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Culture Comes to Typhon (part 2)

Posted on Sat Apr 9th, 2016 @ 10:35am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant William Huxley & Petty Officer 1st Class Lurch
Edited on on Sat Apr 9th, 2016 @ 11:42am

1,140 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Typhon



Koroth was busy preparing Sickbay for anything that resulted from this festival they were having. Whenever large group of people got together someone was bound to get hurt whether it be a simple boo boo to the ever so interesting and more severe limb dismemberment. Koroth enjoyed the occasional dismemberment, kept him on his toes.

"Doctor, the 50 trays you requested be ready are complete and standing by."

"Good good, what about the bio beds?" he asked

"Those have all been redone with fresh sheets and plush fluffed pillows."

"Exellent! I knew there was a reason I kept you on my staff Penelope. Oh one more thing, the painsticks?" he asked hoping that was done as well.

Penelope sighed,"Yes sir, the painsticks are included into the trays."

"Outstanding!" he shouted as he patted her on the shoulder."We will accomplish many great things this day Penelope, just you watch." Penelope walked away leaving Koroth alone in his office. "Koroth to Captain Mabrade."

=^= Mabrade here. =^= The voice came over the comm link.

"Sir I just wanted to inform you that sickbay is ready and standing by for any medical issue that may arise."

=^= Are your usual reflex testers among the standard equipment of that ready Sick Bay? =^= Mabrade asked.

"But of course Captain, it would not be my Sickbay without them." Koroth replied, trying not to make his grin apparent.

=^= I will make it a point to stay out of your hair Doc. =^= Mabrade chuckled. =^= I just hope you are not kept too busy?=^=

"No sir of course not, is there something you need me for?" Koroth asked

=^= A lot of people going to be at this festival, do you think you could arrange mobile First Aid Stations throughout the festival areas? =^=

"Of course sir, I'll assemble a few teams and head that way." Koroth said gesturing to the nurse to round people up. "Sickbay out." with that he set to work beginning to assemble teams.

[Operations Center]

Mabrade closed the comm channel with the Sick Bay, he had taken a good shot concentrated caffeine with only enough liquid to get it into his system, this was going to be a very long day.

"I wonder if Pain Sticks are against civil Law as a medical..." Mabrade shook his head.

"T-E-A..." The slow lethargic bass tone of Yeoman Lurch was suddenly over his shoulder.

"Thanks Lurch you really are on the ball today." It still amazed him that Lurch was a tall gentleman and still had to get used to looking up at his yeoman. "You know though this is going to be a long day..."

"Keep-them-coming..." He Nod and that low groan/ growl like reply as he turned to depart to his other duties.

"Good Morning Mister Lurch. Tea run, I see." Rii'Na said as she came in. "Madhouse today, best to 'divide and conquer'. Could you be so kind as to bring in a second cup?" She politely inquired.

"Yes-commander-Rii-Nah." He said in his low base voice.

Rii'Na moved on to see Mabrade. "Good morning Mabrade, keeping Lurch busy?"

"You have no idea." Mabrade said calmly. "You have no idea the mountain of data we mottled through."

"So, what can I take off your hands today? It would be better to split the duties up a bit, no one can be everywhere at once." Ashe said with a small smile.

A holographic Raven stood on a nearby console. "One can always try," it said in the voice of Raven Adams. "Good morning, Commander."

"And to you Miss Adams. Busy as well, I see. Something tells me we have some late nights in our future." Ashe smiled.

"No. The time of day is seldom considered when trouble decides it's too quiet," Raven admitted.

"Quite the truth. I am sure this station will produce it's fair share of both noise and silence." Ashe replied.

The bird nodded sagely. "You learn to enjoy the quiet when you can get it."

The turbolift doors opened and Aria walked out, quickly followed by several other security officers all carrying PaDDs. Each of them asking their own questions and asking for orders.
"Tell Beta squad that they need to cover the upper decks of the promenade. If trouble is going to happen, it'll be there" Aria said as she took the PaDD tapped it and passed it back.

She took another PaDD and stopped. She let out an audible sigh. "Tell the Captain of the Rigellian freighter at docking part 56, that he isn't offloading that brandy without a Federation Trade License. If he tries, then we'll have to seize it" she explained. "If he has a problem, tell him to come to me. Or at this rate, make an appointment".

The officer retook the PaDD and scuttled off. Aria turned to the next person.
"I need you to inform gamma team that all Cargo Bays need to be secured. The last thing we want is for anything to go missing, also make sure that we've got a stock inventory of everything. Call Operations to help with that" Aria ordered as she passed yet another PaDD back.

Eventually she made it back to the main security console, where several flashing lights on Typhons MSD were waiting her. "You know what" she said to herself out loud. "I'm never getting breakfast at this rate!" she exclaimed as she tapped the console, and then made a beeline for the nearest turbolift once again followed by several of her security officers.

Aria was having a very busy day.

"Do I need to arrange a breakfast run for the Senior Staff? I think someone is going to have to make sure they are not dead on their feet." Rii'Na commented watching the busy Security Chief.

During his time on the Callisto, William had helped to arrange a few diplomatic conferences. Those was the closest he had come to the cultural event being hosted by Starbase Typhoon. While he didn't have to deal with feuding diplomats this time, the overall scale was bigger than previous events. He arrived on the Ops deck in time to hear Aria ranting about the level of work that had to be done.

"You could make a breakfast run ma'am, but good luck getting everyone to stop running around long enough for a proper breakfast. With everything going on my teams are back-filling the engineering personnel on lower priority but still important tasks. Now we've added inventories to our job list."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Koroth son of Morag
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Starbase Typhon

Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams (Raven)
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Yeoman Lurch
Captain's Yeoman
Starbase Typhon

Commander Ashe Rii'na
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant William Huxley
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon


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