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Saying Hello

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2010 @ 5:02am by Commander Dhindara Vrel & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

444 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Colonel's Office
Timeline: current

[Colonel's Office]

Dhindara rang the doorbell to the Colonel's office, waited for the doors to open and walked in. "Good morning, Colonel", she greeted. "I'm Dhindara Vrel, the new Counsellor here."

"Vell hello Counsellor." Wilhelm responded, accidentally letting his German accent slip in, "Mind the mess, still unpacking." Motioning to the utter chaos in his office, "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg at your service."

Dhindara made a slight bow. "Hoch erfreut, Herr Baron", she replied, speaking German the way she had learned it during her time in Münster.

"Munster by the slight accent." Wilhelm replied says with a bow "Haven't been there in quite some time."

"Münster, actually. That's about two hundred kilometres to the south of Munster. I attended the Starfleet Academy satellite campus there, Westfälische Wilhelmsuniversität", Dhindara replied.

Wilhelm shrugged "I've been gone from Home for so long I'm starting to lose my ear. I've heard that there was a good school there though... Personally I'm from Frankfurt. Went to school in Bremen, then Boot."

"I'm from lake El-nar on Betazed", Dhindara smiled. "But I didn't want to study psychology at Betazed's Counselling Academy. I decided to take the classes fully immersed in another culture. It helped with my history and archaeology classes, too."

"I bet it helped if you knew you wanted to join Starfleet." Wilhelm said. "Now. What can I help you with Counsellor."

"Well, mainly I've come just to introduce myself and meet with you", Dhindara replied. "I've just arrived. Of course, I also want to let you know that I'm here now, so if you or one of your Marines needs me you'll know where to go."

"Very well Counsellor, I'll spread the word to the Regiment that they are in excellent hands." Wilhelm said with a bow.

"Oh, I have yet to meed the doctor", Dhindara replied. "I won't trust my hands much with treating them. My power is the mind."

"I meant mentally of course, sorry." Wilhelm says with a slight bow. "Well Fräulein Vrel if there is anything else? I have quite a mess to organize." Wilhelm motioned to the general untidiness of the room, "Do stop in from time to time..."

Chuckling at the use of the out-dated mode of address Dhindara nodded. "You know where to find my office, right? I'm sure that come the end of the day I will, too. Just stop by when you need something, even if it's just a conversation in German." She turned to the door. "Auf Wiedersehen."

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marine Regiment CO

Lieutenant Commander Dhindara Vrel


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