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Culture Comes to Typhon (part 1)

Posted on Sat Apr 9th, 2016 @ 10:21am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Darius Cayne

1,028 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Typhon


It was the day before the festival began and ships were arriving from across the galaxy for the event.

Raven was again on the Arthurian. She'd linked the Starbase Intel department with that on the Arthurian and was checking each ship as it arrived to make sure each was registered against the Intel database. So far, it was a slow and tedious process.

Darius had heard Raven came back on board and felt the need to join her. Even though he was the Captain of the Arthurian, he still found himself with little to nothing to do. Besides, after the night they had together, he was interested in finding out whether or not it was just a one night thing or a permanent situation.

As soon as the doors opened, he was met by the Chief Intel Officer who was eagerly cleaning his already cleaned glasses. "Sir... Sir.. Sir."

"Yes, Lieutenant Williams." Darius said softly, stopping to speak to man.

"She... she.. she is... touching everything." Williams replied, emphasizing his words so Raven would hear him.

Darius looked over to Raven, than back to Williams as he cleared his throat a bit. "One would think that, in order to use the console, Commander Addams would have to touch it."

"But... but... but why does she have to... to... to touch it.. with.. with.. her dirty hands. I don't know where her hands have been. Do you? Does anyone? Does the Commander have to come into my clean, sanitary, orderly, and efficient office in order to do work she could clearly do in her own dirty, unsanitized, unorganized work space?" William said firmly as he took a few steps forward and quickly pointed towards Raven. "She is shedding her skin all over my console! Please advise security. No... don't advise security. There is no telling where that Gorn has been either. Get someone clean to promptly remove her from my work area."

Darius took a deep breath as he took a step towards the Lieutenant and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Lieutenant.." He said softly as William's took a step forward so the Captain would no longer be touching his shoulder. He than began to wipe his shoulder with a sanitized wipe. "Lieutenant, our job here is to serve as the Garrison vessel for Typhon."

"Yes... but.." Williams replied, but was soon interrupted.

"And as you know, I have extended our ship and her capabilities to the Commanding Officer of Typhon and his senior staff." Darius continued.

"Yes, Sir... I know.. but.." Williams again tried to speak but was interrupted again.

"And, as the Commander is the Chief Intelligence Officer of Typhon, she is welcomed to come on board and use our facilities if she finds that our capabilities will serve her needs far better than the ones on Typhon." Darius added as he took a soft breath and concluded. "Now, Lieutenant, wouldn't you consider our Intel capabilities better than the ones on Typhon?"

"Yes, Sir... but.. but... " Williams said softly before shouting as he pointed to Raven again. "She is getting her... bacteria all over my console!." Suddenly he slammed his latex covered hands onto the console and leaned forward towards her as he narrowed his eyes and spoke in a stern tone. "And don't you look at me with that grim covered face. You are turning my sanitized office into a bio hazard. Your presence is disrupting my clean and orderly universe!"

"Lieutenant!" Darius yelled firmly as he took a step forward. "I think its time for you to take a walk and settle down."

Lieutenant Williams looked over to Darius, than back to Raven, than back to Darius again. He looked like he was on the brink of a panic attack. He was breathing quickly and sweating. "Feel free to keep my Sanitary Wipes, Commander. I have plenty more."

Raven was more than a little tired of the continual complaints about how unsanitary she was. Nothing she said or did made any difference. When she heard Darius' voice she turned and smiled. She left the console and walked over to the Captain and hugged him, taking a perverse pleasure in shocking Williams yet again. "Hi. I'm glad you came." She glanced over at the Chief Intelligence Officer and smiled beatifically before turning back to Darius. "If you've got a few minutes, I'd like you to come into the lab with me. I'd like to spread some...bacteria and skin cells around."

"Here? Now?" Darius replied with a shocked tone. He looked over to Williams, than to Raven as he leaned forward and whispered softly. "It's the sword, right. Chicks dig the sword."

She couldn't help laughing at the comment. "No," she whispered back, "It's the man wearing it. And, much as I like the man's company, I have a strong urge to send your lieutenant into fits of apoplexy."

Williams eyes widened as he stood there mumbling incoherent words. Soon he spoke up, his voice slightly high pitched. "Well.... I... There has got to be a rule about this sort of behavior! You can't just come in here and... I am going to take this straight to the top." The Lieutenant said just before storming out

Darius laughed slightly, still holding Raven in his arms as he looked down towards her. "You know, that job offer is still up in the air. Honestly, at this point, I will take anyone over that guy."

"I know," she said, her voice still soft. "And I appreciate it, I really do, but I don't want to leave my position on Typhon." She kissed him briefly. "But I'll be here to help when you need me."

"Well, expect me to ask for your help, a lot." Darius replied with a smile before he leaned back down and kissing her again.

(To be continued...)

Commander Raven Addams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Captain Darius Cayne
Commanding Officer
USS Arthurian

Lieutenant Williams
Intelligence Officer
USS Arthurian


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