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Security Checks

Posted on Sun May 8th, 2016 @ 5:21am by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD

1,890 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture


Aria was doing her usual rounds. She was walking along the promenade, phaser coupled to her belt just in case. She always patrolled the decks of the promenade, especially around the bar and restarant areas. Those were always hot spots for trouble on Typhon.

Rii'Na was on the upper promenade. She was watching all the people passing by and getting a general feel for the station. The Command Red still felt tight at the best of times, but it came with the job. her earring danced as she looked around, like the Prophets were happy with her choice.

Aria stopped as she saw the woman watching people. She was in uniform and wearing Commander pips. She was unsure of who she was.

"Hello?" Aria asked. "Sorry to interrupt your daydreaming Commander, but I haven't seen you around before today" she said simply.

Rii'Na almost jumped. In all the station noise she had not heard the officer come up to her.

"Oh Prophets! I so need to get used to all the noise of a station! Do excuse me, I'm just taking things in a bit. I had been doing too much reading. You would be Miss Kanzaki, Aria. I am Commander Rii'Na Ashe, New Executive Officer to the station. Pleased to meet you." She replied with a slight bow.

Aria returned the bow as part of her Japanese custom. "Nice to meet you Commander" Aria said. "So, what interests you in this neck of the woods?" she asked casually indicating the large promenade area of the station.

"It's like at home, the markets; the centre of town, it pulled people in. They could interact, find things and just be there if they so wished. It gave a sense of community, of belonging to something bigger. it feels the same being here."

Aria nodded. "Yes. However it also attracts those who are still driven by greed" she explained. She nodded to a man walking down the promenade who seemed rather shifty. "You see him there" she said. "He's been watching that shop, everyday now for the past week. Every day he walks past it. He watches everyy security patrol and takes a mental note. Then he goes to the coffee shop over there and orders a large drink, usually its a large Latte; sometimes its a Raktagino. However he sits there and watches that shop" Aria explained simply.

"The shop he watches, the one beneath us trades in fine jewellry and rare items in this sector" Aria explained softly. "He however has never spotted me trailing him. I know he's upto something, hence you can see why each day there are more and more security on this deck" Aria turned her head to watch the man wander off into the coffee shop.

"He hasn't done anything yet. But if I increase security, he will see it as too risky. However I might decrease patrols and catch him red handed. It depends which side he wants to take" Aria explained.

"You make it sound like the command decisions I have to make. There is a lot more to this place than I would have thought. It seems like you know the Station well. Do you prefer Kanzaki or Aria? I believe your culture and mine have some.. similarities."

"Whichever is fine with me" Aria replied as she watched the man ordering a large coffee and then moving to the same table as he always did. She turned away knowing nothing was going to happen today. "Want to walk with me?" she asked. "You'll get to see all the spots that you didn't know even existed, even on the stations schematics"

"Aria, I woild be honoured for you to give me your own little tour. For my own position, I need to know things better than most." Rii'Na came up alongside. "Rii'Na, Ashe if you feel better about it or Commander, on heavy duty. We will be working closely together, better to get a feel for each other."

Aria smiled. "Well then Ashe" she said. "Welcome to Starbase Typhon" she greeted as they walked along the upper level of the promenade. "If you ever want something on this base, I know where to get it. Legally of course. Although if you ever want anything smuggled in, see that Ferengi in the bar" she explained. "She can be.... useful" Aria couldn't help but smile.

"I will have to remember that. Almost makes me feel like I need to be making notes. " Ashe replied with a smile, walking along. "Ship security is so different, getting used to a station like this will take a while."

"It's much bigger" Aria commented. As they continued. "You'll have more stuff to do, but plenty of things always happen" she explained. "That shop down there, best place for ice cream".

Rii'Na rummaged in a satchel for a PADD. She started to make notes along the way. "I'll have to call past sometime. See what flavours they have."

Aria couldn't help but smile. The new commander was certinately a newbie to a station. "It's never just about what is where on Typhon" she explained. "Security need to ensure the safety of everyone aboard. Essentially we're a city in space, traffic on and off station is huge. We can easily see over a thousand people arrive and leave on a daily basis" she stopped and turned to face a large window. She pointed to a ship coming into docking.

"Thats a transport from one of the colonies in this area. Not only do all of its personnel need to be identified and logged in, but we need to ensure that the ship isn't carrying anything illegal. Refueled, resupplied and then ensuring that new passesngers get aboard without any stowaways." Aria could see it was getting slightly over the Commanders head. "And we do that, all in the space of about an hour."

"My last commander did warn me I could be biting off more than I could chew, but it is a good challenge. Maybe I should spend a few days in each department, see how they tick. I hope the senior staff wouldn't mind. It's not like I haven't gotten my hands dirty before." Rii'Na pondered.

"That would work" Aria said. "You're more than welcome in Security. But I would push you; like I push all my staff. If anyone is dragging behind, I don't hesitate to kick them up the backside."

"I doubt I would expect anything else of the staff myself. You have a deal, Aria. Just let me know when it would suit you."

"How about now then" Aria said simply. She pointed to a small group of people who were crowding around a stall. They seemed to be arguing over something and they didn't seem to be very happy. The owner of the stall was getting overwhelmed and people were just passing by.
"As a security officer, you have a duty to protect the peace of the station. I need you to go and move them on, resolve that conflict without violence. I'll be watching from up here should I need to lend a hand" Aria explained.

"I see." Rii'Na gave a slight bow and moved over.

"Hello, I am Commander Rii'Na." She said nicely with an even tone. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Tell him to lower the price! This is interstellar robbery!"

"I can chage what I wish! I set fair prices!"

"I see, do you have anything to barter with?"

"He doesn't do batering." The reply came with a scowl.

"How about direct trading? I am at least coming up with options here. I don't like to see disruptions on my station." Rii'Na said, not even ruffled.

"Hey! What do you mean YOUR station?" For the first time both parties took a better look at Rii'Na. A Bajoran female in Starfleet.... Red! "You're not security...."

Rii'Na looked to the stall owner. "I'll have to come by later and get a better look at those hair clips. Being First Officer to a station has me busy."

"But....of couse. Commander, anytime."

The customer took second look at Rii'Na's collar, and backed away.

"The customer may be right, but they also can refuse to buy. I hope you find what you are looking for."

"Yes....." the man stumbled for a response. "why.....are you.... "

"Getting to know the station and it's people. By the way, I saw a wonderful stall back along the way behind me. I saw a lot of batering going on. You might have some luck there."

"Uh, thanks." The man was off at a brisk walk, right where she had pointed out. The crowd thinned out and things calmed down. Quietly Rii'Na headed back to Aria.

"A small financial dispute, all smoothed out." She said with a smile.

"Not bad" Aria commented. "Although you have to be careful" she began to explain. "The man who wanted a lower price..." she nodded towards him as he was walking away. "Look at his left trouser pocket, you can see a slight bulge there" Aria commented. "He has some sort of concealed weapon there, judging by his uniform he's from one of the many freighters that stop here. Many of their crew carry weapons in case of a boarding by raiders" Aria explained simply. "He could have pulled that at any time, you always have to be alert"

"Little secret, after the Cardassian occupation and my own past; I'm always looking over my shoulder. One does not want to be bartered around or traded like one of those hair clips." Rii'Na had to hide the fist and swallow to stop from choking up.

"Aria, how good are you at keeping secrets, things that are 'off fleet records.' It's something I only want a handful to know. The Captain, CMO, you know the drill."

"There are things that happen on this station every day that are 'off the record' that I know about, but I let them be because they make everything run better" Aria commented simply. "Why do you ask?"

"I probably would not get along well with any Cardassian males on the station during the festivities. I do use self control and prayer, but that only gets me so far." Ashe replied, gazing along the Promenade, her eyes glazing a little. "You handle security, and I would think someone like you would understand."

"Yeah I would" Aria said simply. She understood that Bajorans always found being around Cardassians difficult. She always wondered how tense it must be over on Deep Space Nine at times.

"Mine is a special kind of ......hatred, I suppose." She looked off over the promenade, her vision kind of blurring as she focused on nothing in particular. Rii'Na looked back to Aria. "When you are held against your will, they take more than either party would ever think."

"Well, if you ever need a place to take out your anger. Come to me" Aria told her softly as they walked. "I may not look it, but I've yet to find someone who can best me in a sparring match hand to hand"

"I may just take you up on that." Ashe replied. "I think this place might help me more than I know."

Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer

Lt Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer


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