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A Quiet Spot of Tea

Posted on Fri Feb 19th, 2016 @ 7:32am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

1,169 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Jane's Quarters

Wilhem arrived at Jane's quarters and entered "Now that those ghosts are gone..." Wilhelm said with a shiver. "How's my English botanist holding up?"

Jane smiled happily and hugged Wilhelm. "Very glad that you are unharmed, my dearest."

Returning the hug, "... And you as well. Considering that shock you got in the Tree House, and then I felt like I got thrown onto a methane world." He said and squeezed a little tighter and shook. "BRRRR!" He said with a smile.

"Are you sure you're fine now?" she asked, still a little worried about him. "I worry about you, you know."

"Ohh I know dear. I'm good now honest!" Wilhelm said with a smile and breaking the hug, "Now how about some tea."

Jane stepped back and caressed his cheek. "Have a seat, it'll be ready in a jiff." She went back into her kitchenette where she was brewing a pot of tea and prepared a tray of cakes and sandwiches for their tea. She put them on the table and turned back to get the rest of the tea things. "So, how was your day?" she asked, putting the tray with cups, sugar, cream and the tea pot in on the table as well. She poured two cups and handed one to Wilhelm.

She sat down and began to add sugar to her tea.

"Danke." Wilhelm said taking the cup and putting a couple drops of cream in his tea. "It wasn't to bad today. The boys did a training exercise against Marines from the Marine Assault Frigate Puller." He said then took a sip, "Puller's Marines thought they were genuine Spec Ops troops and got their attitudes readjusted. Also the Razors caught a Talerian freighter out on the Station Defense Perimeter. They were trying to smuggle in Tholian narcotic crystals. The smugglers got turned over to Station Security and that death trap of a ship was seized. How about yourself?"

"The replanting is almost complete. I decided that since half the plants and trees were dead it was a good time to redesign everything. It's going to be quite lovely. I've got old-fashioned flower gardens on the top floor overlooking the main arboretum, far enough away for those with allergies to avoid the worst of the pollen. The main floor has more dense pockets of trees to give more of an old-growth feel." She took a sip of her tea and smiled. "But the Tree House will always remain as a focal point. I am quite proud of that, and the jungle-like area around it."

"Yes indeed and the station's children love the Tree House. They have so much fun there."

Jane smiled softly. "Yes, they do. I love watching them. It's one of the advantages of running the arboretum." She took another sip of her tea. "So, tell me more about your Marines."

"They're getting bored cooped up in the station. Though the training runs to Tiberius are helping. "Otto," Wilhelm said chuckling, "Otto burned most of his facial hair off trying to modify an RPG round, the poor pyromaniac. He looks totally ridiculous all covered up in bandages. Naturally, he's catching a lot of flak."

Jane couldn't help giggling. "The poor man. He could go to the doctor about that, if he wished." She paused for a moment before asking, "With the new Captain, do you think he'll have more for you to do?"

"Ohh don't worry about Otto. One of the Marine Docs said he'll be just fine and still have his looks he's so proud of. As for the Captain," Wilhelm shrugged, "Who knows? Plus it doesn't just rely on him..." Wilhelm dropped off thinking of the many far-away enemies the Federation had.

Jane placed her hand over Wilhelm's. "You can't do everything. ALl you can do is keep this system safe, and you do that very well."

"Well we certainly try. I guess all we can do is stand ready and keep a sharp eye out."

"Yes, but when you are needed, you do very well," she insisted. She paused for a moment to take a bite of a sandwich and chew it slowly. "Right now, I am more concerned that you are doing enough to relax."

"I do seem wound up tighter then a spring don't I." Wilhelm admitted.

Jane nodded. "A bit, but it is to be expected with what you've been through. A little relaxation will do you good."

"A vacation sounds good. Maybe take along a certain botanist I know." Wilhelm said with a sly grin.

Jane couldn't help smiling at his comment. "Oh, I think said botanist has some time off and would love to accompany you -- if for no other reason that to make sure you relax. However, I believe she has a number of reasons that are more relevant."

She finished her tea and the scone on her planet and smiled at Wilhelm. "I have missed spending time with you."

"And I you." Wilhelm added.

"Now, if you wish to sit on the sofa, I'll give you a back rub to help you relax," Jane said, picking up the tea things.

Wilhelm let out an easy smile and moved over to the couch, "Yes ma'am!"

Jane laughed merrily as she walked back from her kitchen and stopped behind teh couch. She put her hands on his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. "I promise to be gentle," she teased. Then she began to work the knots out of his shoulders.

After about 15 minutes of pure bliss getting his muscles worked out. Wilhelm put a grin on his face. Twisting around, he grabbed Jane and whipped her around hearing a squeal of surprise and delight, putting her so she was laying face up across his lap and immediately bent down and kissed her holding it for a few moments.

She quite enjoyed Wilhelm's kisses, and she couldn't help giggling happily when the kiss ended. "You know, there is only one thing to do after that." She put one hand on the back of his neck and kissed him again. Then with her other hand, she ticked him.

"Fräulein!!" Wilhelm reeled back from the probing fingers with a smile, "You found my greatest weakness!!" Wilhelm said haughtily and bored in with his own fingers.

Jane squirmed and tried to avoid his fingers, with little success. "Very well, you win," she conceded breathlessly.

"You'll never win at tickles!" Wilhelm said triumphantly and then stood straight up holding Jane in his arms. "Now that I have you what should I do with you my lovely." he said with a smile.

"Well, my love, to the victor go the spoils," Jane replied with a teasing grin. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm all yours. Do with me as you will."

Wilhelm smiled and went in for another long kiss and started walking, carrying Jane to the next room.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Lieutenant Jane Porter
Starbase Typhon


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