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The first plague (Beginning)

Posted on Fri Dec 29th, 2017 @ 9:05am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant JG Terry Wu & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & N'alae t’K’manatran

1,339 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Space surrounding Typhon


The SS Madagascar plowed along at a fine clip of Warp Four; the supply run was going to make a minor stop at Typhon to top off the cargo manifest, a shipment of Mining Tools waited on the docks.

Captain Donovan had a cup of Java at the perfect temperature, the cream had cooled it enough to be drank with the sweet of six sugars for taste. So he had a sweet tooth, reclining in the Captain's chair he looked forward to another few hours to the Typhon outer marker then a leisurely sail into Typhon for loading.

With all things being average he guessed maybe four hours for loading then back onto the run.

The Proximity alarms sounded ; Collision alarms echoed suddenly as the ship's crew began to scramble to see what the problem was. Who could have been coming in so close as to hit them?

"The Sector not large enough..." Donovan asked when the Targeting klaxons added to the echo. "We are being targeted... this close to Typhon!?" He growled and hit the Red Alert. "All hands to combat stations..." He a was civilian commanding Officer, his defense would not be much.

[Across the Astrial Unit]

The Ferengi Trader Lucky Latinum could only send out a distress call; her engines were heavily damaged, the Impulse Drive smashed and without Main power the batteries would only sustain them so long.

This is not to be thought of as a profitable situation in any way , shape or form...

[Typhon Present.]

Captain Mabrade was all but pacing, the fact he had nearly a half dozen varied reports of Pirate activity in 'his' sector was an appalling ratio; the fact he could have a task force here within hours made it all the worse. Why were the Pirates being so Brazen; could they possibly think they could harass or Blockade the station? Attacking the supply lines is a type of Siege tactics, but to do so where the Fleet HQ was seemed to be unwise.

He had called for a meeting of his best advisers and Officers to see what could be done with this. He was one Sabre Class down for repairs; cutting his patrol by one third; but he did have the TGT organization that might be able to help and other Garrison ships he could call into action.

What he needed was some input; the readiness reports and any information that might be on the 'Grapevine' about Pirates wanting something?

He would have to wait for his staff to get here and just go with the facts.

Not the best start of the day to be sure.

Raven was carefully monitoring the new pirate activity in the area. It was unusual, to say the least. It had been a long time since pirates had attacked. She'd been working closely with Darius to make sure they knew as much information as they could.

She walked into the room and nodded to Mabrade.

Khiy entered the station's ready room and took a brief moment to get his bearings. Being a civilian he wasn't usually privy to the official affairs of Starfleet, and thus had never been invited to this war room of sorts. Given the details of the PADD he firmly gripped in his hand, however, he had little question why he and Nalae were extended an invitation this time. The last few hours had been a disaster for TGT and he was eager to know what information Starfleet had.

Despite his sour mood he managed a weak smile to Raven before turning his attention to the commanding officer. "Captain Marbrade, thank you for inviting us."

Raven gave him a knowing smile. After the meeting, she would send him the information she'd gathered on these pirates. She should also send the information to Morticia, just in case.

Rakta'jino in hand, Ashe came into the meeting space. She looked around and gave a small wave as she found herself a seat. "Captain, Commander, good to see you both." she gave a small bow to Khiy as she took her seat. "I am still finding new faces, hazard of being on a station I guess."

Raven nodded in return.

"...unless you're into outdoorsy things, and you're not, then Risa is a waste of time for you." Terry said, sauntering into the meeting room with a large cup of coffee in hand, because staff meetings were the best sedative known to man. "Trust me, I've been there. Lots of fun in the sun, surfing, hiking, rock climbing... You should try Argelius II. Great night-life, beautiful people, some of the best cooking you'll ever... Oh, hey, it's time to take a meeting. Talk to you later." He said, tapping his commbadge and looking at the others in the room with the look of a cat that had not only gotten the cream, but the canary and the goldfish, as well. "Everyone." He said with a bob of his head, taking a seat.

"Good to see you, Mister Wu." Rii'Na replied, with a sip from her own mug; savouring the foam as usual.

"Commander Ashe. Good to see you, as well." Terry replied with a nod and a grin. With maybe a little more than his usual amount of playfulness.

N'alae strode into the room with a severe expression on her face. She carried nothing with her except a PADD containing the latest reports on TGT fleet activity gripped tightly in her hand. One briefing room was much the same as the next so she barely spared it a glance as she crossed over to Khiy. She was momentarily aware that her behavior might be considered rude as she felt several familiar presences in the room, but her dark mood clouded over her manners. Reaching Khiy she held up the PADD. "Two more." She said in a low voice.

Khiy resisted the urge to slam his fist on the table. Instead he set his jaw and took the PADD. "Thank you, N'alae. Casualties?"

"A few injuries but no losses in personnel." N'alae replied, rubbing a temple. She lowered her voice even more so that only Khiy could hear what she said next. "However, the Sovah was heavily damaged, and another Ju'day is out of commission."

Raven picked up on N'alae's dark mood, and her comment. "We should talk later," she said quietly. "I want to help."

N'alae looked over at Raven and nodded in acknowledgement.

Because the shipyards were at risk, Billy Jo was invited to the meeting. In spite of the serious nature of the meeting, she smiled cheerfully at everyone. "Hey, all."

Serena walked in, a cheeky grin on her face her hair, no longer dyed vivid blue, allowing her natural red locks to show in the french twist braid that she'd let trail down her back. she carried a large cup of hot chocolate with a candy cane hanging off the rim. "Morning." she said lightly, she took a seat near her Boss and when no one was looking she winked at Wu.

The corner of Terry's lips turned upward a few millimeters, and he flashed a wink back in Serena's direction, his eyes full of mischief as he reached across to brush her foot with his own underneath the table. At least, he hoped it was her foot, and not Raven's. Playing footsie with the second officer might be overdoing things a little.

Serena lightly tapped Terry's foot with her own, her expression gave nothing away but her eyes sparkled with mirth.

The doors swished open and Aria, the stations chief of security strode in. "Well" she said looking around placing her hands on her hips. "Whats with all these expressions? Did I miss something important again?" she asked.

Raven just smiled sweetly at Aria.

Darius walked into the meeting. He took a seat by Raven and looked around for a moment before focusing back to her with a slight wink before relaxing.

Raven gave him a brief smile, glad that he was there.



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