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The beginning Aria

Posted on Thu Apr 21st, 2016 @ 3:12pm by Captain Landon Mabrade & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

867 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Aria's Quarters

Aria dragged her feet slightly as she walked through the door to her quarters. It had been a long day for her, she had pulled a double shift in order to get things done. She unzipped her grey and black tunic stripping down to her gold undershirt which was the crop top variant.

She threw the tunic, comm badge still attached over the nearest chair and landed with a soft thump on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling. She just wanted to sleep, to drift away in her own thoughts and allow her body to rest.

"Sixteen incidents!" she said outloud. "What is this station coming to?" she asked looking over towards the other chairs.

The smell of Tea and her favorate desert were followed by a tray being placed on the coffee table. the end of the sofa seemed to elevate her legs as a man took the spot. Unzipping her Boots to remove them and then the gentle caress of a foot massage could be felt without a command or request. Going from the feet to the ankles to the back of her calfs the warm massage of skilled hands lovingly seeing to ease her tired muscles.

"Thought I might be able to help in a small way Lovely Aria..." He kept the soothing caress and looked at her with those piercing blue eyes and suave smile and lened over woth some effort to meet her should she want a kiss?

Aria began to relax. She was enjoying the attention that her new found partner was giving her.

The caress and kneading massage went above the knees and worked their way up to teh hem line of her skirt and then all teh way back to her toes without missing a spot.

"I could relax your whole body but you are dressed and that is not appropriate for that sort of a massage threapy." He actuallye moved her into his lap to more fullly access the bare skin of her back between the skirt waist and the tunic bottom and kisssed her for the long emphasis of his intensions. "But not until you agree or ask nicely?"

Aria sighed as his hands ran over her back. "I can ask nicely if you like..." she said with a cute smile. "You're seeing a totaly different side of me aren't you?" she asked.

"I am hoping it is a side that no others really see?" He began to work his way up the back over the tunic and place kissed along the back of her neck to the shoulder to send even more stimuli along her body. "I would like to know I am the only one who gets to see this side of the working girl?"

Aria couldn't help but smile. "What you see is what you get" she explained. "Although, where is the majority of the ice on an ice berg?" she asked.

"You really cannot tell me the majority of you is under that mini skirt Lovely One." He told her with a chuckle. "Of course I will verify that as we progress with the massage." He winked.

Aria let out a giggle. "You already know" she said. "I mean, we have done it before now" she added.

As his hands caress her skin he gave her a smirking grin. "You cannot ruin the game that easily." He teased as his hand was finding her zipper to the skirt. "Unwrapping a present is half the fun." He smiled before placing a passionate kiss upon her.

Aria breathed heavy letting out a extended sigh. "I'm not getting out of this tonight am I?" she asked looking into his eyes. "What have you been doing all day to want this so suddenly?" she asked.

"I missed you of course." He gave her that sly wink. "IS there anything wrong with wanting to show affections to a beautiful woman?"

Aria couldn't help but blush. She moved so that she was sitting on his lap, facing him, holding his shoulders she stared into his eyes. She was blushing quite red in the face now. "You want to... like this maybe?" she asked shuffling slightly. "Or like last night, in there?" she asked motioning towards the bedroom.

"Start here and end there." He suggested. "Might take a while to fully express my affections?" He winked.

"Fine by me" she whispered. They were in for a long night. "You best have some peach buns and milk ready though, for after before bed" she added with a grin. Making innuendo's was sometimes fun.

"Having your buns in bed is fine with me." He grinned.

"Don't forget the milk..." she replied.

"So you want to milk it as well huh?" He laughed.

"Depends. Maybe I really want a ride on your starship?" She whispered. "Can you show me how fast it can go and how far it can fire its weapons that you're always boasting about?" She asked with a cheeky grin.

"A slow trip is more enjoyable coupled with the pulse fire option can reach the target I think." He replied.

"Well then" Aria replied. "I think we should engage; Captain..."


Lt. Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer



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