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Old Medics

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2016 @ 7:32am by Master Warrant Officer Charles Willey [Wilhelm] & Lieutenant Koroth son of Morag

404 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Main Sick Bay

MWO(Corpsman) Chuck Willey walked into Sick Bay and looked at the bustle of activity. "What the hell is going on here?!" Willey asked a nearby nurse.

"Full inventory of everything!" The young nurse said breathless. Chuck just nodded and muttered "Good luck with that..."

Heading deeper into the maelstrom the MWO sees an older Klingon directing the activity. "You must be the new CMO?"

"I am." Koroth said turning around to face the person asking the question."Who might you be?"

"Master Warrant Officer Chuck Willey, Chief Marine Corpsman. At your service. I'd thought I would introduce myself since you'll be seeing the overflow from our Marine Surgeons." Chuck said in a grizzled voice.

"It is a pleasure and honor to meet a fellow warrior." Koroth said."Now as for the overflow, expecting a battle anytime soon?"

"No. It's been pretty quiet for the Marines for quite sometime. Mostly just training accidents these days." Willey stated.

"Shame, nothing invigorates me more than the scent of battle." Koroth said with a fang filled smile."I would imagine it is not the same for you?"

"With nearly 30 years in this man's Corps I still get a thrill from battle. Though I still hate pulling the casualties out of the battle line but my mates and myself are the troops best chance for survival at that point."

"Do you drink Warrant?" Koroth asked out of nowhere.

Willey smiled. "A squad of Privates once asked me that question. I think they're still nursing their hangovers."

"Maj'qa, we will need to have a drink, or many, and swap battle stories." Koroth said bearing his fangs in a smile once more.

Chuck returned the toothy grin, "The favorite past-time of us old survivors."

"Indeed, Warrant." Koroth said in agreement. The nurse rounded the corner right as he said that.

"Doctor, Ensign Perkins is here for his physical." she said then turned around and went back to the inventory

Koroth sighed."I do appologize but duty calls, let me know when you want to grab those drinks Warrant, I have a bottle of blood wine just begging to be drinken."

Willey nodded his head knowing a bit about Klingon culture, "Till then. We'll raise the first glass to the Honored Dead." he said then made his way out of Sick Bay.

Lieutenant Koroth son of Moraq
Chief Medical Officer
SB Typhon

MWO Chuck Willey
Chief Corpsman, 21st Marines
SB Typhon


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