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XO's and MD's

Posted on Tue Mar 1st, 2016 @ 10:39pm by Lieutenant Koroth son of Morag & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD

1,170 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Main Sickbay


Rii'Na Ashe knew that some things were a universal constant; once cannot choose their own blood relations, uniform collars always seemed to shrink when you are under pressure and it's always better to get the 'paperwork' out of the way first.

She entered the Sickbay with her hair in a nice ponytail swept over to the left shoulder away from the Bajoran Earring. She opened up the jacket a little and found the end of a biobed to lean back against.

"Anybody home?" She called, looking around.

Koroth sighed and emerged from his office."Can I help you?" he asked, slightly bothered that someone walked in with out his knowing.

"Qa'pla Koroth, I am Rii'Na Ashe; daughter of Ve'shal. As Executive Officer to Starbase Typhon I have come for my medical checks. Better to come than be chased." Rii'Na replied with a small smile.

"Qa'pla Commander. I am glad you decided to stop by sickbay, it's best you set the example for the crew by volunteering for your physical. Those who oppose tend to dislike the consequences." Koroth said with a fang filled smile." Go ahead and jump up on the bio bed behind you, I will conduct your medical scans here." he said gesturing to the bed behind her.

A slight bow and nod, then Rii"Na hopped up on the biobed. "Where you lead others will follow, even into certain doom. So long as you are there first; doctors do not scare me, lying somewhere, alone and hurt that scares me to my core." Rii'Na replied, dangling her legs over the side and swinging her heels back and forth.

"Well I can assure you , you will not be alone and hurt in sickbay. Unless of course the station falls under attack and most of the medical staff is killed off and the only ones remaining have to treat others on different parts of the station, then thats a possibility but while I'm here, no wont happen." Koroth replied with a smile as he grabbed his tricorder from the tray beside the bed. He began to run the device over the XO "Have you been experiencing any odd pains or anything out of the ordinary?"

"Usual Command sleep deprivation; catching up on paperwork. Other than that, no real complaints." Rii'Na showed a small smile.

"Good, did you want something for the sleep deprivation? I'm sure I could prepare something to help with that." Koroth replied.

"Self inflicted; to a point. it's called catching up on my predecessor's mess. I should be there in a couple of days and I do try and get some naps when I can. As soon as I am caught up and orientated for shifts I'll be fine. If not, I know who to see."

"Very well Commander." Koroth said with an eerily inviting smile, which is odd coming from a Klingon." Now there is one more test I would like to do , its a reflex test of sorts. This shows me that your neurons are firing the right way when it comes to dealing with pain as well as a gauge to show how quickly you react to certain stimulae." he said as he reached down on the tray table and brought up a pain stick."Hold still, this may tickle." Koroth said as he zapped the Commander on the thigh.

Rii'Na had a mental flash as the pain stick met her leg. her upper body was pinned and it became even more so as the brute of a Cardassian rammed his dagger through her right shoulder to pin her down. She winced, the leg that felt the pain tensed and her knee locked up. Her left hand went up to her right collarbone, where it met the shoulder. The pain was less than what she felt with the dagger but it was close enough.

"Prophets that hurt! Still, not as much as some things in my past." She rubbed deep into the front of the scar. Rii'Na slid her arm out of the jacket and her shirt aside to allow Koroth to see the scar. Klingons understood those sorts of things, even though he would think it a badge of honour; there was no real honour in it besides survival of a 'bad time' in her life.

It was a long, rough, through and through of a scar, widest at it's mid point below the frontal collar bone, as though the person had held the blade flat and rammed it straight through as far as they could; right to the hilt.

"They have treatments for scars you know, that probably sounds odd coming from a Klingon but not everyone sees the glory in such scars like we do." Koroth said acknowledging the scar.

"This one has a darker past I'm afraid. It was fixed as best as it could be at the time. I keep it as a reminder, that I am stronger than I really think. The Prophets and my faith ensure that. I'm sure you can understand such things. Still forgiveness of that Cardassian is not something I can really give." Rii'Na replied as she straightened up.

"Understandably so Commander. We all have those who cannot be forgiven due to their actions. In Klingon culture they're just much easier to deal with." Koroth said trying to lighten the mood with some humor.

"Remind me if I ever see that.... how do you Klingons put it.... "Rotten son of a Targ" again, I'll call for you. I know I shouldn't darken my soul on his account; just can't stand Cardassian males now. Most others are just fine. The Captain and yourself, even the head of the Marines has welcomed me quite warmly."

"I can appreciate the struggle of your people for what its worth and see that despite the odds you fought against a superior invading force and won. That takes real courage and honor."

"Coming from someone like you, that means a lot. Thank you Koroth. I'm sure you will serve the station well."

"Thank you Commander. As for you physical we are done here, I see nothing wrong with your results you are good for another year." Koroth said with a smile.

"Easier than most would think. You will be an interesting CMO to work with, Koroth. Remind me, we should share some blood wine sometime. I can try Gagh, maybe you would like to try Hasperat; if you haven't already, and swap stories. I have a feeling we will both be sticking around." Rii'Na slid off the Biobed. "I started out as a nurse, I understand this place, more than you know."

"That would definitely make for a good time Commander, my door is always open." Koroth replied with a smile

"Until next we meet, be well Koroth and may honour find you."

"Qa'plah, Commander."

With one last bow and a wave, Rii'Na moved on to her next stop off for the day.


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Koroth
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Typhon


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