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Meeting the XO

Posted on Wed Feb 3rd, 2016 @ 5:34am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

526 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: XO's Office


Wilhelm arrived at the new XO's office door. Hitting the chime he entered after being invited, "Commander Rii'Na?" He said looking around the big office.

Rii'Na was not exactly expecting company, still she is a Station XO now; there would be some people that would drop by to meet her and avoid any possible unpleasantness. She stood to her feet behind the desk, smoothing her skirt out before moving around to the front front of the desk as she called "Enter". There stood a man taller than her in 'military standard'. She took note of the rank and looked at the station's personnel records for a moment.

"I am Commander Rii'Na, what can I do for you, Colonel?" She said politely, slightly perching on the edge of the desk. "I had not been expexting many military visitors this early into my stay."

Wilhelm gave a slight bow of his head, "I was just hoping to stop in and introduce myself. I'm Colonel Wilhelm von Hackleburg, 21st Marines." he said then continued, "Welcome to our humble station."

Rii'Na gave a slight bow back from where she was perched. "Thank you Colonel, that is very kind of you. One thing you can count on, military not being scared of a new XO. Some people get 'jittery' as soon as they see the earring. The Dominion War didn't do us any favours in that regard."

"Not many favors at all ma'am. I did time there a long time ago but that's then. Not now."

"So, everything ship shape? No dramas to report?" Rii'Na queried. "I just hope I am not inheriting one big mess." She said with a slight sigh. "Just catching up the paperwork will take hours."

"No dramas Commander. Everything in the Marine section is ship shape and on routine. As to paperwork, you should see the pile on my desk! Truly a mountain. Running a Regiment is no joke." Wilhelm said with a chuckle. "I trust your getting along well with the other station personnel so far?"

"Just getting to meet eveyone feels like a mission in itself. May take a few days to do the rounds and get all the t's crossed and I's dotted. It's nice to hear I don't have to worry about your boys and girls. I might drop by for a look around sometime, if that is alright with you." The Commander replied.

"We'd be glad to to have you Commander. It helps foster cooperation when Fleet personnel come and visit." Wilhelm said.

"Well then, I'll make sure to add it to my to do list; after all the paperwork and meet and greets are done. it will help me to get to know the Station a bit better." She said with a small smile.

"It will indeed." Wilhelm said, "Well I'll let you get back to settling in. It was a pleasure meeting you." Wilhelm said with a small, formal bow.

"And you. Be Well, Colonel. I look forward to us working together." Rii'Na replied,returning the bow and watching him leave.

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Commander Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer
SB Typhon


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