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Infiltrating Typhon (back post).

Posted on Thu Dec 21st, 2017 @ 11:32am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo

1,569 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Shuttle Bay


Lurch was at the shuttle Bay to welcome the new arrivial, he had read her file and had a small box in his hand when she came off the shuttle.

"Miss-Giacomo-?" Lurch said in his slow bass voice. "Captain-Mabrade- wishes -you welcome..." He offered her the box. "Gift."

Serena was the last one off of the shuttle, her normally red hair was currently a vivid royal blue tone, she had a smile on her face, showing off her dimples. At the sound of her name she paused looking around then up...

Way up.... at the speaker as her brows which were a perfect match to the dye in her hair (and the tips of her eye lashes were tinted a slightly lighter royal blue, she was nothing if not consistent with her colors) and arched upwards in surprise. "Hello and thank you I think." she accepted the small box carefully, she did not open it right away. "What now petty officer ...." she trailed off since she did not know his name... she shifted her carry-all and duffle to her right shoulder, still holding the small "gift" in her left hand.

"Lurch..." He said. "Follow -me." HE motioned towards the doors. "Captain -invites-you - to -meet-him." Lurch moved forward and some instinct in others never hindered his movements.

Serena followed behind the gentle seeming giant of a man, quietly amused as folks got out of his way without really being aware of it by the looks on their faces. Her inward thoughts were a blur as the was trying to place the name Mabrade it was not ringing any bells at the moment but then she was not fully aware of all the folks on the station anyway, she was supposed to be on leave at least that had been what old Watson had said to the crew as they were getting off the shuttle from the Galahad. She gave a mental shrug and chalked it up to likely his last get back for previous pranks from her by politely "forgetting" to tell her of her reassignment...

Lurch walked in a calm pace; not seeming rushed in any way to the turbo Lift. When the doors opened he allowed for the young lady to enter with a kind gesture. "After-you."

Serena spoke lightly, "Thank you, Lurch, have you been working with Mabrade for very long?"

The turbo lift went to the Command Center, Lurch lead the way to the Ready Room and entered without ceremony. The Office was not scant but it was not overly adorned, there were a few pictures; probably made from digital type recordings, on the walls and a Handsome broadsword style weapon hanging behind the desk vertically. The desk had the typical monitor and little else other than pictures in smaller frames.

"Please- make-yourself-comfortable." Lurched moved to the replicator and came back with her favorite drink. "Mabrade will be..."

"Lurch did you..." He saw the young woman. "Oh, that is efficient as usual." Mabrade entered. "Sorry I am late some trouble with the flow of things to this celebration on the station." He offered a handshake. "Captain Landon Mabrade, at your service."

Serena had been about to sit down but paused, as the doorway parted again and the Captain entered, she turned towards the doorway and her gray and copper brown eyes widened, she knew that face. Her cheeks went a rosy pink (which would have clashed mightily with her natural red tresses) but as it was it only brought out the vivid of the royal blue tones. "You are not still mad about that hair ball incident are you?"

"Is that the only things you think I might be mad about 'Kitten?" Mabrade raised an eyebrow. "I seem to recall several chewing by Dogs of my things?" He said. "And I do not recall owning a Dog?"

Serena laughed softly, "I did replace what that boston terrier chewed. If there was another chewing I am sorry i missed it." she said lightly, though she was trying to remember just how many dogs had chased after her during the time she had worked with him. Surly it had not been that many... A Boston terrier, a Chow mix but that had not gotten to follow into any quarters or anything, a Shitzu, and wire haired terrier. The Bermese had been an actually nice dog so had not been any trouble to her. The Pit Bull had looked like a real tough case but had been the sweetest dog she had ever met. Maybe the English setter? She just was not sure...

"It is good to have you back in the digs again." He chuckled. "I just hope I do not get a reputation of having a cat causing trouble..." He laughed. "A commanding Officer with a cat that would be a terror, I think that might be counter productive." He moved to bring her into a hug. "I have few friends left so I tend to try and keep them close, it is good to have you back."

"Nice to see you too, you scoundral I will try and keep out of trouble but you know me if i prank someone or tell off an admiral well I will pay my dues." she said with a delighted laugh and returned the hug to one of her best friends, whom she'd never learned his family name until now, though when they worked together it did not help that their co at the time never applied the same family name to him so she'd just gotten used to calling him Landon. She really should have cleared that up sooner but then getting reassigned well she'd been busy since the last time she saw him. "So Commander of a station you like it or are you trying to get out of a mad house^"

"A man's station is his castle." Mabrade said knowing the fact he was a 'Knight' on his home planet would not be lost on her. "NO I am quite fond of this place and it is a never ending challenge."

"Okay good, glad you are not here on punishment or anything." she grinned, "From what I hear, you are already pretty covered for intelligence why did you want me here in the mix?"

"Big station and you are the best infiltrator in the business, you get to places no other on the staff could hope to get to and we have ... friendship so I know you have my back." He smiled. "I have to learn the new crew so having one steadfast person is a boon. " He chuckled " Officially, but in reality you know I always surround myself with trusted friends so we can achieve more. You are part of that mix; as you call it, so I am surprised by the question. I told you how welcome you are around my fireplace, that has not changed."

Serna nodded with a smile, "True enough on most of that. You know I try to look out for my friends even if I get myself into trouble doing so." She paused a moment and gave a wry grin, "Just want to be sure I mean I did accidentally ruin a date between you and Lt Vanessa Walsh before I got reassigned." she shrugged. "Just making sure I am not going to outstay my welcome."

"My word as a Knight of the Far Side Realm." Mabrade used his title from his home world. "You will never outstay a welcome, my friends are cherished like treasure."

"You and that flowery talk, is so going to get into some real trouble some day." she said with a smile that was both playful and genuine. "Good thing I am near by now to I can drag you out of it." she paused and added, "So are you going to show me around this place or do I have permission to go 'exploring' on my own as long as I keep my whiskers clean?"

"I think showing you around would only make you want to go where I missed." Mabrade grinned. "You have a certain curiosity that I do not try to suppress. Explore on your own but keep me updated when you find anything." He winked. "ANd my Security Chief is a pretty firey little one herself, you can trust her as well. My yeoman LUrch will be always open; you cannot miss him, the only man who makes me look short. He is a good man and I trust him with all my official secrets so you are welcome to talk to him freely." He offered her an open arm Hug. "I missed having you about, life is not as... interesting without you."

"Interesting I can do interesting." she gave him a hug, "I will try to keep out of trouble for a week no promises after that." a full week was also a stretch but she was going to try....

"Best news I had all day, maybe I should take leave time while I have an open window of quiet?" He hugged her back. "THere is a nice weekend I have been wanting to ask a COmmander about of late; your arrival and promise might give me time to act upon it?"

"Sure go have fun and i will try to not piss everyone off while you are gone." she said with a delighted laugh.



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