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Physical Implications

Posted on Fri Feb 19th, 2016 @ 3:20pm by Lieutenant Koroth son of Morag & Captain Landon Mabrade

938 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Sickbay

Koroth had been busy settling into his new home from organizing his belongings to getting the right shade of red for the back lighting in his quarters. He was excited for his new assignment and couldn't wait to meet the rest of the crew. First things first though, he had to give the Captain a physical.

Koroth entered sickbay in the typical Starfleet Medical uniform, a dark blue smock over his uniform of gray and black. His hair was tied back in a traditional warrior style revealing his scars and large forehead. He went into his office and sat down to read the morning reports while drinking a huge mug of Raktajino. By the time he knew it, it was already 1000 hours and decided this was as good a time as any to contact the Captain.

"Koroth to Captain Mabrade, sir is this a good time to get you to come down to sickbay for the annual physical?

=^= Mabrade here, I am on my way Doctor. =^= Mabrade nod to the Officer of the Deck and started to the nearest Turbo Lift.

[SIck Bay, 5 min Later]

Mabrade strode into the Sick Bay and started to remove his jacket; it was a tradition in the Physicals to be scanned and prodded so he was just beginning the process as he had been taught through too many of these.

"SOry Doctor; with all this festival stuff coming up I had lost track of time, Hope I did not kep you witing too long?"

"No worries sir, gave me plenty of time to prepare. Go ahead and sit down on bio bed 3 and we'll get started." Koroth said as he rolled a tool table next to the bed with everything he would need to conduct the physical.

"Why do doctors always have to look like they going to do surgery?" He went to the assigned biobed and lay down.

"It gives us something to do." Koroth said with a chuckle. He began to run the tricorder over the captain while asking him questions."So how have you been feeling sir, any fatigue nausea or morning sickness?"

"No Morning Sickness as I have taken a vow of celebacy of sorts." Mabrade retort. "The Fatigue I am told comes with the job and the only nausea left with my last Executive Officer." He joked. My new XO is much better to look at and she seems quite ready to fill the open slot."

Koroth laughed then frowned at his tricorder."It would seem I am detecting something out of the ordinary sir. You're white blood cell count is a bit high as if you have a broken bone, are you in pain anywhere?" Koroth asked as he began to feel the Captain's ribs

"A sparring match and a lucky ht on the ribs." Mabrade sad confidantly. "I did not think much of it.""

"Well it would appear to be fractured and the fact that you didn't feel that worries me." Koroth said, he looked to the nurse and nodded his head at her, she reluctantly nodded back and disappeared into his office emerging a few moments later with a stick."I am an advocate of pain stick therapy, I'm sure you've never heard of it sir mainly because I invented it. This is going to test your pain receptors and make sure they are functioning as intended. This may hurt , well actually it should, if doesn't then I'll know we have a problem." He said grabbing the pain stick from the nurse as she looked away. Koroth jabbed it into the Captain's side before he could protest.

Mabrade gave a grunt of pain; he felt the pain stick but refused to cry out as it would be beneath him. "I feel pain I am just like a Klingon and can work past it dammit." He cursed. "My registration of pain is accurate and assessment of how important is a mental not physical choice."

Koroth turned off the device and placed it on the table."It would seem you just have a high tolerance for pain Captain. I am giving you a clean bill of health as the human doctors say."

"Good to know Doctor." Mabrade favored his side as he sat up. "You are the type that says 'on the count of three and does the shot when you say one aren't you?" He chuckled.

"I am not known for my procrastination on things Captain." Koroth said with a chuckle."I am glad I could be of service to you today, do you require any other medical needs?"

"I am sure I will at a later time but right now if you agree I am quite well." He chuckled.

"very well captain ." Koroth said with a smile."You are cleared to return to duty."

"Thanks Doc." Mabrade slipped off the biobed. "Can I gte one of those?" Mabrade asked. "I was going to do a surprise visit to Gamma shift."

"I have a few extra pain sticks I would be happy to provide you one." Koroth said with a smile, giving him the stick he used."Consider it a gift for being the first of many under my care on this station."

"I am honored." He accepted it with both hands and a slight bow. "I will use it with honor to keep others alert." He said with a surprising seriousness. "Take care Doctor, I will see you around I am sure."

"Of course Captain." Koroth replied a fang filled smile streaking across his face.


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer
Star Base Typhon

Lieutenant Koroth son of Morag
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Typhon


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