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A Kind Welcome to Command

Posted on Sat Apr 9th, 2016 @ 8:40am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Lady Ebele [Mabrade] & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Commander Raven Adams

3,417 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Kindness Place


Rii'Na had been slowly meandering around the Promenade, Commanders didn't always get a chance to just wander and take in the sights. She had been taking the opportunity as she had been invited to dinner with Captain Mabrade. A way of getting to know each other away from the pressures of Command and rather sensible at that. He had mentioned 'Kindness Place' was where they were to meet, by the name alone it sounded like it would make for a wonderful setting.

Rii'Na had her hair down and nicely framing her face and earring. She wore a nice Deep Red dress, one that nicely finishe bd just below the knee and was more flowing in the skirt. A pair of low heels matching close in colour finished things off. As she wandered along she saw some signs and a pair of Klingon women at the entrance to what appeared to be the right spot. She steped up looking between them.

"Qa'Pla Ladies. I am new to the Station and am feeling lost. Is this Kindness Place? I am supposed to be meeting Captain Mabrade here. I have just been taking in the 'sights'."

"You have come to the right place." The shorter of the two sisters nod.

"Lady Ebele and the staff welcome you to Kindness place." The taller sister ended the sentence, obviously practiced.

"That is a relief." She blushed. "Haven't got my bearings yet." She looked around from the door for a moment. "Looks quite inviting."

"The Lady takes pride in the appearance of her place." he Taller added.

"We thank you for your business." The smaller one managed to get out as scripted for a gentle ambiance.

"Please forgive my lapse in manners, I am Rii'Na Ashe; a daughter of Bajor and the new Executive Officer."

"According to Lady Ebele..." Mabrade came in close to Rii'Na. "Ranks and such are often left at the door." He said and looking at the Klingons, the taller one nearly eye to eye with him. "Warriors." He complemented.

"Always a pleasure Mabrade." The Taller had a twinkle in her eye as she looked his physique over, again. "Will you be staying late again?"

"Dinner with ... friends." He nod and put a hand to Rii'Na's lower back to guide her along s gentlemen should. "But we will be late if we do not get a move along." Mabrade escorted his Executive Officer through the bar to the restaurant side.

"Latinum is mine." Kersa said the Taller one while admiring him a he moved. "Stamina by the looks of him, not frail."

Raven was dressed in black leather pants and a black leather vest over a deep read silk blouse. She had arrived early to chat with Lady Ebele and to make sure they had a good table. She saw Mabrade and a woman enter the restaurant and stood to catch their attention. "Hello," she said as the other two approached.

Rii'Na felt the gentle hand and flowed on through with Captain Mabrade. "Good Evening Mabrade, sir." Not sure if they would be informal enough or comfortable enough to be on first name terms. Ashe saw the lady dressed in black leather, the command staff would all have to get to know each other eventually so now made perfect sense.

"Good Evening. If I have been reading the personnel files correctly you would be Miss Adams, Raven; if memory serves me. I am Rii'Na Ashe, pleased to meet you."

"I am, indeed," Raven replied, standing to give the woman a half-bow. "Welcome to Typhon."

"Sorry for being the last to arrive." Mabrade interjected. "The station always seems to want to take all my time when it comes to me getting away. The sheer reporting required to constitute the Lock Down gives me a headache." He chuckled. "But now that Lurch and I have it under control what say we sit down and have an evening of good food and conversation?"

Raven waved to the table. "If you don't mind, I asked Lady Ebele to set aside a corner table for us. I prefer sitting on the edge of the room instead of in the middle," Raven said. "Please, have a seat."

"That is very thoughtful. Thank you and thanks for the warm welcome. I am still working at finding my way around." Rii'Na replied as she took a seat. "This Kindness Place looks wonderful. I will be looking forward to meeting this Lady Ebele. It seems like she gives a lot of herself. The Prophets would surely be shining on her."

Raven smiled. "She does a great deal, yes. Typhon is pleased to have her set up shop here." Raven was aware of how Lady Ebele did business and she had to admit, it was impressive.

"If that is the calibre that is attracted to this place then the Prophets have truly blessed it. Once I get things in order I'll be looking forward to truly seeing what could happen. If the service is so wonderful, the food must truly be a treat." Rii'Na replied. "I have been a little ship bound and more planet side postings. This is my first station posting."

"That's one advantage of a starbase," Raven said. "You get a wonderful variety of shops on the promenade, and a great deal of traffic."

I will have to remember that. So, shall we order? I can't wait to try it. I hope the company will make it even better. I'm slowly getting used to all of this. Being an XO is responsibility, dedication and keeping on top of your homework." She said with a giggle. "This was quite the assignment to be given."

Raven nodded. "I hope you enjoy being here. I recommend the Terran pasta. The chef uses red peppers to perfection."

"I'm open to new things. I wonder if they make Hasperat? Would be nice to be able to stop by for lunches. Captain? You seem rather quiet, Mabrade, Sir." Ashe replied.

"Never interrupt a lady." Mabrade said as he helped seat Rii'Na before he took his own seat. "Besides I have to take the conversations too much so this time I will just wait my turn."

"If we left the uniforms at the door then the turns can be whenever you wish. So, do we go by last names, first names? I would hope for us all to be comfortable around each other. No need for tension amongst those that have to deal with such from others." Rii'Na replied accepting the tuck in.

"Landon or Mabrade." He began. "Defiently not Sir or Captain." He chuckled. "I am in good company so what is comfortable is what goes."

"Captain Mabrade." Lady Ebele came over to the table with a small glass of wine in her hand, passing it to the Risan waitress as she went by. "It is always my pleasure when you come into my humble establishment." She greet. "I hope you are satisfied with the table it is as ou required for teh freedom of conversation. Just one of the services we Offer at Kindness Place."

"Thank you Lady Ebele." Mabrade said graciously. "This is Rii'Na and Adams who are my close work companions." He introduced. "I thought they should try your excellent restaurant of course."

"Miss Rii'Na, Miss Adams." Ebele gave a courtesy in her fashionable long dress. "I am Lady Ebele; humble owner of Kindness Place, I hope you will enjoy the experience and if there is anything you need please call upon me."

"Lady Ebele and I have done business," Raven said, nodding to the half-Ferengi.

"I am so honored." Lady Ebele bowed slightly. "It is always a pleasure to have Raven in Kindness Place."

"The honor is mine," Raven replied, giving Lady Ebele a small half-bow in return.

"Lady Ebele." Rii'Na said with a slight bow from her seat. " Nice to meet you."

"The Captain has a very good customer relation with Kindness Place." Ebele added.

"Only because your Chief knows how to cook a mutton." He looked at Lady Ebele. "You could tell me where you came by the real meat?"

"It was only a trifling but if yu wish to know I could put down as a small favor?" She smiled.

"I will just accept your hospitality then." Mabrade avoided the deal tactfully. "Why ruin the mystique of it?"

"Very well." Ebele smiled with closer to human teeth than Ferengi approximately between the two racial traits with more leaning to her human heritage.

"You are very well loved, my lady. The Prophets have smiled on you. I look forward to the food. I hope I will be as welcome on the station as you are. Bajorans don't always fit in so well." Rii'Na said, almost going quiet at the end.

"I have yet to meet a Bajoran I could not allow in my place, Kindness Place is a place for all and my honor to serve." Ebele said to the Bajoran woman.

"A place truly of genuine kindness. Thankyou, Lade Ebele. I have a feeling I will be around for a while. Feel free to call me Ashe. I have been slowly getting comfortable with the Federation customs." Rii'Na replied, smiling quite genuinely.

"As you wish Miss Ashe." Ebele gave a warm bow.

"I have gotten recommendations about the Terran Pasta. I will try it; but just to ask, the Chef does know a few Bajoran dishes? It is always nice to have a slice of home when you can."

"She is said to make a great Shinga Root." Ebele said. "It is a popular dessert."

"I will most certaily try that, with great thanks. I hope she makes the sweet sauce to go with it."

"I am sure that you will enjoy it as though you were on Bajor, we pride ourselves on home cooking." Ebele smiled.

"That is perfect, thankyou Lady Ebele." Rii'Na replied warmly.

Billy Jo Rhodes had a hankering for some good food, and Kindness Place was the best place this side of Tennessee. So, dressed in her finest denim skirt, bright blue country-style blouse cowboy boots, she headed for the Promenade.

The waiter escorted her to an empty table in the back, right past the table with Landon, Ashe, and Raven. "Hold on, honey," she said to the waiter. I just need to stop for a sec."

"Hi, y'all!" she said cheerfully to the three at the table. "I don't want to interrupt your meal, but I have yet to meet the new first officer." Billy Jo grinned at the newcomer. "You must be Commander Rii'Na. Aren't you as cute as a bug in a rug? I'm Billy Jo Rhodes. I run the shipyards out yonder."

"I am Commander Rii'Na Ashe, Miss Rhodes." Rii'Na had to pause for a moment. "A bug in a what?" She said quietly, not at all familiar with the reference. She shook her head for a moment. "Some of the more common 'Earth banter' escapes me, I'm sorry."

"Unless you come from Bluegrass country, it wouldn't be very common," Billy Jo laughed. "It's just my way."

"Ah. You said you run the shipyards?" Rii'Na queried.

"Yes indeedy," the older woman replied. "I started out over personnel and now I'm in charge of the place. It gives me a chance to take care of my babies."

Mabrade stood and placed his napkin upon the table as is proper with a warming smile upon his face. "Billy Jo, it is good to see you again." He bow slightly. "Please forgive me for not getting back with you sooner I have been busy of late and neglectful of my ..." He could not think of the words. "appointments. We are still planning that working lunch I suggested are we not?" He asked in a pleasant; almost passive, tone."

Billy Jo noticed the tone of his voice. He was definitely acting like a proper commanding officer. She, however, didn't bother standing on formality. "Honey, I know you've been busy. That little ol' lock down musta kept you hopping. Ain't no skin offa my teeth. I've had plenty to keep me occupied."

"Then Could I have Lurch see to the arrangements?" Mabrade said with a sly grin. "I look forward to what you have planned for the three ladies?"

"Sure. Just ask him to prepare some of those tea cakes of his. That man will make some woman very happy one day," Billy Jo said.

"Three ladies? I really do need to catch up on my paperwork! I feel like I am so out of the loop." Rii'Na exclaimed. "It's never nice to start from less than scratch."

"The Ladies in question are Sabre Class star ships being refit by Billy Jo and her crews at the Shipyards." Mabrade chuckled and looked to Billy Jo. "I should choose my words more carefully in this group." He smiled. "We have some thing to go over and I have been remiss in my follow through when it comes to Miss Billy Jo." He winked to her.

"It gave me and my boys time to work up the blueprints," Billy Jo replied. "So it was time well spent."

"Another thing to add to the Grand Tour then. So much to see already. I'm sure Miss Rhodes would be giving them the First Class treatment."

"There's a great deal to see on a starbase this size," Raven interjected. "Unlike a starship, you can't tour it in a few days' time."

"Then there's the shipyards and colony," Billy Jo. "I hope you're planning to stay a spell."

"The Prophets have shown me a new path, Billy Jo. I doubt I will be going anywhere for a while. This is one challenge that they have laid in front of me. I would be happy to have a tour of the Shipyards and these Sabre class 'ladies' in your care. When you can spare the time."

"Honey, I can always spare the time," Billy Jo assured her. "I'm here on Typhon until Captain Mabrade approves the plans for the Sabres, then I'll be heading back to Athena to see how fast we can get the work done. Right now, I'm guessing about six months, if all goes well."

"Just so long as it is one at a time and after..." Mabrade smiled. "This is a no business dinner, I guess that means I am really on the hook for desserts. I owe you at our lunch Billy Jo." He bow slightly. " a gentleman never forgets a promise."

"Then I apologize for messing up your chow time," Billy Jo said. "I'll see y'all later!" She gave them all a cheerful wave and went on to her table.

"Quite a cheerful young lady. She seems like she is quite passionate about her work." Rii'Na said with a small smile. "So, time we all get to know each other. After all, I have the feeling we have a lot of work ahead of us."

Mabrade watched Billy Jo walk away and what table she had chosen. If she were still there after the dinner he might swing by. He seated himself.

"We have three Sabre Class vessels and I am assigning them to be refit; well more of a tune up and a shine of the hull but it will bring them more up to fighting trim and give us a little more of an eyes and ears patrolling about. "Mabrade said. We also have the Arthurian as a resource that will serve us exceedingly well, but then that is work and we agreed this is not a work environment." He smiled. "Is there anything you want to know about me that is not in the records, we are trying to get to know one another so I will open up first and let you get to know what you like."

"Why take up a station posting? This is my first station posting so it has me rather curious." Rii'Na replied, a little shyly.

Raven was curious as to how he would answer the question and simply raised an eyebrow in query.

"I was taught on my home world to master and secure a fortification that protects the surrounding areas. I merely saw Typhon along those same lines. We are a merchant and cultural center as well but we are responsible for protecting Federation Interests and allies out here." He eased back in his chair. "It seemed like what I was trained to do since I was ten years old so I have had a few years to learn it."

"That is a very interesting way of looking at things. The Bajorans have had a rough time of things, we're still adjusting to life after the occupation. Still left a lot of people looking over their shoulder. I felt it better to serve than stay on Bajor, and you Raven? What brought you here?" Ashe asked politely.

"Stability," Raven said, shrugging. "I was an independent merchant before I joined Starfleet. I like the freedom and diversity a starbase offers. And I have good friends here."

"I understand that, all too well. Fleet has treated me well too. What do you enjoy the most about being here. I have been on ships for the most part, I had been wondering what station life would be like. Probably never a dull moment and perfect place for workaholics." Rii'Na replied.

"I have a large office, with more options than I would have on a Starship," Raven said. "I can also work on one of the ships stationed here." She wasn't going to mention that the size of the Starbase gave her the anonymity she needed for some of her other pursuits. "The Tyberius system is only 12 hours away. There's a colony on Tiberius V. And the Promenade here beats a Starship's lounge on all fronts."

"You do not get the quality of Lady Ebele's food on a star ship." Mabrade smiled. "Might I ask what you two think will be the most important thing between us while on the station?"

"The most important thing between us?" Raven asked.

"What first comes to mind with that question , what is a most valuable trait to be shared among the Command Chain?" He rephrased the Question.

"Communication," Raven replied. "Without it you can't work together as a team."

"Trust and understanding; just as much as communication. If we do not 'have the back' of each other, how can others trust us? To be able to know you will be there and understand how we fit together makes for a great team indeed." Rii'Na replied, almost seeming a little heavy with the question.

Raven nodded. "Trust is earned. Respect should be given until trust is earned." It wasn't that she had any reason not to trust the other two, it was more than she was very careful about trusting anyone. There had been three instances when she'd given her trust too soon. Sadly, two of them turned out badly. The third, well, the third she had great expectations that it would lend well.

"Well said, Raven." Mabrade areed. "I like to respect those that earned their rank as it took a process to earn that rank. from there I tend to let the person and I work towards mutual understanding and ten to respect of all goes well."

Raven nodded in agreement.

"Compassion, if you don't have a bit of compassion for each other....that's when communication can break down. A simple lack of compassion can colour a person's decision, have them treat others differently." Rii'Na took a drink, blushing a little.

"A good point," Raven said.

"I was a Tactical Officer with specialty in siege tactics." Mabrade might be joking despite a neutral expression. "Compassion is not a part of siging tactics but I can give it a go."

"What would you both expect of an Executive Officer on a station? I know there is a lot of liason work. It's almost a little daunting." Rii'Na asked quietly. Almost a little embarrassed by it all.

"You're Captain Mabrade's right hand. You're there to assist him, fill in where needed and you're there to liaise with the crew as necessary," Raven said. "In some ways, the Captain is the firm hand and the First Officer is the listening ear."

"Tatical Officer by training." Mabrade said. "I can resemble that attribute." He laughed.

He was going to enjoy this Command Team , he could tell.


Captain Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Commander Ashe Rii'Na
Executive Officer


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