mabrade asked. "I know you had a long journey."

"Quarters would be best, I hardly rested on that shuttle and I get as you humans say, grumpy, without sleep."

Follow me Doctor, your things will be transported there and waiting for you as required." Mabrade assured. "You cabin is close to the Sick Bay of course, easy access and all." Mabrade lead the man off the Shuttle Deck. "When you get settled in I will come for my Evaluation; one should lead by example so I will make sure you do not have to track me down and can then say of my Officers they will not have an excuse and you should have no problem getting them into the Sick Bay."

"A captain who voluntarily goes for his physical, this is certainly a first for me." Koroth said in shock, "We can do it tomorrow if you'd like sir." he added as they walked down the corridor to the turbo lift.

"Make it early as I have a lunch engagement concerning the refit of several Garrison ships and I dare not keep a woman waiting." Mabrade said with a grin. "I deduce if she is happy we might have an easier time getting the ships quickly."

"I would have to agree sir, so long as she isn't Klingon I think your odds are good." Koroth said with a laugh.

"A lovely human woman actually." He gave the command to the approate deck. "SHe is a down to Earth woman, very forgiving to being stuck on a lock down while staying on a date. I think we will get the business over with and see if she would like to continue from where we left off?" He nod to the Klingon. "We were having a stimulating conversation actually."

"Dare I say there is more than just business going through your mind Captain?" Koroth said with a grin

"Yes, I did mention she was attractive correct?" Mabrade said. "Would you expect any less?

Koroth laughed a hearty Klingon laugh and patted the Captain on the back."We are going to get a long great sir." he said as they walked up to his door."It would appear these are my quarters, I do appreciate the escort Captain."

"There will be a briefing for the miission on the Morrow at zero nine hundred." Mabrade said calmly. "Your department might be very busy with all the celebrating I am sure someone will twist an ankle or some other part making fools of themselves." He chuckled. It seems the nature of celebrating?"

"You are correct sir, but without injury I would be useless on this ship so I do welcome the work. I will also see you for your physical in the morning."

"I have a zero nine hundred meeting , after that I should be able to report." He pat the Klingon on the shoulder. "Enjoy your time, this station from all reports will keep you busy Doc."


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Lt. Koroth Son of Morag
Chief Medical Officer.


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