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Threat lifted

Posted on Sat Dec 26th, 2015 @ 1:26pm by Captain Landon Mabrade & Captain Darius Cayne & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

1,709 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: OPS
Timeline: MD4


Mabrade stood on the deck of OPS looking at the main viewer, he had promised the people and crew of Typhon something and as his first promise he had to make sure that it was followed through to the end.

Nodding to OPS the channel was open ; a broadband width transmission to everyone.

"This is Captain Mabrade ; I wish to extend my thanks to all of you during this crisis and Security Lock Down." He said with an authoritative air. "Security Lock Downs are being released and I appreciate your patience during the Security Incident. The matters have all been resolved and we can go back to the normal operations and our lives as usual." He smiled. "Again I thank you for your patience and support during this Lock Down. Mabrade out."

He did hate the public address system, it was not quite the lime light that he wanted but then things were still being learned and what other uncomfortable new habits he will have to take on isi n the air?

Walking to the Communications console he nod to the operator.

"Mabrade to Commander Adams, there is a threat averted from the station but I would like to have a meeting with you and Security to eradicate the threat. Science will be present as well. Can you be here in a half hour My conference Room?"

"Adams here. I will be there." She glanced over to Darius and raised an eyebrow. "Sounds interesting," she said to him after the connection closed.

"Mabrade to Captain Cayne, there are details for the clean up of this Security Matter that concern the Arthurian, I am holding a Staff meeting in half an hour could you attend or have a representative available for planning?

Darius let out a sigh as he looked over to Raven with a shrug. "Sure. I guess. Better me than the Gorn I have as our Security Officer." He smirked a bit as he continued. "I'll have to break to news to him that I wont be letting him out of his cage just yet. Darius out." He finally rolled back over as he let out a bit of a sigh. "You know what sounds interesting? Those noises you were making last night."

"Entirely your fault," she replied primly. Then she grinned. "Since they know I've been over here for the past two and a half days, we should probably go together."

"I guess since your going to pull my arm." Darius said jokingly as he sat up in bed, with his back facing her and let out a sigh. He rubbed his shoulder, the same shoulder that connected to his cybernetic arm. "I guess I better get dressed and bring my peace offering to the Captain."

"Well, unless you want to be arrested the moment you arrive on the station, clothes would be a good idea." She kissed him on the shoulder and got up to get ready.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Darius said softly.

She turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Do I want to hear this?" she asked.

"Maybe. Someday. When your older." Darius shot back with a laugh.

"Aira, get a security detail together and make preparations to eradicate any of those things on that Transport if possible; if not I want some options on how to get rid of it on a permanent basis." He smiled to her. "You can get practice hunting them if you deem it safe and we can transfer that relic to some Federation site for research on the Mirror Universe technology,but I want it gone from here."

Aria nodded from her console as she poured over a few ideas and started to assign security teams.

"Mabrade to Colonel von Hackleburg, your Marines will not be required for the moment as the security threat is contained. However there are matters to be planned for the disposal of the Empire Vessel so your Marines might see some... unusual action. The meeting is in the Main Conference Room in thirty minutes."

"Aye sir. On my way shortly." Wilhelm said into the COMM and started issuing the necessary orders to his marines.

Changing the channel he made contact with the Chief Engineer's Comm Badge.

"Commander Rotrov, this is Captain Mabrade, I would like you in a staff meeting in a half hour. We will be going over the fate of that Empire Transport, should it be salvageable I would like your views on the process at the meeting.

Mabrade pat the Communications Person on the shoulder as a thanks then turned nearly into the hulking frame of Lurch.

"Lurch..." Mabrade was surprised by the man's presence.

"You have need of me." He said in his usually slow draw.

"Staff meeting in half an hour." Mabrade looked at him. "How did you know..."

"The Security Lock lifted, you would want a debrief." Lurch said with his stoic expression.

"Always one to know Procedure right Lurch." The Yeoman nod. "Yes well, can you get the Main Conference Room ready for the meeting?"

"Yes Captain." Lurch turned to leave.

"Lurch.." Mabrade moved closer to the Yeoman who was nearly half a foot taller than even him. "Aria did well can you arrange something to show my appreciation quietly?"

"Yes captain." Lurch said and continued out of OPS.

[Conference Room , 1/2 hour later.]

Mabrade had made sure to be a little early,Lurch was setting things up and the final arrangements of a light snack were on a table along the East wall opposite the main viewer. Lurch had made sure that there are several 'Peach Buns' for a certain Security Chief that might get the hint?

"Thank you Lurch, you did a splendid job as always." Mabrade complemented as he stood at the head of the conference table with the open portal behind him. "Now we just wait." He was slightly relaxed before the others entered.

Raven and Darius arrived together. "Hello, Captain," Raven said. She noticed the buffet and filled a plate.

"Would you like something?" she asked Darius.

Darius shrugged as he held a wooden box under his arm. "A stiff drink if they have one. If not, than use your best judgement."

"I'll use my best judgment," she said. She filled two plates, one with pastries for her and one with something a bit more substantial for him.

She set the two plates on the table and sat down.

'Yes, because your best judgment has served you well so far." Darius said as he placed the wooden box onto the table. He glanced over at his plate and shrugged. "No alcohol? Already your trying to change my life." He chuckled softly as he looked over to her and placed his hand on her thigh. "Careful. I may start regretting this whole thing." He said jokingly.

Raven just raised an eyebrow at Darius and turned back to her cream-filled Bismark.

Mabrade was taking time to observe those coming to the meting as this is the crew that he would be depending upon. HE did notice how close his Second Officer and the Captain of the Garrison Ship were acting. Both being in the Spook department he did not find it surprising; he started to move to get himself a cup of something when Lurch seemed to be heading at him with a large mug.

"Coffee Sir." Lurch informed.

"Mark of a great Yeoman Lurch, knowing when the Coffee is required. Thank you Lurch." Who nodded and back away slowly and quietly.

Wilhelm made his entrance grabbing a cup of tea and finding a seat.

After assigning security teams Aria walked into the door, and walked right over to the peach buns.
"You're a good kid aren't ya Lurch" she said as she picked up two in each hand and moved over to the table. "Security teams deployed, we're all ready. We've got them cooped up in that cargo bay and they can't go anywhere, plus we've evacuated the areas around it to be on the safe side".

“Good, have you found a way to deal with them yet?” Mabrade asked. “So long as I never have to deal with them again I let you do as you see fit.”

Aria pondered for a moment. "Is it possible to lock onto them with a transporter on maximum confinement beam. We sweep them out into a trasnsporter buffer and disperse them?" she asked simply wanting to bounce the ideas off of people.

"When they transported from their ship to our shuttle, they did so by entering the three members of the away team," Raven said. "They could not be detected at the time. There were no cold spots, no unknown elemets floating around. There was nothing. What's to keep them from simply hiding now? We need to lure them onto their ship or onto another shuttle and then send it far enough out to be destroyed. And we need to destroy the transport ship they came in on. There were more than three people on that ship when it left the Terran Empire. If three are here, the rest are still on the transport."

“Get with Aria and anyone else you need to get these things off the station.” He turned to Aria. “Once the three are gone blow that ship to hell I am quite done with ghose, spirits or whatever they are.” Mabrade commanded. “They came and all they do is kill, I would say we were in our rights to protect the universe from homicidal maniacs and just delete them.”

Raven nodded. "Aria, Darius, Arjax, and I will see what we can come up with," Raven said.

A moment later she added, "You know, we could lure them onto a shuttle, launch it into space, and then blow it up."

"Make it so." Mabade said to the group. "Once we get that done we can lift this Security Lock Down and have a lot of more happy people." He looked around the group. "Okay everyone we have a way to get this matter closed." HE nod. "Thank you for your input and let's get things done and maybe back to something resembling normal operations. Dismissed."

He genuinely hoped it would be a quick matter?



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