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Culture Comes to Typhon (part 4)

Posted on Tue Apr 12th, 2016 @ 8:45pm by N'alae t’K’manatran & Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

1,889 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Typhon



Jane did a final pass of the "new" arboretum. She was concerned about the potential damage to the flowers and exotic trees from too many overeager celebrants wishing to enjoy nature, so she and her staff created a secondary arboretum with a hearty Kentucky bluegrass and a variety

She was quite pleased with the results. After the celebration, she planned to invite the various classrooms on the station to bring their students to enjoy some outdoor activities. There was even a new workroom where children could grow their own plants. If all went as planned, this new area would be a smashing success.

[Inbound Space Lanes]

The distress signal was sounded just outside the outer marker to Typhon. The cabin cruiser SS India Star had a collision and has damaged. The guidance systems were in tact but her port side drives were damaged and she was limping in on impulse, according to the automated signal.

The small two-deck vessel had heavier damage on her port side due to some sort of a collision. The automated distress signal continued to transmit.

=^= Hey anybody...=^= The voice called over the channel. =^= A rock hit our side and the ship is not acting right. I think we are in trouble, anyone want to help us here?=^=

[TGT Vessel Morning's Wake

"Commander," the communication officer's voice came over the comms, "we are picking up a distress signal."

N'alae tapped the comm panel on her desk to respond. "On my way." She looked up across the desk at her Logistics Officer and handed him back the report they had been reviewing. "Please excuse me Mr. Danat."

Sonos nodded, accepting the PADD and placed it neatly atop a small stack which he had brought with him. "Of course, Commander." He said and stood as N'alae rose from her chair. "Perhaps we can continue this later?"

"I will make the appointment." N'alae assured him. Sonos smiled, pleased with her response. He was certainly efficient, although a bit obsessive in his work. Even so, N'ale found him to be a calm reprieve from dealing with her Chief Engineer, Winkle.

The Wake was currently operating under cloak in the Tiberius system. A festival was being held at the Federation Starbase, and Khiy had giver her orders to "make sure things ran smoothly". This was fine by her, since she had no desire to actually be present at the event, along with Romulan dignitaries. It did present a unique opportunity however, to test out the newest ship in the fleet in the presence of so many different types of vessels.

N'alae also didn't mind the opportunity to 'thumb her nose' at the Romulan military.

Both exited N'alae's office onto the Bridge of the D'deridex Warbird. Sonos immediately continued to the turbo lift and took it back to cargo bay three. N'alae sat in the command chair.

"Report." She told the communication officer.

"We are receiving an automated distress call from a cabin cruiser, the SS India Star." He reported, reading from the data displayed on his screes. "They are just outside the Starbase's outer marker, and have suffered damage to their port side drives due to a collision with an asteroid. The warp drive is off-line and they are continuing on impulse."

N'alae frowned. It was extremely unusual for a vessel to collide with an asteroid. Even one on autopilot could have avoided a rock large enough to do that much damage.

"Let's here it." N'alae said. A moment later the signal came through the bridge's comms.

=^= Hey anybody...=^= The voice called over the channel. =^= A rock hit our side and the ship is not acting right. I think we are in trouble, anyone want to help us here?=^=

They were the closest vessel. "Set a course and open a channel." N'alae gave the order. A tone sounded to indicate an open channel. "Cruiser SS India Star, this is Grey Star Securities. We have received your distress signal and are on-route to your position. Can you confirm your status? Do you require medical assistance?"

=^= No body hurt but the buffet is for the dogs now.=^= The voice replied. =^= They will clean it up though. Just having trouble with the port side drives I think we broke something? =^=

N'alae shook her head slightly and looked at her XO. "Re-route patrols two and three to the India Star, and notify one, four and six to be on the lookout." She watched her screen as two un-cloaked Ju'day-class vessels changed course to intercept the damaged cruiser.

Something didn't feel right. Whoever was on the other end of the comms did not sound at all competent enough to be in charge. If there were no injuries, where was the captain? "India Star, may I please speak with the Captain?" N'alae asked over the comms.

If there was going to be trouble, whoever was out there would find more than they could handle. Under cloak the Morning's Wake moved towards the distress signal, shadowing the two Ju'day patrols.

=^= Oh we left him; he was not ready to leave so I fired him and took the ship out myself. =^= The voice replied. =^= I suppose that makes me the captain right?=^= He chuckled. =^= I am getting some red signals on the control systems.=^=

N'alae's sense of unease deepened. Unless he actually owned the vessel, the man she was speaking to had just admitted to stealing the ship. He obviously had no business piloting the craft.

=^= The damage Control program is saying something about a dry Dock needed? =^= He sounded a bit more serious. =^= It has to be kidding right, I mean I heard I had to park in orbit around the station , you guy need to have a repair station other than Typhon herself you know?=^=

"Please remain calm sir." N'alae told him. "We will arrive at your location in a few minutes. We will asses the damage and then bring you to the station where you will be able to arrange repairs for your ship."

"India Star on the main viewer, Commander." Her ops officer said, and N'ale looked up at the large screen at the fore of the bridge.

The sleek lines of a ship made in the last ten years appeared on the screen. Her scheme was still showing what could of been a well maintained vessel, aside from the damage. The nacelles were tucked in tight alongside an oblong cylindrical body with the bridge at the front of it.

The starboard nacelle had obviously taken a good impact, as though it had glanced off a much larger vessel judging by the crinkled metal plates. There did not appear to be any major structural damage but there was enough to warrant care above simple maintenance.

N'alae ran her eyes along the side of the ship. Based on a visual assessment, it would be a good idea to take the ship to repair. Unfortunately all the smaller births at Typhon were occupied for the festival, and even then, the repairs would require a slightly more equipped facility that the station could provide. That left the ship yard. Even with the festival it would not be as crowded as the station itself, and they could more readily repair the ship in short order.

"Set backdrop two-delta and open visual." N'alae told her comms officer. He quickly set the holographic filters and opened the channel. A tight view of N'alae appeared on the pilot's screen. With the filters she seemed to be sitting in the command chair on the bridge of a Klingon K'vort-class warbird, lights dimmed while under cloak.

N'alae took in the scene before her, aboard the India Star. "I am Commander N'alae t'K'manatran with Grey Star securities," she introduced herself.

The bridge was a small flight deck type with a combined helm/ops console set into the forward bulkhead with a command chair behind. The younger man looked to be in his late twenties and dressed in what might be a trendy casual shirt; his black mop of hair disheveled and a glass of liquid perched on the console.

=^= SO what are we looking at, this ship is a little off kilter she wants to drift..." The young man seemed puzzled. "You think it might be slightly broken out there?"

"Well, the good news is that there doesn't appear to be any structural damage to your vessel." N'alae replied, "The bad news is that your starboard nacelle is entirely out of commission." It was at this point that the two Juday patrols slowed to hold position on either side of the damaged ship. "Since you do not appear to be in any immediately danger, we can offer you a tow to the ship yards where you can arrange to have your ship repaired."

"Uh... sure, that would be great." The man seemed relieved. "You want I turn off the engines and such so you can tow us and all or do I steer and make sure we stay behind the ship towing u,s cause I am not the best with these outside the automated supports and all that?" The man asked. "I will do whatever you want if you are towing us to the ship yards." He smiled and seemed like a weight was off his chest.

N'alae fought the urge to roll her eyes and kept a perfectly straight face. "Yes, please turn off your engines, as well as any other guidance system, including the autopilot if it is still engaged. Just sit back and enjoy the ride sir. We will have you at the ship yards in no time." She gave him a friendly smile, then closed the channel.

She got up from her chair and walked over to the opps station, where she stood opposite the officer across the console. "Have patrol two tractor the India Star to the ship yards, and patrol six run escort." N'alae told the officer.

Turning, N'ale addressed her XO. "Have a look around for what hit them. Contact me when you find something, I've got an appointment to make with Sonos." Her XO snorted in slight derision then nodded.

N'alae headed back towards her office. Her Logistics Officer hadn't been on-board very long, but he already had a reputation for being a 'tight-ass', as she had heard described by some of the crew. N'alae had no doubt that the moment she requested an appointment he would tell her to come by in 5 minutes - at her convenience, of course.

Most of the time Sonos coordinated with her XO, no doubt the source of his attitude, but Sonos had requested time to review some 'special request items' with her before he set out to acquire them. As Commander, she took full responsibility for everything on board and therefore made sure she knew the how and the where for all of them. Sometimes Sonos had to operate inside the grey areas of commerce in order to procure some of the unique items for the ship. He was always quite through in his reports.


Lieutenant JG Jane Porter
Federation Starbase Typhon

India Star portrayal
Captain Mabrade
Commanding Officer
Federation Starbase Typhon

Commander N'alae t'K'manatran
TGT Vessel Morning's Wake
Grey Star Securities


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