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Meeting Another New CO

Posted on Sat Jan 16th, 2016 @ 12:32pm by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Landon Mabrade

907 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Captain's Office


Now that things were back to normal, Raven needed to formally meet her new CO. This was the fifth -- or was it sixth? -- Commanding Officer she'd served under while on Typhon. That had to be some sort of record.

She stopped in front of his door and rang the chime, a PADD with information on her department for Captain Mabrade in her hand.

"Enter." Mabrade called as he rose and moved around his desk to meet the person coming to his office.

Raven walked into the office and bowed to the Captain. "It is time you and I met face-to-face."

"Please come in and pull up a chair as the Human saying goes." He offered her the chair across from him. "Sorry that I locked you off the station before we could meet."

Raven couldn't help smiling. "It is quite alright. It gave me a chance to have a tour of the Arthurian and get to know it's Captain."

"It is an ... intel ship so right up your alley." Mabrade sat in his chair. "Now that we have established some foundation for the new Garrison Ship I should ask if here are any questions you have about me from the reports you are privy to ?" He smiled. "I am sure you did your homework about the new Captain?"

"Of course," Raven said. "I like knowing who I'll be working with. Especially with the revolving door someone installed in your office."

"For the record I intend on having that replaced with a more standard model as I will be here a while." Mabrade chuckled. "I would like to establish a good working relationship with my Command Team as it is the three of us who need to be on a trusting basis. I will tell you right now that I believe in being open with the two officers supporting me, only with that can we protect this station and people in it."

Raven nodded. "I appreciate your candor. I, too, hold the station and its crew's safety as one of my top priorities. However, I am a very private person and I prefer it that way. I will give you all the help I can, but I do require a certain level of autonomy." She paused to let that sink in. "I've been here for six years and served under six Captains. You're the seventh. So forgive me if I prefer not to get too cozy right now. I will give you my loyalty, but my trust is earned."

"I expect no less." Mabrade said. "Trust and deep loyalty that binds come over time." Mabrade sat back a bit. "I just wish to establish the foundation. And Intel has a 'unique' set of rules and learn your way of doig things from that perspective. It is unusual for an Intel ship to be assigned to a station so I am aware I have special resources available. Those are yours to control as chief and work with he rest of us. I do not hold Intel any different than Operations or Science,so I trust your judgment on what you bring when we need it and the rest is discretionary." HE grinned. "I trust intel; I have had good officers in the past and helped the commands I served, I am confidant you will do the same."

"The Arthurian is not strictly an Intel ship. It does have a very nice Intel department, and some special features, but it can do far more," Raven replied. "As for Typhon's Intel department, I do what I can when necessary. My primary function is information gathering and analysis."

"The science of getting valuable information." Mabrade replied. "I am glad to hear the Arthurian is more than intel; I am sure we will be able to find things to do for them." He smiled. "Is there any expectations I need to live up to Commander?"

She chuckled, unwilling to tell him what she thought of his predecessors. "Let's just say I don't think you have much to worry about."

That is good to know." Mabrade sat back in his chair. "We have a new Executive Officer on the station." He began. "SInce the three of us are going to be working closely together I am asking if you are will ing to have more of a casual meeting at Kindness PLace; my treat of course, as a way to get to meet in a less formal setting and just have some good food and conversation. It would be my honor to show my appreciation to both of you for accepting my being put in Command?"

"That would be fine," Raven said, not minding the idea at all. It had been a while since she'd interacted in any way with her Commanding Officer that it would be a nice change.

"Good, I will make arrangements for 1800 hour on the morrow at Kindness Place." Mabrade informed her. "I would say casual as we are technically off duty and this is more of a get to know one another so feel free to come in more casual attire."

"All right," she said. "Is there anything else you need from me?"

"Not at the moment." Mabrade replied. "Thank you for coming by."

Raven gave a half-bow in response. "Until our next meeting," she said before exiting his office.


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Commander Ravyn Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer


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